Compare and contrast essay
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
5 Reasons You Shouldnt Care About Your Job Title
5 Reasons You Shouldnt Care About Your Job Title We have to work to take care of the tabs and bear to keep ourselves and our friends and family above water. That’s the absolute minimum and the primary concern. In any case, again and again individuals get messed up in the status of their activity title, and it can make them hopeless. Here are 5 reasons why you should quit stressing over the name of your activity and begin getting a charge out of the way that you have it (and don’t detest it!). 1. You’re appreciatedWhen you accomplish something admirably, you preferably are perceived for your accomplishment and your collaborators as well as supervisor take the opportunity to give you a gesture of congratulations. Possibly your manager tries remunerating your accomplishment in your yearly audit, or maybe you see their appreciation reflected in a reward or a pay increase?If you’re getting this sort of consideration and acclaim when you have earned it-that’s beyond what numerous individuals can say in uninspiring employments they hate.2. You’re not affixed to the deskHaving an occupation with adaptability resembles getting a brief look at the sacred goal. In the event that you’ve got a new line of work where you can set your own hours, or work remotely even piece of the time, or simply trade out when you have to deal with things at home, at that point you have something worth more than any title: work-life balance. Clutch it.3. You’ve got controlMaybe your supervisor urges you to develop your profession and, all the more critically, gives you the opportunity to choose for yourself which openings would do that best. In the event that you have an inclination that you’re consistently picking up something consistently you work, at that point you’re in a truly decent position.4. You’re an assetYou know you’re great at what you do, yet for this situation your manager knows it as well. She has made-and keeps on making an interest in you. You’re trusted to confront new difficulties, given unhampered access to new preparing and other learning opportunities†¦ so, you’re valued.5. You appreciate yourselfDo you really like coming to work each day? Pretty much appreciate what you do? Have a decent working relationship with your associates and chief? Perhaps you don’t love what you do or do what you love, yet that is an uncommon thing in reality. On the off chance that you like what you do, you’re most of the way there. What's more, that is worth more than any title.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Human behavior Essay Example for Free
Human conduct Essay Perusing doesn't make you more intelligent. Do you concur or oppose this idea? Clarify your Modern culture has demonstrated that perusing is identified with advancement in numerous zones of the human life. Today individuals will in general consider perusing an action as opposed to a way to improve one information and ones comprehension of life and individuals around that person. I unequivocally think Reading makes one more astute as well as educated while affecting him with fundamental instruments to triumphs. Perusing has improved the lives of numerous individuals. Have purchased social orders out of troublesome circumstance and improved the manner in which we see life and individuals. Consider books like Karl Marx on how things in the public arena are run and their presentation and you get what perusing can do to simply and individual and individuals by influencing their life’s in positive manners. More brilliant individuals are supposed to be scholarly individuals in light of the fact that, of information on things around them. Envision an individual who doesn't have the foggiest idea how to talk and read instructing you. What jar of effect will have on you. Perusing extends one’s self and broads you to take on things far wide along these lines making you learned in territories you never observed yet have found out about. Without question. Adroitness is has to do with effect of information and seeing just gotten from perusing. Extraordinary things have been cultivated however perusing, for example, new innovation science revelat ions and a lot progressively because of somebody perusing and taking consideration regarding life around the person in question, to improve our investigation. Perusing doesn't make you more intelligent. Do you concur or oppose this idea? Clarify your Modern culture has demonstrated that perusing is identified with advancement in numerous territories of the human life. Today individuals will in general consider perusing a movement instead of a way to improve one information and ones comprehension of life and individuals around the person in question. I emphatically think Reading makes one more intelligent as well as proficient while affecting him with fundamental devices to victories. Perusing has improved the lives of numerous individuals. Have purchased social orders out of troublesome circumstance and improved the manner in which we see life and individuals. Consider books like Karl Marx on how things in the public eye are run and their exhibition and you get what perusing can do to simply and individual and individuals by influencing their life’s in positive manners. More intelligent individuals are supposed to be scholarly indiv iduals in light of the fact that, of information on things around them. Envision an individual who doesn't have the foggiest idea how to talk and read instructing you. What container of effect will have on you. Perusing extends one’s self and broads you to take on things far wide in this manner making you learned in regions you never observed however haveâ read about. Without question. Savvy is has to do with effect of information and seeing just gotten from perusing. Incredible things have been cultivated however perusing, for example, new innovation science disclosures and a lot increasingly because of somebody perusing and taking thoughtfulness regarding life around himReading doesn't make you more brilliant. Do you concur or oppose this idea? Clarify your Modern culture has indicated that perusing is identified with advancement in numerous territories of the human life. Today individuals will in general consider perusing a movement as opposed to a way to improve one info rmation and ones comprehension of life and individuals around the person in question. I firmly think Reading makes one more astute as well as proficient while affecting him with fundamental apparatuses to triumphs. Perusing has improved the lives of numerous individuals. Have purchased social orders out of troublesome circumstance and improved the manner in which we see life and individuals. Consider books like Karl Marx on how things in the public arena are run and their presentation and you get what perusing can do to simply and individual and individuals by influencing their life’s in positive manners. More intelligent individuals are supposed to be scholarly individuals on the grounds that, of information on things around them. Envision an individual who doesn't have the foggiest idea how to talk and read instructing you. What container of effect will have on you. Perusing grows one’s self and broads you to take on things far wide subsequently making you learned in regions you never observed yet have found out about. Without question. Insightfulness is has to do with effect of information and seeing just gotten from perusing. Incredible things have been cultivated however perusing, for example, new innovation science revelations and a lot increasingly because of somebody perusing and taking regard for life around the person in question, to improve our investigation. or on the other hand her, to improve our examination. Perusing doesn't make you more brilliant. Do you concur or oppose this idea? Clarify your Modern culture has demonstrated that perusing is identified with improvement in numerous regions of the human life. Today individuals will in general consider perusing an action as opposed to a way to improve one information and ones comprehension of life and individuals around that person. I emphatically think Reading makes one more brilliant as well as proficient while affecting him with fundamental apparatuses to victories. Perusing has improved the lives of numerous individuals. Have purchased social orders out of troublesome circumstance and improved the manner in which we see life and individuals. Consider books like Karl Marx on how things in the public arena are run and their exhibition and you get what perusing can do to simply and individual and individuals by influencing their life’s in positive manners. More brilliant individuals are supposed to be scholarly individuals in light of the fact that, of information on things around them. Envision an individual who doesn't have the foggiest idea how to talk and read instructing you. What container of effect will have on you. Perusing grows one’s self and broads you to take on things far wide in this way making you learned in zones you never observed however have found out about. Without question. Savvy is has to do with effect of information and seeing just gotten from perusing. Extraordinary things have been cultivated however perusing, for example, new innovation science revelations and a lot increasingly because of somebody perusing and taking consideration regarding life around the person in question, to improve our examination.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
De-stressing During Finals
De-stressing During Finals This time of year, students and professor alike are feeling the stress of final exams. Believe me, this semester has been hectic to say the least. It is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of academia, but it is just as crucial to keep yourself de-stressed during this time of year. Here are a few tips to de-stress! 1. Plan I am a compulsive planner, but I really see this as a gift. Planning ahead and tackling large projects piece by piece will certainly reduce the feeling of panic that sets in with an approaching due date. 2. Meditate I cant say enough about the importance of taking time to meditate and practice mindfulness, especially in a time of stress. Whether you attend a guided yoga class or simply take 5 minutes to deep breathe, meditation will make you feel calm and ready to take on the world. 3. Eat mood boosting food Leafy vegetables, oatmeal, yogurt, blueberries, and dark chocolate are just a few of the delicious, nutritious foods known to boost mood. Snacking while studying will not only enhance your focus, but will improve your outlook and mood, as well! 4. Exercise Exercising once a day for at least 30 minutes is known to reduce stress, heart rate, and blood pressure, and is known to increase cognitive activity. With two wonderful, free facilities on campus, there is no excuse for skipping out on this healthy stress-crusher! Rachel Class of 2020 I am studying Middle Grades Education with concentrations in Social Sciences and Literacy in the College of Education. Although I now reside in Champaign, I am originally from Vernon Hills, a Northwest suburb of Chicago.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Fiber And The Home And Fiber - 943 Words
[1] T. Koonen, â€Å"Fiber to the home/fiber to the premises: What, where, and when,†in Proc. IEEE, vol. 94, no. 5, pp. 911–934, May 2006. [2] C.-H. Lee, W. V. Sorin, and B. Y. Kim, â€Å"Fiber to the home using a PON infrastructure,†J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 4568–4583, Dec. 2006. [3] M. Abrams, P. C. Becker, Y. Fujimoto, V. O’Byrne, and D. Piehler, â€Å"FTTP deployments in the United States and Japanâ€â€Equipment choices and service provider imperatives,†J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 236– 246, Jan. 2005. [4] R. E. Wagner, R. W. J. R. Igel, M. D. Vaughn, A. B. Ruffin, and S. Bickham, â€Å"Fiber-based broadband-access deployment in the United States,†J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 4526–4540, Dec. 2006. [5] J. D. Angelopoulos, H.-C. Leligou, T. Argyriou, S. Zontos, E. Ringoot, and T. V. Caenegem, â€Å"Efficient transport of packets with QoS in an FSAN-aligned GPON,†IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 92–98, Feb. 2004. [6] Ethernet in the First Mile, IEEE Standard 802.3ah, 2004. [7] Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Networks: Physical Media Dependent Layer Specification, ITU-T Standard G.984.2, 2003. [8] Y.-H. Oh, S.-G. Lee, Q. Le, H.-Y. Kang, and T.-W. Yoo, â€Å"A CMOS burst-mode optical transmitter for 1.25-Gb/s ethernet PON applications,†IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 780–783, Nov. 2005. [9] C. Su, L.-K. Chen, and K.-W. Cheung, â€Å"Theory of burst-mode receiver and its applications in optical multiaccess networks,†J.Show MoreRelatedWayne Williams Essay588 Words  | 3 PagesThere were 28 different types of fibers linking Williams to the murder victims. That can be an overwhelming amount of evidence. This case happened in the 1980s and the evidence presented in the case was crucial to proving Williams guilt. While investigations were going on to determine how victims died, there was a discovery of fibers on the victims’ bodies. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about The Poet by Paul Laurence Dunbar - 494 Words
The Poet by Paul Laurence Dunbar Before we pass on from this world it would be nice if we had left our mark, given our contribution, made our claim in the history of human civilization. Wouldnt it be wonderful to achieve such a goal? Wouldnt it be horrible to have attained that level of recognition and yet be recognized for things you deemed inferior? In the poem The Poet, Paul Laurence Dunbar expresses his remorse at having written superior Standard English literature and yet only be known and praised for his Dialect works. The first way Dunbar achieves this meaning is by his use of language. When Dunbar is talking about standard English poetry he speaks of life, serenely sweet/ With, now and then, a deeper tone (Dunbar†¦show more content†¦He continues to use romantic almost even melodramatic language to bring to mind images of earlier times that were better than the dreary world of his day. In the last lines of the poem the language changes and expresses grief over the fact that the general public only recognizes him for his Dialect works. Dunbar writes But ah, the world, it turned to praise/ A jingle in a broken tongue (Dunbar 7-8). Here he is mocking the Dialect tradition, as he doesnt consider it to be poetry. He refers to it as a jingle, which causes the reader to think of advertisements and selling out. We know that he was talking about the Dialect tradition by his use of the words broken tongue. By calling Dialect tradition a broken tongue, Dunbar is referring to his own feelings that the whites attempt at capturing the African-Americans speech by Dialect tradition is a poor, if not incorrect, representation. Even though not many blacks in the day thought the Dialect tradition illustrated their true speech, they were confined to use what they had. Because that style of writing was so popular at the time, Dunbars Dialect pieces got more notoriety than his standard English; and unfortunately the latter he felt was of higher quality. Another way Dunbar criticizes his inability to escape the brand of a Dialect poet is in the structure of the poem. About three quarters of the poem is Dunbar speaking about his standard English works.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Paul Laurence Dunbar s The Elevator Boy Poet 1654 Words  | 7 Pageswas born. Paul Laurence Dunbar was one of the first African American poets to gain national recognition. (poets) Dunbar graduated high school around the time where racial discrimination was at it’s all time high, so they were not many jobs for the African American race. Due to the lack of occupation Dunbar was forced to be an elevator operator in a Dayton hotel. Although the circumstances were difficult it did not stop Dunbar from succeeding. While working as an elevator operator, Dunbar was ableRead MorePaul Laurence Dunbar1604 Words  | 7 PagesPaul Laurence Dunbar by English 102 August 4, 1995 Outline Thesis: The major accomplishments of Paul Laurence Dunbars life during 1872 to 1938 label him as being an American poet, short story writer, and novelist. I. Introduction II. American poet A. Literary English B. Dialect poet 1. Oak and Ivy 2. Majors and Minors 3. Lyrics of Lowly Life 4. Lyrics of the Hearthside 5. Sympathy III. Short story writer A. Folks from Dixie (1898) B. The Strength of GideonRead MoreAn Interpretation of Paul Laurence Dunbars Poem Sympathy and We Wear the Mask1228 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout African American history, African Americans have used poems as a way of describing the African American condition in America. One poet who was widely known for using poetry to describe the condition of African Americans in America was Paul Laurence Dunbar. Paul Laurence Dunbar was one of the most prolific poets of his time. Paul Laurence Dunbar used vivid, descriptive and symbolic language to portray images in his poetry of the senseless prejudices and racism that African Americans facedRead More ?An Interpretation of Paul Laurence Dunbar?s Poem Sympathy and We Wear the Mask?1194 Words  | 5 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout African American history, African Americans have used poems as a way of describing the African American condition in America. One poet who was widely known for using poetry to describe the condition of African Americans in America was Paul Laurence Dunbar. Paul Laurence Dunbar was one of the most prolific poets of his time. Paul Laurence Dunbar used vivid, descriptive and symbolic language to portray images in his poetry of the senseless prejudices and racism that African Americans facedRead MoreMichael Jackson Sang The Famous Line, If You Wan Na Make The World A Better Place1495 Words  | 6 Pagesfree medium that poets utilize to express their thoughts and emotions. Langston Hughes, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Maya Angelou, and Naomi Shihab Nye’s cultural experiences helped to form their respective views on empathy for others. Although they were not all born at the same time, their diverse upbringings (whether African-American or Middle-Eastern) is what made their lives and work stand apart in eras that made them susceptible to discrimination. All four of these different poets tried to stand upRead MoreAnalysis Of Barbie Doll And We Wear The Mask1147 Words  | 5 Pagesfooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.†- Soren Kierkgaard. â€Å"Barbie Doll†by Marge Piercy and â€Å"We Wear The Mask†by Paul Laurence Dunbar are two pieces of poetry that vocalize the issues of ignorance and unrealistic social standards within society. Marge Piercy is a well-known novelist, poet, memoirist and activist. She was born on March 31st, 1936 in Detroit, Michigan into a family of labor workers, activists and creative women. In her later life, PiercyRead MoreEssay on â€Å"Sympathy†by Paul Laurence Dunbar1797 Words  | 8 PagesWilliams Honors 11 Mrs. Mosier 1 February 2012 Part 1: Exploring the Meaning of a Poem In the poem â€Å"Sympathy†by Paul Laurence Dunbar, he describes himself, trapped like a bird in a cage, symbolizing himself being trapped somewhere he has no desire to be. In the first stanza, the author describes a delightful scene with â€Å"the sun bright on the upland slopes†(Dunbar 2). This might have been the author describing his life when he graduated high school, thinking he had so many options withRead MoreThe Language of the Black Condition and All Conditions: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask†984 Words  | 4 PagesPaul Laurence Dunbar’s poem, â€Å"We Wear The Mask†cleverly talks of the black condition in a language so universal that it could apply to any race of people that tries to hide their emotions from the world in order to survive. Dunbar argues for the reality of the black man’s plight in America, the black mans struggle for equality in the world, and the struggle for peace within. These are circumstances of the poet’s life that influenced his writing of the poem. PARAGRAPH 2: Background informationRead MoreFigurative Devices: Comparing We Wear the Mask and Theme for English B1089 Words  | 5 PagesPaul Laurence Dunbar and Langston Hughes were considered to be early black poets during the twentieth century around the period of civil right movement. â€Å"We wear the mask†and â€Å"Theme for English B†were written in 1895 and 1951 respectively. Even there is approximately 50 years gap between these two poems, the theme that these two poems address is somewhat similar. Even though Dunbar uses symbols as figurative devices while Hughes uses Irony, they both have the same goal, which is to point out theRead More The Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar: We Wear the Mask and When Malindy Sings1725 Words  | 7 PagesPaul Laurence Dunbar was born in a northern town near Dayton, Ohio on June 27, 1872 (Brawley 12). His parents instilled in him the value of an education, and he excelled at the all-white Dayton Central High-school whe re he held the titles of class president, the president of the school literary society, and the editor of the schools newspaper (15). Dunbar was extremely well learned; he spoke and wrote in Standard English, but just as often his poetry was written in black dialect. As one of the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Unit 1 Business Enviroment Free Essays
Describe how John Lewis would be influenced by economic factors in a time of economic recession and economic growth in the UK economy The two economic environments that I would be describing about are recession and growth on the business activities of John Lewis. Growth occurs when more goods are being produced and consumed, and also incomes are rising. During growth people spend more money on goods and services as they have more money to spend and also businesses would invest more and hire more labour as it links to increasing demand. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 1 Business Enviroment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Recession however occurs when people involved in business become more cautious so they cut their spending down and also cut back on their orders as well as making workers unemployed or redundant. Growth affects the business activities for John Lewis because just as economy can change for a business so can demand for products and both could be associated with each other. During periods of growth you expect to see a fairly high demand for John Lewis’ good quality products so customers and potential customers would buy as during this time customers behaviours over money is more care free compared to when its in a period of recession. Mostly you could see John Lewis looking into recruiting more workers as since demand can increase a lot during the growth environment they’ll need more workers to spread out the job load for the employees otherwise if the business didn’t and just overloaded a employee with workload it could de-motivate that worker a lot it would contradict with the theory of Frederick Herzberg about the 5 factors to bring the potential to satisfy in a worker and the other 5 factors to motivate a worker after the you fulfil the factors that bring the potential to satisfy first. Or John Lewis could get the employees internally through transferring existing employees from other John Lewis branches of which are not at a so busy period as some other branches. Since customers and potential customers become more care free on how they spend their money, this is the period within the economy where you’re mostly likely to see customer switching back to their normal spending traits and return to spending money happily on good quality products, so demand in substitute products would decrease around this period. This will benefit John Lewis as sales for the good quality products would be increasing which furthermore could lead to John Lewis recovering from their losses if they were in one and go into break even or begin to start getting profits. John Lewis would buy more stock from its suppliers at this period of the economic environment as when demand increases you must get more supply to meet that demand. Also John Lewis at the time since they buy in bulk from their suppliers they can benefit from getting more stock at a good price that gives good value for money, as usually suppliers would offer you extra amounts of stock if you buy in large quantities. During this period of time interest rates would be low compared to in recession because there isn’t as much financial institutions to try get as much finance as they can from small amounts of borrowings from their company in this period as customers, business etc intend to borrow more money in this period of time as they are fairly financially stable, so to encourage the businesses and customers to begin taking sources of finance they lower the rates. So John Lewis is more likely to start borrowing sources of finance if needed then in the period of growth. Recession affects the business activities for John Lewis because in recessions it causes a drop within demand for most good quality products potential customers and customers use to buy before. As during this period of time customer’s behaviours change to usually only spending on good quality products for what they essentially need but nevertheless if it was a want customers usually look for a substitute product that still meets the needs and purpose of a particular product but is just found at a cheaper price because of the type of brand it is etc. As usually this is when we see customers taking more care of their money and become more cautious on what they spend their money on. When customers change their behaviour in spending it would affect also John Lewis as since it’s concentrated solely on selling good quality products at high prices they would suffer from a reduced amount of income coming into the business at times of recession. Therefore businesses would usually cover their losses and begin unemploying workers at the business so it reduces businesses costs in the long term. As a result John Lewis may start encountering losses during this period of economic recession as most of the products they sell are high quality products which are sold at its reasonable valued price so the price may still be high for most existing customers at the time, therefore sales in these products would reduce. The methods John Lewis would try to recover from the losses in the short term would be to begin unemploying workers and making other employees redundant. However, in recession John Lewis would have a drawback of not benefiting at all from their suppliers as since demand is falling they would buy smaller quantities of stock so you will no longer benefit from getting extra stock as you didn’t buy in bulk, so value for money decreases and also you will still be charged for full price deliveries etc as you have to pay for their transport, and the amount you pay is determined by how much they have to travel. In recessions we see interest rates intend to be high as financial institutions would like to benefit as much as they can from small amounts of finance borrowed therefore it can help the economy get out this economic environment quicker. M2 – Compare the challenges faced by John Lewis in the periods of growth and recession Challenges faced by John Lewis in economic period of growth are maintaining a high performance team, managing cash flow and knowing when to say no to the right or wrong opportunities. Managing cash flow is a challenge for John Lewis because when they enter the period of growth they must manage their cash inflows and outflows on a daily basis and avoid getting too engaged in the change of economic environment. Maintaining a high performance team is a challenge faced by John Lewis because they must first make sure they are hiring the right talented people for the job as well to train the employees to the degree of what high performance means for John Lewis. This is very time consuming and costs a lot of money. Knowing when to say no to the right or wrong opportunities is a challenge for John Lewis because good opportunities will strengthen things about John Lewis and will end in a convincing value plan. Whereas bad opportunities will do the opposite to John Lewis and bring their business reputation down and will bring problems to the business. So overall, knowing when to say could determine the business’ future and is very time consuming as you must think thoroughly about the decisions the business as a whole is going to make. John Lewis faced challenges in the recession in our economic environments of which are increased unemployment, economic uncertainty and the engagement of employees. Increased unemployment is a big challenge for the recruiting department of John Lewis because as unemployment is rising so are the number of applicants looking for jobs therefore the recruitment department would need to work even harder to make sure the select the right talented worker as well go through all the application. This is time consuming and costs the business money. Economic uncertainty is a challenge for John Lewis because since government spending is reducing, debt crisis and looming threat of recession are occurring; John Lewis can’t manage to keep reducing their costs forever so they direct their new attention into growth and expansion in order to find a method to get out of the period of recession. Engagement of employees to John Lewis because during difficult economic periods their employees must be supported well and efficiently so labour productivity can stay at a fairly stable level to keep the business running properly. So overall challenges faced in recession are tougher than challenges in growth for John Lewis because more money tends to goes out of the business rather than in as during the recession they have to pay redundancy, deal with loads of applications for jobs, pay the usual business running costs as well as lower prices for their products and services customers are more cautious over their spending. Whereas during the growth period money coming into the business and out can seem to break even or you will get more money coming in then out. This is because during growth customers’ behavior over spending tends to be more carefree and also John Lewis won’t have to keep their lowered prices like in recession because they could still manage to sell their products and services at a higher cost. Also in growth since demand is likely to be higher, business costs for stock and materials will be better value for money than to recession as you don’t buy in bulk as much during recession periods unless the product or service is a substitute to expensive versions of the product or service. So John Lewis could benefit more from their suppliers during growth periods. How to cite Unit 1 Business Enviroment, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Ecological Systems Theory Frame Quantitative †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Ecological Systems Theory Frame Quantitative. Answer: Introduction: The given case study is about Sam who did not really understand what his culture meant. Eventually he picked up bits and pieces to form a whole idea about the fact that culture is in a lot of things and it is not just in the language one speaks, or the clothes they wear or the food they eat. Culture does not exclude these factors; however, these are not the only dimensions describing a culture. He eventually realized that culture is in the customs, in the ideas, social behaviours and group behaviours, for instance family. Further on he understands that as important as it is to be proud of ones own cultural behaviour, It is also essential to respect the other diverse cultures, their beliefs and values, their social behaviour and everything that comes with them. According to Urie Bronfenbrenner, an American psychologist, the life of a human being consists of interactions among a number of ecological systems that forms since the birth of a child (Neal and Neal 2013). According to his theory, a child is enmeshed in a number of ecosystems starting from the most intimate ecosystem, that is, home, moving towards, the school, and towards expanded ecosystems like that of cultures and society. According to him, the various ecosystems were the Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem and the Chronosystem (Onwuegbuzie, Collins and Frels 2013). In the present case, Sams Microsystem or his immediate family who were there while growing up were his parents. Although he was born and brought up in Melbourne, Australia, His parents originally came from England. Sams Mesosystem included his two older brothers who lived apart from the parents in a shared apartment which was closer to their Universities. This is a norm that happens in most Aussie families where the children move out after reaching a certain age. His parents taught him how it is essential to be able to respect diversity. The fact that Sams origin was from England, yet they were living in Australia and living a comfortable life must have been the Exosystem for him. Sams Macrosystem consisted of embracing all sorts of diversity although his family did not have any specific religious beliefs, however they did celebrate common holidays like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and also had big birthday parties. Therefore, Sam understands the true meaning of his cultural ident ity, that it is the amalgamation of all the mentioned factors. Colonisation The following piece is about the colonisation that took place in Australia by the British due to which the aboriginal Australians had to face a number of hardships. The Aboriginals of Australia live in harmony for fifty thousand years, where they were very close to their families, respected their elders, worked hard to hunt and gather food, and had a varied and rich culture of music, dance and art. They were independent and resourceful. However the British invade their land in the year 1788, and found that it would be difficult to colonize in presence of the huge population of the aboriginal Australians. The British viewed them as lowly and treated them as slaves, restricted their lands, destroyed all of their weapons which in turn caused the Australian natives to starve. The British introduced various domestic animals like rabbits, goats, sheep, which caused a breakout of innumerable diseases, thereby affecting the native population even more. The British did not just stop here; they figured that the native culture would stop spreading if the children were reared differently, with different cultures and sets of values. In order to achieve this goal, they separated about 100,000 native children from their families to be raised into British families. This was enough cause for trauma to both the children and the parents. The children however were not treated as equals to the British children and had to go through acute discrimination, physical and mental abuse in addition to stress of adopting new cultural identities management. These atrocities caused the native people to be devoid of their children, without any assurance of them being returned. All the atrocities that the Aboriginal Australians had to go through, from losing their lands to their children, most of the population fell deep into depression and involved themselves in drugs and alcohol to cope with the situation The human Rights Commission made inquiry about these devastating practices in 1990 and realized the devastating effects that the British invasion had caused. Ten years after the report, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a National Apology to the natives in 2008. References Neal, J.W. and Neal, Z.P., 2013. Nested or networked? Future directions for ecological systems theory. Social Development, 22(4), pp.722-737. Onwuegbuzie, A.J., Collins, K.M. and Frels, R.K., 2013. Foreword: Using Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory to frame quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research. International journal of multiple research approaches, 7(1), pp.2-8.
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