Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Facts, Fiction and Gre Essay Topics 2012

Facts, Fiction and Gre Essay Topics 2012 Things You Won't Like About Gre Essay Topics 2012 and Things You Will If you are thinking about why, it's because it isn't in any way easy to grade your essay instantaneously. The grader should see what you are attempting to say, by reading once. The essay graders know that you simply get 30 minutes to compose each AWA essay and in addition, they know that you won't have the ability to cover every potential argument, reason and rebuttal. Craft highly unique on-line essay grader free of charge. So, within this lesson, you will secure a look at some published issue essay prompts. No very good writer under sunlight writes two exactly same sentences in one essay or article. One of the absolute most important features about a compelling essay is its capacity to convince the reader by way of sound logical reasoning. There's also some fine selection to the sentences. Choosing Good Gre Essay Topics 2012 Your essay should have effort and attention, however don't forget that it is merely part of the whole application procedure. You are able to then practice replicating successful connections between ideas in your practice essays. Critical judgment of work in any certain field has little value unless it comes from a person who is a specialist in that area. Be certain that your GRE practice focuses on the ideal question types and test format for the version that you'll be taking. What You Should Do to Find Out About Gre Essay Topics 2012 Before You're Left Behind Students shou ld always question what they're taught rather than accepting it passively. No longer will they have to take the test without the ability to return to prior questions, something that might not fit their own best test-taking strategies. College students should base their selection of an area of study on the access to work in that area. Therefore, many students and employees decide to obtain low-cost essay rather than writing it themselves. Gre Essay Topics 2012 for Dummies At this time you've got to be in a position to understand the differences between both topics you'll be presented with. The cost of an essay is dependent upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. Substance matters more than every other factor in regards to your essays. Each topic includes a claim or statement of a matter, followed by specific instructions about how to respond. Ask yourselves these 2 questions when you're writing the essays. Any of the aforementioned questions can be applied a s a GED essay topic, and you need to be prepared to react to such prompts. Essentially, issue essay is all about how you perceive the given topic. In the issue essay, you will be supplied a topic that's debatable. Not only do you have to read through GRE sample essays, but you must also look for topics on which you are able to write GRE sample essays yourself and have them evaluated. Descriptive essays may be the easiest essays to write, after you think of a superior topic. In various other tests, you will be shown the gre essay topics to write about. It's here that you're told to pick the gre essay topics to write on. Since you may see, the longer the essay, the greater the grades. Before writing the toefl essay, you should be able to recognize the essay kind and select the appropriate essay pattern this important english lesson. The grading happens instantaneously, and after you submit your essay, you will get a composite AWA score, together with numerous metrics on which your essay was graded. Nowadays you know what it requires to receive an ideal essay score. If a school is likely to take your greatest GRE score, then you are able to relax somewhat on test one, knowing that it is possible to take it again if you have to. If writing essays isn't your forte, then you must sit up and take stock of the quantity of preparation you're going to need for getting an excellent score in the Analytical Writing test section of the GRE. Most students believe that essay length the only important element in regards to AWA scoring. You will get your essay scores approximately 10-15 days following your t est date. Learn exactly how your GRE scores will be used so that you can craft the proper application strategy for your fantasy school. After all, the GRE Issue isn't a test of knowledge as much since it is a test of how it is possible to use knowledge however restricted to back your position. The significance of a GRE rating can vary from really being a mere admission formality to an important selection issue. So, it's rather safe to say that the AWA score is a significant enough issue in regards to admissions.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How does Iago manipulate Othello in Act 3 - 1717 Words

The timing of events is very important in Act III. Iago anticipates and manipulates the other characters so skilfully that they seem to be acting simultaneously of their own free will and as Iagos puppets. For example, it takes only the slightest prompting on Iagos part to put Othello into the proper frame of mind to be consumed by jealousy. Iago exploits Cassios discomfort upon seeing Othello by interpreting it as a sign of guilt: Cassio, my lord? No, sure I cannot think it That he would steal away so guilty-like, Seeing you coming. Iagos interpretation of Cassios exit, combined with Desdemonas vigorous support on Cassios behalf, creates suspicion in Othellos mind even before Iago prompts him. Othello manifests his confusion†¦show more content†¦Again and again, Iago insists that he speaks out only because of this love. His claim, My lord, you know I love you even echoes Peters insistent words to Christ, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee (John 21:15-17). Othellos rejection of Desdemonas offer of her handkerchief is an emphatic rejection of Desdemona herself. He tells her he has a pain upon his forehead and dismisses her handkerchief as too little to bind his head with, implying that invisible horns are growing out of his head. Horns are the traditional symbol of the cuckold, a husband whose wife is unfaithful to him. Othellos indirect allusion to these horns suggests that the thought of being a cuckold causes him pain but that he is not willing to confront his wife directly with his suspicions. The end of Act III, scene iii, is the climax of Othello. Convinced of his wifes corruption, Othello makes a sacred oath never to change his mind about her or to soften his feelings toward her until he enacts a violent revenge. At this point, Othello is fixed in his course, and the disastrous ending of the play is unavoidable. Othello engages Iago in a perverse marriage ceremony, in which each kneels and solemnly pledges to the other to take vengeance on Desdemona and Cassio. Just as the play replaces the security of peace with the anxiety of domestic strife, Othello replaces the securityShow MoreRelatedJames Bond1736 Words   |  7 PagesMonday: read Act 2 of Othello answer the study questions for Act 1 (they start with # 11, I dont know why!) Well look at the Act 2 questions during class Art: draw 2 faces following the instructions on this webpage: its a lot like the other website, but also a little different, so youll get some different ideas on how to do this. STUDY QUESTIONS FOR OTHELLO Act I, Scene1 11. In Act I, scene 1 why does Iago say he hates Othello? What are allRead MoreMalignant Iago of Shakespeares Othello Essay1721 Words   |  7 Pagesthose who come upon it.   In the tragic play â€Å"Othello† by William Shakespeare, Iago is a character that represents pure evil – a malignant cancer to all those around him.   His evil is exposed through his choice of words, his ability to manipulate people, and his opportunistic ways.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   First, Iago’s evil is shown through his choice of words that demonstrate his vulgarity and his sinister intentions.   Iago’s language is extremely base and forward; he does show any remorse or sympathy in any situationRead MoreEssay on The Flaws of Othello, Murderer of Desdemona1477 Words   |  6 PagesShakespeare’s play Othello, the main character Othello is typically victimized and portrayed as a mere scapegoat of the villainous Iago’s devious plans. However, Othello is not completely void of responsibility for the death of his wife. Othello, the tragic hero, is just as responsible as Iago for his premeditated murder of Desdemona due to his own internal flaws. Specifically, flaws such as his vivid imagination and his self over-idealization are brought to the surface by Iago, which consequentlyRead MoreIago : The Rhetorician Conspirator1680 Words   |  7 PagesDavin Truong Professor Bains English Writing 301 11/13/14 Iago: The Rhetorician Conspirator In William Shakespeare’s Othello, the antagonist Iago is arguably the most heinous villain in all of literature. His ability to shape shift in and out of character is what makes him unique. His tactics are similar to that of a cold blooded chameleon. Iago’s art of persuasion, his mastery of rhetoric as well as his ability to sense his victims’ insecurities and weaknesses, is what makes him so diabolicallyRead MoreThe Significance of Act 3 Scene 3 of William Shakespeares Othello1606 Words   |  7 PagesThe Significance of Act 3 Scene 3 of William Shakespeares Othello Othello was written by Shakespeare around 1602 and was set 35 years previously to that time (around 1571) during the Elizabethan era. Shakespeare got the idea for the play from the Italian Novella Gli Hecatommithi and only changed minor details slightly. He kept the same plot but some of the characters and themes in the play were very different. The play itself is a tragedy and includes the thingsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello And Othello1385 Words   |  6 PagesFor the time Othello was set in, 16th century Elizabethan society held strong socioeconomic roles that governed social statuses. In Shakespeare’s Othello, class positions become a theme that emphasizes power as a major role in relationships. In the case of Othello, a general of the Venetian army, and Iago, one of his trusted advisors, that power struggle is the force that dominants the play and leads to the disastrous and memorable ending. Machiavelli’s treatise, The Prince, examines the dynamicRead MoreEssay on Iago; The Representation of Villainy in Othello808 Words   |  4 PagesDictionary. In Othello, Iago fits this definition perfectly though Othello does not recognize that Iago is his enemy until the end of the story. Iago is the evil-minded, backstabbing character in this dramatic story. He demonstrates this villainy act all th rough out the story beginning with being angry with Othello for not appointing him as lieutenant, his revenge on cassio for taking his place as lieutenant, and setting up Desdemona to look like she is cheating on Othello. His machinationsRead MoreOthello Character Analysis1678 Words   |  7 Pagesmasterpieces and tragedies such as Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear and Romeo and Juliet caused a remarkable turning point in English literature as whole, and English drama in particular.His play Othellois one of his unforgettable tragedies. The play of Othello is the finest example of Shakespeare’s poetic and narrative style. Thus, Shakespeare is known as the most influential dramatist whose tragedies found the way to interact with the audience.Shakespeare’s Othello is about jealousy, revenge and deceptionRead MoreIago, By William Shakespeare1669 Words   |  7 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Othello, the antagonist Iago is arguably the most heinous villain in al l of literature. His ability to shape shift in and out of character is what makes him unique. His tactics are similar to that of a cold blooded chameleon. Iago’s art of persuasion, his mastery of rhetoric as well as his ability to sense his victims’ insecurities and weaknesses, is what makes him so diabolically ruthless. Throughout the play, one can truly see the power of words and their delivery,Read MoreThe Snake: Iago in Othello Essay1248 Words   |  5 Pagesproblems. In Othello, the evil Iago manipulates Othello into ruining his own life in the name of revenge. He tells Othello that his wife, Desdemona, is cheating on him. He presents Othello fake evidence time and time again until he is convinced. Othello is so angered that he murders his own wife, who has done nothing wrong. Only after she is dead, Desdemona is proven innocent. In immense guilt, Othello commits suicide. Iago finally gets his revenge. The character Iago, in Shakespeares Othello, goes from

Monday, December 9, 2019

Cyprus Shipping Industry shiping Management

Question: Discuss about the Cyprus Shipping Industry shipping Management. Answer: Introduction Cyprus is known as one of the largest shipping industries in the world. They hold the position of 10th largest fleet industry in the world. From early 1963, it has implemented their significant purposes towards the social, political and economic development in the shipping industry. The government has implemented different policies, which has attract the shipping entrepreneurs. It strongly influenced the high-quality services and standards of safety. The country has a developed legal system, which effectively works for the civil services, good labor relations, the banking system, developed telecommunication and air links for setup their shipping business. Cyprus has a high level of professionalism in the legal and accounting sectors, which helps to conduct with the business. There are several economic advantages available in the Cyprus shipping industry, which help to make the business strong. The European entrepreneurs of local companies have been provided several facilities, which include favorable tax, annual tonnage tax, ship registration costs, international business enterprises, enough availability of local employees, low operation and construction costs. The shipping industry operates the international fleets with almost 1857 ocean going vessels. It is one of the major ship management centers, which control around 60 ship management companies in Cyprus. It is established in the Eastern Mediterranean countries, which is located in the center of three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. The industry is based on the tonnage tax system, which helps the charter vessels exempted from income tax. It automatically pays the taxes through the tonnage tax system but those shipping are not entitled to capital gain by selling the vessels or transferring the goods. In the year of 1987, Turkey introduced their restrictive measures to the Cyprus flag vessels at the Turkish ports. Before the establishment of the international shipping relation, Turkey has refused to recognize the government of the Republic of Cyprus due to the inter-communal violence that commenced in December 1963. It was ended by the participation of Turkish Cypriot, which was governed by the Cypriot Government. After the situation was managed, Turkey restricted the measures of the shipping industry and extends all ships for connecting with Cyprus (Carter et al. 2015). Discussion In the international maritime center, the Cyprus Shipping Centre makes their antique and strong quality of tonnage and most successful export service with over 130 shipping companies. Cyprus has built the most exceptional maritime infrastructure and high level of expertise, which not only make the impacts in the trade system but also works in the industries of the ship brokering, surveying and maritime insurance. They also offer 24/7 support and emergency service. The Cyprus Flag is considered as one of the highest quality flags, which ranked at the top of the Port State Control Agreement. The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) helps in the development of the shipping industry and effectively works with Department of Merchant Shipping (DMS) (Goldman 2016). Cyprus effectively works on different international sectors, which include the International Labour Organization (ILO), International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). The shipping industry has very attractive operational and legislative shipping frameworks, which helps them to gain advantages in the international and domestic shipping industry. Therefore, within and outside of EU, this shipping industry has developed their international shipping management center (Carter et al. 2015). There are several advantages have been found which help Cyprus to become one the strongest international maritime centers. The advantages are: It is part of the European Union and European Monetary Union member state The Department of Liberal Foreign Direct Investment Regime has allowed and helped the country with 100% foreign participation in every shipment sectors (Ulusoy 2016) The country has not set any exchange control Movements of foreign currency without any exchange policy The tonnage tax which is approved by the EU along with tax incentives The companys operating costs are lower than other shipping industries Modern and efficient legal, accounting and banking services in the companies Several signatory international maritime conventions The Tonnage Tax Regime is one of the best parts in Cyprus, which helps to manage the ship charters, qualifying ship owners and quality ship. They are exempted from income tax on their shipping activities, which include: The disposal by the shipping company for their share The dividends amount which is paid from the profits Disposal of the qualifying ship while rendering the ship management process The interest of share or disposal of qualifying ship The bank interest which earned according to their working capital and shipping revenue where it pays expenses out of the qualifying activities The Cyprus Shipping Management system offers the best services with a long-term and deep commitment to the shipping industry. They offer 24/7 services for recognized as one of the strong record of accomplishment of service. They offer several numbers of services, which include Tax Advisory Compliance Services, Assurance Services, Advisory Services, Global Compliance and reporting and Transaction Advisory Services (Stylianou 2017). The Cyprus shipping management holds the largest Crew management center with 130-ship management, ships owning, and shipping-related companies for operating with the international shipping management system. Greek Cypriot has already added their business with Cyprus in their ship owning, ship management, and shipping-related industries. For providing best services, they have expanded their services in various parts of the European regions, which help to develop their shipping industry to build the long-term business (Ulusoy 2016). Cyprus has a huge source of highly educated personnel, which helps the company with highest benefits in the shipping management system. This shipping industry provides great opportunities for retaining highly trained workforce and helps to face the economic challenge (Goldman 2016). Cyprus Shipping industry provides best global contender for cooperate with 23 countries along with the labor supplying countries. Cyprus is recognized as one of the strongest Global Contenders. The Government of this country has jointly worked with the shipping industry associations such as introduced Cyprus Union of Ship-owners and Cyprus Shipping Chamber (Goldman 2016). Maritime Cyprus is one of the significant conferences which was launched in 1989 for attract 800 shipping executive from around the globe in every corner. This conference helped Cyprus to meet their position in the international shipping management for the establishment of International policy and global shipping trends. Cyprus has made the contribution of amount CYP170 million, which includes 2% of GDP in overall contribution. About 3500 people are employed in this industry, which is almost 2% of the total gainfully employed population (Carter et al. 2015). Cyprus is one of the members of United Nation. They have been collaborated with Council of Europe, International Monetary Fund, Commonwealth of Nations and World Bank. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Agreement (MIGA) are signed by Cyprus for maintenance of foreign relations on shipment. The country followed a non-aligned foreign policy where they mainly grew trade relations with Israel, European Union and Greece (Ulusoy 2016). The non-alignment was introduced by Makarios III, the first President of the independent Republic of Cyprus. However due to extreme pressure, an inter-communal rivalry was formed between Turkey and Greece for the non-aligned movement. However, in 2004 Cyprus is became one of the high profile members of the non-aligned movement and entered into the European Union (Stylianou 2017). After the Greek sponsored of coup d'tat and the Turkish invention, Makarios had secured their shipment policies only with the legitimate government. Therefore, for such disposal by Turkey, it is recognized as Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is established in 1983. After the crisis in Turkey, the country has withdraw the Turkish forces and secured their Island according to the terms of the constitutional and territorial settlement (Ulusoy, 2016). Turkey refused to obey the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. Cyprus ceased to exist due to the inter-communal violence, which occurred in December 1963 where Turkey refused and ended the opportunities to participate in the Cypriot government. Cypriot government full military invasion captured in the Northern part of the island by Turkish military forces and declared their Independence in November 1983 as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). It is only represents Turkey (Goldman 2016). After the independence, Turkey refers to the Republic of Cyprus government and Greek Cypriot administration of Southern Cyprus. After the declaration of independence, the country wanted to negotiate the terms with turkey over the resolution of the Cypress problems and Turkey government and insists to refer the negotiations terms of the shipping business. However, due to the negative impact on Turkey, the European Union had not accepted the accession of the negotiation term. Turkey also re fused to allow Cypriot flagships to access in Turkish ports, which is one of the issues between the two countries (Carter et al. 2015). The Turkish invasion of Cyprus is also known as K?br?s Bar Harekt?, which was occurred due to the Turkish military invasion of the island of Cyprus. In the year of 1974, the Turkish force has been invaded and captured almost 3% of the island. The Greek military force was also captured and collapsed and after the ceasefire, it became the United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus. A year later, in 1975 almost 60,000 Turkish Cypriots was displaced from the south to the north. However, the Turkish military force has been ordered to protect the Turkish-Cypriot minority on the island who has suffered cruelty by the Greek-Cypriots (Cid 2016). However, the European Commission of Human Rights came to help the Greek-Cypriots where they found that the Turkish army repeatedly rapes women of all ages, humiliates hundreds of people, acted savage and tortured them. They were also became cruel with women, pensioners and children in relation to the detention by the Turkish forces, along with robbery and l ooting on an widespread scale, by Turkish Cypriots and Turkish troops (Goldman 2016). In the year of 1983, when the United Nations General Assembly passed the resolution of withdrawal of all occupation forces from Cyprus which form new conflicts with the Turkish Cypriots. In this situation, they declared independence of Turkey. In the year of 1997, the Republic of Cyprus came for a settlement with Turkey about the negotiations. In 1999, EU declared Turkey as the member of EU membership and passed the resolution by the Helsinki European Council (Stylianou 2017). However, the Turkish embargo is still in their force but they have developed their relationship with Cyprus and EU. Several provisions have been introduced which affects the relationship between EU ports and Turkey which are in relation to the carriage of goods by sea and all other operations through the sea trade. The overall application of EU Turkey Customs Union Agreement along with its extension to Cyprus is going to lead towards the lifting of the Turkish restrictive measures against Community shipping and Cyprus itself, with very positive economic effects for the country , regional and Community shipping (Cid 2016). In recent reports, it has been found that the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has assured about their support towards the UN-sponsored peace talks regarding the Cyprus issues. In the joint declaration, they have decided to make the negotiations and reunite with the island in a federation (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2018). The economic gap between the southern and northern regions took the initiative for compromising or settlement of the conflicts. While the invention in Turkey, the presence of Turkish military helps to provide the safety towards the Turkish Cypriot until Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot came for the settlement (Sirkeci and Cohen 2016). Various protocols have been entered upon between the Republic of Turkey and the TRNC for the purpose of regulating the economic relations and existing trade. In the year of 1975, the Trade and Payment Protocol has been signed helps to strengthen the trade and economic relations between both the countries. In 1997, a Partnership Council was formed between Turkey and TRNC regarding the financial and economic issues. In 1998, State Aids in Investments, an agreement was signed between them, which followed to the establishment the trade relation between Turkey and TRNC. In 2000, the economic development programs were introduced and signed another Economic and Financial cooperation protocol for the maintenance of Turkeys financial and technical support (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2018). Conclusion The Turkish Invasion has caused several negative impacts on the trade business with EU. Due to such conflicts, the EU ship managers and EU ship owners refused to accept the terms of sea-trade between the EU and Turkey. It mostly affected the Cyprus port industry in the shipping lines, which is one of the imports transshipment hubs for the Eastern Mediterranean region. However, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus has expressed their great shipment business with Turkey but there are some issues still can be found between the two countries. Cyprus ports competitiveness have been influenced considerably over the last few year. Several actions have been taken through the restrictive measures of turkey. Several actions have been taken for the removal of discriminatory and arbitrary restriction against Cyprus-related shipping and free trade (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2018). An enormous reduction is presented by the transit trade through Cyprus ports caused by the Turkish embargo. Therefore of the embargo, the decrease of transit trade with respect to the Cyprus ports along with its effects on Cyprus economy is accountable for a yearly loss of profit of around 100 million. However, The Republic of Turkey has always supported Turkish Cypriot while they negotiate with the terms for settlement, which will protect them on the island. The Turkish Cypriot side has been found with proactive policies and constructive while processing on the negotiations. They always took initiatives for the solution of the Cyprus problem and tried to collaborate with Turkey for reached appropriate negotiation process. Reference Carter, J., Irani, G. and Volkan, V.D. eds., 2015. Regional and ethnic conflicts: Perspectives from the front lines. Routledge. Cid, M., 2016. The history of Cyprus and its geostrategic importance during the Cold War. Revista de Estudos Internacionais, 8(1), pp.117-134. Goldman, M., 2016. Turkey, Cyprus, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Kavussanos, M.G. and Visvikis, I.D. eds., 2016. The International Handbook of Shipping Finance: Theory and Practice. Springer. zer, Y., 2016. Turkey and the European Union: processes of Europeanisation. Routledge. Salem, N., 2016. Cyprus: a regional conflict and its resolution. Springer. Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J.H., 2016. Cultures of migration and conflict in contemporary human mobility in Turkey. European Review, 24(3), pp.381-396. Stergiou, A., 2016. TurkeyCyprusIsrael relations and the Cyprus conflict. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 18(4), pp.375-392. Stylianou, A., 2017. An investigation into how Greek Cypriots throughout the Hellenic diaspora have been affected by the missing persons of Cyprus from the 1974 Turkish invasion. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand). Ulusoy, K., 2016. The Cyprus Conflict: Turkeys Strategic Dilemma. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 18(4), pp.393-406. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. (2018). Relations with Turkey - Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ordinary Life Paragraph free essay sample

Sometimes in life it is easy to take the small things for granted. The poem, ordinary life by Barbara cooker is subject to irony, starting from the first line to the last. The behavior of the children, the activities of the speaker, and the seasonal characteristics of the day, all prove to be more than ordinary: they are Like an unexpected gift for the speaker and her family. Ordinarily the children are reluctant to leave for school, but on this day they go without a murmur and remember to take their books, lunches, and gloves.At dinner, the usual bickering and poking ceases long enough for the parents to enjoy actual conversation which Is obviously rare. In addition to the childrens behavior, the mothers routine Is slightly different than usual. For Instance, the speaker does not have time to complete Jobs that never get done. However, on this day she Is able to clean. We will write a custom essay sample on Ordinary Life Paragraph or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .. The kitchen cupboards Instead of the usual messes. Her usual kitchen routine also Includes preparing food, but today is different in that she has cut the vegetables without paring [her] thumbLastly, the scene outside the speakers home also reflects a difference from the ordinary. In the dead of win « the speaker is surprised to see pheasants, and other birds at the feeder. The sky has unwrapped a crescent moon which is a sliver of white on this day of grace. Despite the speakers opinion that this has been an ordinary day, we see that it has been anything but typical. Small pleasures can be overshadowed by routine, but are remarkable in their own way. The poem demonstrates that this particular day is anything but ordinary.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Talent Practices at Home Depot Essays

Talent Practices at Home Depot Essays Talent Practices at Home Depot Essay Talent Practices at Home Depot Essay Discuss how the leadership at Home Depot intended to use its organizational talent to gain a competitive advantage in the Do It Yourself industry. Home Depot has grown to be a retail leader in home improvement with revenues in excess of $90 billion. Home Depot has been in existence for over twenty nine years and has hundreds of stores locally in the United States and globally in other countries. The leadership at Home Depot recognized the importance of talent management in its continued growth over the years. The company has instituted new programs that have lead to the placement of hundreds of human talent that come from diverse backgrounds. The company uses the selection of candidates who are knowledgeable and possess certain skill sets to strengthen and build new strategies for company growth. Home Depot uses pipeline programs to recruit and develop new talent who will advance into key executive roles. It has learned lessons based on its current talent management process. Chief Officer Robert Nardelli has adopted a military approach to management. According to Businessweek, Nardelli utilizes â€Å"ideas and concepts from the military to move Home Dept into a more centralized organization† (Businessweek, 2006). Discuss the key channels that Home Depot developed for recruiting talent. Home Depot used a workforce planning model to identify the types of candidates that were needed to fill key positions in the organization and where they needed to make improvements. Home Depot is a customer based organization so it is critical to recruit individuals who are both service oriented, customer focused and knowledgeable. Home Depot used multiple talent channels to recruit talented candidates. They used the traditional methods of recruitment which included print, media/radio ads, recruiting firms and job boards. They also utilized creative methods to recruit talent by creating strategic partnerships with colleges, universities and other organizations to increase the pool of candidates to fit their talent profile. Home depot created hiring partnerships with governmental agencies and non-profit organizations to reach out in communities for qualified talent with diverse backgrounds i. e. Retirees, Military veterans and Hispanics. Discuss the critical programs used by Home Depot to keep talent in their pipeline. Home Depot is an organization that understands the necessity of talent management. It places talent in positions that are critical to the relationships the company has built with its enormous customer base. Home Depot has established pipeline programs to recruit and develop external talent in leadership positions. The company has instituted two programs that have proved to be successful over the years, the Internal Audit Leadership Program and the Store Leadership Program. The Internal Audit Leadership Program is a two year program that targets high performing college graduates who have some knowledge and business experience. The participants go through a vigorous assessment prior to entry into the program. They are selected to provide business solutions and capabilities to the organization while continuing to progress into various levels of the pipeline after completion of the program. Home Depot has shown that the program resulted in an impressive placement rate and is successful in meeting the needs of the business. The Store Leadership Program is designed to promote individuals with strategic and technical skills to store management positions. This program is similar to the Internal Audit Leadership Program as it also requires a two year commitment and participants go through a vigorous assessment. The difference is this program has a rotational requirement in operations, merchandising and assistant store management positions. This provides on the job learning and encourages strategic thinking as well as leadership concepts. There has also been proven success in this program in addition to the Internal Audit Leadership Program. Since the inception of the program in 2002, there have been 1,142 people hired into Home Depots store leadership program, almost half 528 are junior military officers according to Businessweek (Businessweek, 2006). Discuss three lessons learned by Home Depot related to talent management. The term talent management is best used to describe the selection, recruitment and overall development of human talent within an organization. Talent management initiatives are vast and differ by organization but generally include learning and development, succession planning, career planning, promotion and performance management. Home Depot recognized that its need for talent management is critical to the continued success of the organization. As an organization, Home Depot learned many lessons related to talent management including: ? Get buy in on the business need for the program Do not make the participants too special ?Listen and respond to naysayers ?Give the programs time to work ?Invest in the talent you already have (Silzer Dowell, 2010, pgs. 664-665). One of the most important lessons learned by Home Depot in relation to talent management is obtaining buy in. A program will not be successful without buy in from all the leaders in an organization. It is important that the leaders have full understanding of the program and the impact it will have on the business in order to articulate the information effectively through the organization. Home Depot recognized the business need for a talent management program due to the number of management positions filled internally throughout yearly. It is estimated that 80 percent of leadership placements in Home Depot are internal promotions with a vast number of those placements into key frontline management roles (Silzer Dowell, 2010, p. 655) Another important lesson learned by Home Depot was recognizing the time investment that the program deserves. Talent management can be an enormous undertaking for any organization due to financial aspect and the long term commitment. The value of talent management is not going to be seen immediately so it would be unfair for Home Depot to expect instant results. It will take some time before there is a realization of the return on investment and the overall business impact. One of the most valuable lessons that Home Depot learned is the value that investing in internal talent can have in an organization. It is important to engage everyone when implementing new programs. Development should be accessible to all talent, new and existing, so there is not segregation. This will foster new relationships and participants will recognize their worth in the organization. ?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Your Online Reputation †inspired by the Harvard Business Review

Your Online Reputation – inspired by the Harvard Business Review Last week I covered the issue of Facebook privacy in my article Facebook Privacy? What’s that?   While Facebook raises many privacy issues, your online footprint as a job seeker extends far beyond your Facebook profile. Even if you have avoided Facebook altogether, chances are you have not completely avoided the internet; and this means that you have an online reputation that can be explored- and exploited- by potential employers. The Harvard Business Review published an article on April 3, 2012 by Michael Fertik entitled, â€Å"Your Future Employer is Watching You Online. You Should be Too.†Ã‚   Before I read this article, I had not fully considered all the different ways employers might be researching candidates. I had seen statistics, which   Fertik also shares, that more than 75% of employers actively research candidates online (note this was a December 2009 statistic from Microsoft and is probably higher now), and that more than 70% of employers have decided not to hire a candidate based on what they have found online. I assumed that recruiters were looking at major social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn; but according to this HBS article, recruiters dig much more deeply, looking through â€Å"shopping profiles, online gaming sites, classifieds and auction sites (think eBay and craigslist) – and even in virtual worlds like SecondLife!† You are always a shopper – and you are always the shopped Are you as amazed as I am at the extent of targeted advertising on the web? I get Facebook ads put in front of me for services relating to yoga, healthy diet and personal growth, probably because of the yoga videos, green drinks and books I search for and/or purchase on Amazon. Google has made it spookily easy for advertisers to discover my personal preferences. Clearly, if advertisers can do it, employers can too. There is basically nothing to stop employers from profiling their ideal candidate based on qualities like political inclinations, preferred leisure activities, diet, languages, etc. Of course job history and skills are still the primary considerations, but to narrow down the field, screening for other traits seems a natural extension of what advertisers do every day. Employers can search for you almost like they would for a pair of shoes. What Fertik drives home is that in today’s world, you are really always a job seeker whether you want to be or not. You *are* being researched. Whether you are found is another story. But if you are, you’ll want to look good when the right company finds you. Steps to take In addition to shopping only for items that do not cast doubt on your character, and of course ensuring that your Facebook and LinkedIn profile are professionally presented, there are additional steps you can take to manage your online reputation. Here are three important ones mentioned by Fertik: Check your own Google results. The first five results should make you look good. If they don’t, it’s time for an overhaul of your online reputation. Maybe it’s even time to create a website with the URL or as close as you can get. Does an unsavory character share your first and last name? In that case, address it up front with employers whenever possible so they know to look beyond those initial results. Establish yourself as a skilled professional online. Participate in reputable forums, LinkedIn groups, and anywhere else where you can establish thought leadership online. Don’t assume anything is private. There is always a chance that emails, e-photos, etc. will somehow be discovered or appropriated by a spammer. Privacy settings do not protect you the way you might like. Have you Googled yourself lately? What did you find? Are you active in online forums? Do you think you would be chosen by an employer for the job you want? Please share your thoughts below.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Civil Rights Revolutions of the 60s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Civil Rights Revolutions of the 60s - Essay Example Since then, leaders and critics have already ceaselessly demanded that people, regardless of race and gender, should be accorded the respect that Whites have so far exclusively enjoyed. However, it was only during the 1960s when black Americans collectively demanded on the street, in churches and dialogues their rights as citizens under the United States Constitution. This mass movement was sparked by several important developments such as the efforts of four Southern students who initiated the Woolworth lunch counter to protest racial discrimination. (Farber and Bailey, p. 13) Then, there was also the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, 1954-1955, wherein it was found that school segregation was unconstitutional. (Sargent, p. 2) Finally, there was also the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What was originally intended as anti-racial discrimination movement, the Rights Revolution came to cover several other issues that made the movements complic ated and far-reaching, especially in the context of reforms achieved. There was the clamor for economic, political and cultural policy-reforms, effectively highlighting the manner by which the Rights movements took the cudgels for several other causes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Organizational Analysis Groups and Leadership Case Study

Organizational Analysis Groups and Leadership - Case Study Example The teams are small from 3 to 16 members and are formed on a temporary basis as needed. The role of team leader rotates through the team members (Clawson 2005 p.7). FMC Green River is a task-oriented environment where employees are restricted by their job description. The manager of FMC Green River would like to begin utilizing the team concept to see if it can improve production and employee satisfaction. The leadership at FMC Aberdeen has seen a succession of delegated authority and empowered employees. The management style is relationship oriented and involves a great amount of trust. The FMC Green River plant has a larger employee base. Though the manager, Kenneth Dailey, feels he has an interactive style he would like to improve management's relationship with the employees. The scope of the operation is such that it limits relationship building. FMC Aberdeen has a solid communication network that can disseminate information very rapidly to the necessary people. FMC Green River would like to improve their company communications but face several challenges. The team concept used at FMC Aberdeen may not be able to be implemented at FMC Green River. Green River is a highly industrialized environment that works around heavy machinery that is spread out over a large area. They currently work in a group structure. Machine operation may be too specialized to be spread out over a team responsibility. Forming large teams simply for the sake of a 'team in name only' would not have any beneficial effect (Robbins 2003 p.263). However, administrative workers may be able to form teams and share responsibilities. Dailey has a small management team at the FMC Green River plant. This limits the time and amount of employee involvement they can have. FMC Aberdeen is a close knit organization that has an opportunity to see and talk to one another on a daily basis. FMC Green River does not enjoy this and has thus limited Kenneth Dailey's ability to empower the employees or delegate authority based on trust. He may have an unrealistic view of his interactive style. The close geographical environment at FMC Aberdeen makes it easy for quick communications between team members. Communications networks are well established. FMC Green River is more challenged in this area as the employees are spread out and separated from one another both geographically and technically. FMC Green River is also hindered by their computer system (Clawson 2005 p.22). Most employees do not have access to e-mail or the company Intranet. They have also never created or fostered an environment of open communications. Recommendations FMC Green River should begin to form teams in the administrative area as a way to introduce the concept to the facility. Training will need to be conducted to assure that the workers are skilled at team leadership as well as educated in regards to what is expected of the members. Rules will need to be implemented to prevent 'social loafing' and norms for the team will need to be enforced (Robbins 2003 p.269). As systems are replaced in the manufacturing area, they need to be designed with the team concept in mind. It will not be possible for Kenneth Dailey to undertake the management style at FMC Aberdeen. The employee base is too large and installing more middle managers that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Buddhist Traditions Essay Example for Free

Buddhist Traditions Essay Buddhism is an Eastern religion practiced in most Asian countries. The religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) in the late 6th century B.C.E. Even though Buddhism is practiced in many ways, a commonality among these ways is a drawing from the life experiences of the Buddha and his teachings. The spirit or essence of his teachings also referred to as dhamma or dharma, serve as models for the religious life. Some of the teachings of enlightenment that have been an influence of the disciples of Buddha are in regard to having an understanding of suffering and finding the end to all suffering, and on having mutual respect by having right mindfulness and right meditation and the principle of ataman. The beliefs and practice of both Karma and Dharma allow an individual to avoid ignorance and allow for mutual respect, which in return grants the individual peace and happiness. Buddha set the stage for future Buddhist with his teachings on The Noble Eightfold Path and The Principles of Mutual Respect, which many in the world can relate to and use today. What is known about the Noble Eightfold Path? What is Mutual Respect? How can Buddhism be used and understood today?History of BuddhaThe many teachings of Buddha were not discovered until the 1st or 2nd century C.E. until the writings of Buaciha Charija (life of the Buddha) by Ashvaghosa gave an account of BuddhaÂ’s life. The Buddha who was born in ca. 563 B.C.E. in Lumbini, a place in North India near the Himalayan foothills, began his teachings around Benares (at Sarnath). “His era in general was one of spiritual, intellectual, and social ferment. This was the age when the Hindu ideal of renunciation of family and social life by holy persons seeking Truth first became widespread.” (Vail, 1982). SufferingBuddha had attained enlightenment while sitting under a Bodhi tree (The Buddha The Bodhi Tree, n.d). He sought to understand suffering, its cause, its end, and the path that led to its end. By the third night he found his answer which is known as the four noble truths. The first noble truth is the life means suffering (Kniermin, 2009). Human nature and the world is not perfect, therefore, inevitably those in the physical life will suffer from sickness, injury, pain, tiredness, old age, and eventually death. Humans also suffer psychologically such as sadness, fear, disappointment, frustration, and depression. The second truth is that the  origin of suffering is attachment. Desire causes suffering as does the pursuit of wealth and prestige. Those that strive for fame and popularity will also suffer. The third truth is ceasing suffering through nirodha. Nirodha is to not make sensual craving and conceptual attachment. To cease suffering means to remove all cause of suffering through ones actions. To attain perfection in ridding all passions and attachments one would gain Nirvana. To have Nirvana means one no longer worries or has trouble. The fourth truth is that is a gradual path of self-improvement will end all suffering and this can be attained through the following of the Eightfold Path. The Noble Eightfold Path describes the end of suffering through the practice of mental development which was described by Siddhartha Gautama (Kniermin, 2009b). The goal is to free the individual from attachments and delusions, leading one to understand the truth of all things. The beginning and the end of the path is to have the right view. The right view is to see things as they truly are and understand karma. The first step is to know that all beings suffer and to realize that the view of the world is through thoughts and the right view yields right thoughts and actions. Actions are usually expressed through ones attention. Having the right intentions is having a commitment to ethical and mental self-improvement. The three types of right intentions are: 1. to resist desire, 2. strive to avoid feelings of anger, and 3. not think or act in a violent, cruel, or aggressive manner. Although one can have the right intentions one must make an effort. One can have the right effort by preventing unwholesome states. To attain right efforts one must have the right mindfulness. To have a clear consciousness and perceive things as they truly are. The way one conducts oneself is to have the right speech, for words can break or save a person, make enemies or friend, create peace or start a war. Right speech is the practice of not telling lies, abstaining from slanderous speech, abstaining from harsh words, and abstaining from conversation that has no point. Not only is having the right words important, but having the right action. The right actions is to not take life even oneself and to abstain from robbery, fraud, deceitfulness, dishonesty, and sexual  misconduct. The way earns ones living is to have the right livelihood. One should gain wealth legally and peacefully. Some occupations that are not consider to the right livelihood would be prostitution, selling or buying of weapons, raising animals for slaughter or working in a butchery, and selling intoxicants. The eighth principle of the path is to have right concentration. To have right concentration is to establish the mind rightly, which involves all the paths of the noble eightfold (Bhikkhu, 2001 -2009). To establish the right concentration one would use meditation. Tranquil meditation quiets the mind. To enter into right concentration one has to be alert for it can not arise on its own. Once one is able to enter into right concentration one will experience stillness, rapture, and pleasure. Mutual RespectBuddhism teaches one to be mutually respectful of one another since it can lead one down a road of tolerance and acceptance. Mutual respect corresponds to the concept of treat others the way an individual would like to be treated in return. Mutual respect ensures that trust is present in all interactions. Mutual respect operates within the domain of practical reasoning and assists individuals seeking knowledge of what to do and how one should do it, when one wants to build or sustain democracy. However, practical reasoning principles differ from rules. The journey one follows towards understanding, respecting and trusting others winds through hills and valleys. It can be difficult to find the path and even more difficult to stay on the right path. The belief is that it takes true humility, willingness to first listen, a sober look at ones own shortcomings, and commitment over time, however, this approach will not work for everyone. A common thread in world religions are that the teachings are to improve humanity and improve peopleÂ’s ethical behavior thereby improving life on earth. An important leason is for people to learn not to be consumed with material things but to strive to have a balance between material and  spiritual progress. All religions need to work together to make the world a better place. The world needs not only material progress, but also spiritual progress as well. If humans only develop spiritually and do not take care of the material side then people go hungry, and that is not very good either. There needs to be a balance. One does not have to agree with or even necessarily like a person or a religion, but it does ensure that interactions run smoothly. Mutual respect implies recognition that all individuals are human beings together, that in fact, all beings are one. Humans are one and the same, of the same source, each reflecting another aspect of oneself. Instead of looking at differences between groups of people, or indeed between religions, a spiritually oriented person focuses upon similarities. If everyone were to do this, there would be no violence, no wars, no lack of respect for others, and no lack of self-respect. Mutual respect is important because it transforms conflict into peace, compromise, and production. Respect creates an atmosphere that allows for progress to be made. An individual can not expect to receive respect if he or she does not first offer respect. A person is more willing to take part in understanding something if the individual believes that his or her thoughts, opinions, and feelings will be taken into consideration and respected. Mutual respect is created when people treat others as they want to be treated. As mentioned The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” brings forth the idea that all things are connected and in relationship to one another. Mutual respect can “grow from its own process and dynamics. Be the first to accord respect, and with time, it will develop amongst all he conflicting parties” (Beyond Intractability, 2005). If one person is giving respect but not receiving it in return from the other person, conflict is likely to result and could have consequences for both sides. A balance and compromise will result in peace. Buddhism strongly focuses on the anatman, the inner-self, and obtaining the  balance of peace with both the inner-self and outer-self. Therefore, mutual respect greatly relates to the beliefs of the Buddhist religion in respect to eliminating negative energy. Conflicts and not respecting other individuals would only defeat the purpose of what one is trying to accomplish with Ataman. Buddhists also believes in karma, the consequences of oneÂ’s actions. This means that if a Buddhist were to deny respect then in return he or she would suffer the consequences of those actions. This would delay his or her progress towards complete inner and outer peace. The Buddhist religion also discourages ignorance, or lack of knowledge, which can be a result of ignoring mutual respect. “All the problems we experience during daily life originate from ignorance and the method for eliminating ignorance is to practice Dharma” (About Buddha, 2007). Dharma is the act of protecting oneself from suffering and from problems. By practicing mutual respect an individual can avoid any unnecessary conflict or problems that would get in the way obtaining peace and happiness. “Practicing Dharma is the supreme method for improving the quality of our human life” (About Buddha, 2007). By granting mutual respect in all subject matters, an individual improves the quality of his or her life. Buddhist SectsMutual respect is realized in many Buddhist sects. BuddhaÂ’s teachings reached far beyond the area in which he began and formed two primary divisions. The original teachings of Buddha are the Southern School, called Theravada or better known as “Way of the Elders.” Theravada is mainly taught in the Southeast Asian countries. The Northern School is referred to as Mahayana or “The Greater Vehicle,” and is comprised of countries in the North (Fisher, 2002 p. 157). Many writings came from these sects. Those who follow the teachings of Theravada studied older writings called the Pali Canon. A collection of BuddhaÂ’s teachings, the Pali Canon was compiled after BuddhaÂ’s death by a council of five hundred monks who had studied under him. From the Southern School is the Triple Gem which is a collection of Buddha, dharma and sangha. These were used in order for one to convert to Buddhism. Meditations were also very important. One of the techniques was Vipassana meditation. The  word Vipassana can be translated to mean “insight.” This was important because by developing insight helps to calm, focus and watch the mind (Fisher, 2002, p. 161). From the Northern School, Mahayana teachings were referred to as the path of compassion and metaphysics. Though they had the respect of the Southern School, these were teachings that reached beyond those of the Pali Canon. The Mahayanists claimed these scriptures were given only to those kindhearted and enlightened beings. Those scriptures called the Mahayana sutras told of the significance of spiritual understanding. To the Mahayanists, the dharma is not only a term used in writings, but the actual source of a conversion event that makes one realize the need for enlightenment as the absolute significance of life (Fisher, 2002, p. 164). Through the years, Buddha made his teachings in reference to the audience in which he spoke. Buddha in effect, had taught in different levels depending on the willingness of the audience to pay attention to the truth. As time proceeded, the audience changed, and the Mahayanists looked past the Pali Canon which was a teaching to help those with lower capacities to the sutra which would teach the true meaning of the dharma. New Mahayana communities were formed. They called themselves Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattvas were dedicated to attaining enlightenment. These were teachings that expanded on those taught in the sutra. Bodhisattvas believed that not only were there special people who could gain spiritual growth; it could be obtained by the masses of people also. The goal was to achieve the enlightenment and to see in that enlightenment what you have not seen before, which is the divinity of the world (Loverade, n.d.). In accordance with these teachings, Bodhisattvas should become enlightened and return to help others to obtain the same goal. Those returning would not experience the suffering in which others were exposed. The idea is not only to become enlightened, but also to become like Buddha himself and be an enlightened one who returns to the world. ConclusionBuddha, born in 563 B.C.E brought teaching of enlightenment to the world. He taught that desiring brings suffering. He also taught his followers to respect other religions through an open mind and tolerance. Throughout Buddhisms teachings and beliefs runs the undercurrent of mutual respect and enlightenment. In essence, one cannot reach enlightenment without mutual respect. By integrating the four noble truths and the eight fold path an individual will reach an understanding of anatman and the impermanence that exists in life. Illusions will end and self-centeredness will erode and an individual will eventually be free from attachments and understand the truth of all things. Once enlightenment is reached by an individual, the individual is to become like Buddha and return to the world to help others. References About Buddha (2007). About Buddha. Retrieved July 31, 2009 from http://www.aboutbuddha.orgBerzin, Alexander, (1988). The Berzin Archives. Retrieved July 31, 2009 from Intractability (2005). A free knowledge base on more constructive approaches todestructive conflict. Retrieved July 30, 2009 from, T. (2001- 2009). Right concentration. Retrieved August 3, 2009 from,L.F. (1982). Focus. Retrieved July 31, 2009 from, M.P. (2003). Living religions (5th ed.). Retrieved August 1, 2009 from UOPrEsource REL133Knierim, T. (2009a). The four noble truths. Retrieved August 2, 2009 from,T. (2009b). The noble eightfold path. Retrieved August 2, 2009 from, L. (n.d.). Five stages of consciousness in religion and the returning buddha.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay on Voltaires Candide - Optimism in Candide :: Candide essays

Optimism in Candide Voltaire's Candide uses anti-heroism as an object of mockery against the philosophers of the Enlightenment. Candide, the hero of the novel travels around the world where he encounters many difficulties. During his travels, he sticks to the teaching of his tutor, Doctor Pangloss, believing that "everything is for the best" (3). Voltaire points out the illogicality of this doctrine, "if Columbus had not caught, on an American island, this sickness which attacks the source of generation [...] we should have neither chocolate or cochineal" (8). The sheer stupidity of these illogical conclusions points out Voltaire's problem with most optimists: the illogical degree to which they would carry their doctrine. Voltaire would argue that noses were not designed for spectacles, but rather spectacles were designed for preexisting noses. Pangloss's interpretation of cause and effect is so ignorant as to be comical. While Candide tells an interesting story, it is more important as a satire. Howeve r, this does not prove Voltaire is a pessimist. Â   During the age of Enlightenment, the philosophes believed that reason could be used to explain everything. The philosophes believed that people could make the world a better place to live in. Voltaire is against such optimism. Ian Bell Says "The 'optimist' argument then, was complex and sophisticated, but like all ironists Voltaire chose to simplify it to the extent that it seemed complacent and absurd, and he went on to cast doubt on our chances of ever securing 'eternal happiness'"(1-2). According to Voltaire true happiness can only be experienced in an unreal world. The multitudes of disasters that Candide endures after leaving Eldorado culminate in his eventual abandonment of optimism. Candide loses four of his sheep laden with priceless jewels due to natural causes, and then sees his two remaining sheep stolen, and the local magistrate indifferent to the theft. "Certainly, [says Candide,] if everything goes well, it is in Eldorado and not in the rest of the world" (42). Candide goes a step further, "Oh Pangloss, cried Candide, you have no notion of these abominations! I'm through, I must give up your optimism after all. What's optimism? said Cacambo. Alas, said Candide, it is a mania for saying things are well when one is in hell" (40). Candide's enthusiastic view of life is contrasted with, and challenged by suffering that he endures throughout the book. Hence, Voltaire uses the book to satirize the foolishness of optimism.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The ways in which Shakespeare uses structure and language to dramatise the comparisons in Twelfth Night

Examine the ways in which Shakespeare uses structure and language to dramatise the comparisons between different kinds of love in Twelfth Night focusing on Act 5, Scene 1 and one or two other scenes of your choice.   Twelfth Night is thought to have been written in 1601, near the middle of Shakespeare's career. The play looks at deception, disguise, illusion and probably most significantly the amazing things that love can cause us to do. Shakespeare does this successfully through clever use of language and structure. Act 1, Scene 1 of the comedy begins with a nobleman named Orsino, pining away for the love of Lady Olivia, a noble Illyrian lady. Shakespeare uses imagery to represent love: â€Å"If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting The appetite may sicken, and so die.† Orsino's language contains images which recur throughout the play such as music, death, love and food while expressing his love. Orsino doesn't mention Lady Olivia until his discussion with Curio soon after, this leads us to suggest that Orsino is in love with the idea of being in love itself, therefore being selfish. Consequently the reference to food can be perceived as Orsino's hunger for love. This hunger we are told leads to sickness and pain, again the imagery of sickness symbolises Orsino's extreme feelings towards love. The idiom ‘If music be the food of love, play on' has become part of British language and has become a frequently used expression. However, Olivia does not desire to be with Orsino and refuses to entertain any proposals of marriage. On the return of a message from Olivia's household, Orsino is told that Olivia has vowed to mourn for her brother for seven years. Orsino accepts this refusal contentedly and is proud of Olivia for paying the ‘debt of love' to her brother. This love towards a sibling is the third love to be found in the scene and indeed Twelfth Night, however despite this seemingly kind act of respect it can also be seen as selfish to shut herself from others especially with the high status and position she has in Illyrian society. The first type of love identified was unrequited love, established and maintained through selfishness and the second type being melancholy love as seen by Orsino's sadness and misery. Despite the differences in the kinds of love Orsino's language remains the same using imagery with the semantic field of flowers, life and death: â€Å"Hath killed the flock†¦ That live in her; when liver, brain and heart†¦ Away before me to sweet beds of flowers† Throughout the scene there has been little change in structure, Orsino has spoken verse throughout, while acting the conventional romantic hero, and through the three kinds of love identified there has still been the use of caesura which is generally used to give a dramatic effect. However, whilst Orsino was thinking of his own love at the beginning there was much more caesura used. Shakespeare would have done this to exaggerate Orsino's melancholy love further and also to convey his mood and emotions much more easily. There is also a difference in rhyme. The beginning speech contains two rhyming couplets: ‘more' and ‘before' and ‘there' and ‘soe'er'. While the final speech only contains one: ‘flowers and bowers'. The varying use of structure between the two references to love highlights the difference between a falsified, sentimental, dramatised love and a more relaxed and genuine love towards a sibling. The second scene of Act 1, also establishes the love between siblings as Viola, a young lady of Messaline assumes that her twin brother, Sebastian has died in the ship wreck while she was brought safely to shore. Rather than being glad and rejoicing her own deliverance Viola began to lament her brother's loss: â€Å"My brother he is in Elysium. Perchance he is not drown'd: what think you, sailors?† Again the use of caesura conveys the emotion and panic felt by selfless Viola, particularly by the way the colon hurries on her thoughts to the question directed at the sailors. Viola decides that she must survive in Illyria asking the captain for help. She can not work for Olivia as she in mourning so instead she asked the captain to disguise her as a male using the feigned name Cesario in order for her to work as a page for Duke Orsino. Subsequently, Viola's appearance and disguise as a young male in Illyria causes complication and confusion between both Orsino's and Olivia's household and Viola becomes the main protagonist. Consequentially a complicated love pattern emerges which seems to revolve entirely around Olivia. This identifies an obvious link between the two characters who's names bear quite a resemblance, while both are grieving for their lost brothers they are also both lead the main plot to continue, Olivia continuing the theme of love and the many forms it can take, w hile Viola upholds the theme of concealed feelings and identity. Duke Orsino takes favourably to his new page, unburdening his heart to Cesario telling him about his love towards Lady Olivia. Act 2, Scene 4 sees the Duke neglecting the company of his probable associates and lords who he would have almost certainly been associated with due to his high position. However, instead he listens to soft, romantic music, as in the first scene: â€Å"Give me some music. Now, good morrow, friends†¦ That old and antique song we heard last night: Me thought it did relieve my passion much,† Orsino blindly leads himself into a lifestyle of wallowing in his own misery and self pity, while once again using images of music and illness. This is significant since this language technique is only noticeably used throughout the comedy when Orsino's melancholy love is present. Viola, a selfless lover also begins feeling sorrowful as she is also suffering for the love of Orsino, who she has a deep genuine admiration for even though she is unable display her affection since her entrapment in male guise. She does however, gently hint: â€Å"Say that some lady, as perhaps there is, Hath for your love a great a pang of heart As you have for Olivia: you cannot love her, You tell her so; must she not then be answer'd?† Viola questions the Duke enquiring whether he could love someone who felt as strongly about he as he does for Olivia, whether he would return the love and if not what he would tell her. Orsino denied that it was possible to love as much as he did: â€Å"There is no women's sides Can bide the beating of so strong a passion As love doth give my heart†¦Ã¢â‚¬  To an audience this would be ironic as they would know of Viola's love for the Duke and her true identity while he wouldn't be aware of the real situation or circumstances. Shakespeare's use of dramatic irony provides wit and humour while the character is still talking truthfully. The emphasis on disguise in Twelfth Night means that the comedy is full of dramatic irony. The image of passion violently beating someone is evoked by the metaphor ‘can bide the beating of so strong a passion' this is not a true description but works by making us imagine the painfully strong feelings Orsino believes he has for Olivia. The Duke sends Cesario to deliver Olivia a message however, Olivia is instantly attracted to Cesario which leaves Viola once again in a difficult situation as she is entrapped in her disguise. This completes the love triangle as Viola loves Orsino, Orsino loves Olivia and Olivia loves Cesario/Viola. The sub plot of Twelfth Night or What You Will contains more humorous and comical scenes involving characters whose status is less than the likes of Olivia and Orsino and also two knights who seem to act foolishly despite their positions. For the play to be a good comedy it has to show human weaknesses, Shakespeare has done this particularly in the sub plot by varying the level of compassion and self control in each character leaving their weaknesses easily identifiable. Firstly, we meet Maria, a chambermaid of Olivia, Sir Toby Belch, Olivia's uncle and his friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek, two rowdy drunkards. Sir Andrew hopelessly attempts to court Lady Olivia but to no avail, again we see representations of unrequited love and also courtly love. The conversation between Maria and Sir Toby is playful and dim-witted, despite its purpose to instruct and lecture Sir Toby, for the sake of Olivia. Sir Toby replies: â€Å"Why let her except, before excepted.† The light-hearted wordplay can be seen as flirtatious as Sir Toby uses his wit to entertain and charm Maria, although not explicitly told, through Toby's tone and language usage he can be clearly seen to have feelings for her. However, puzzlingly he advises Sir Andrew Aguecheek to accost Maria. Andrew is left puzzled at the meaning of accost, the focus on wooing and courtly love is another apparent type of love. As Sir Andrew plays with the words of Maria the friendly, humorous conversation begins to include sexual references, as Maria says ‘It's dry' she gains the answer: â€Å"†¦I can keep my hand dry.† Bawdy, sexual references would have been gladly accepted by the audience in Elizabethan theatres particularly by the men, as in today's society. The use of a metaphor leaves the context in which this is meant to be decided by the audience. The flexibility of perception is also true of the relationship between the characters involved in the sub plot as they are able to communicate in different tones and about different subjects without actually announcing any true feelings they may have about one another. Maria and Sir Toby can openly flirt with each other and Sir Toby can insult Sir Andrew Aguecheek as he did when we were first introduced calling him ‘Agueface', Sir Toby in fact only wants to use Sir Andrew. This suggests how fragile and false relationships and friendship can be. Malvolio is a character who seems to be unloved throughout the play he is neither loved as a friend or lover and the other characters show no compassion in evilly tricking him. His love for Olivia, is kept only as a fantasy. Malvolio is seen as a vain and pompous character whose only true love lies with himself. This self-love is seen by Olivia: â€Å"O you are sick of self love, Malvolio† This accusation sums up the view felt by the audience as he regularly spoils the fun of the other members of the households in order to satisfy himself. A letter forged by Maria, supposedly from Olivia soon leads to more deceit in the play as Malvolio tries to earn her favour by following the suggestions of dressing in yellow stockings and crossed garters, acting arrogantly, smiling constantly and refusing to explain himself to anyone, it is his own self-conceit that causes him to easily fall into the trap. The sub-plot eventually intertwines with the main plot as a result of the appearance of Antonio and Viola's twin brother, Sebastian, who is still alive but believes that his twin, Viola is dead. Sebastian's friend Antonio seems to care deeply about Sebastian, possibly passionately and sexually, leading us to believe that he may well be homosexual as he follows his friend to Illyria, despite being enemies with Orsino. Sir Andrew and Sir Toby, seeing Olivia's increased attraction to Cesario decide to challenge Cesario to a duel. However, they mistakenly duel with Sebastian. The entrance of Olivia during the confusion causes further bewilderment as Olivia proposes to Sebastian, thinking that he is Cesario, Sebastian is baffled since he has never even met Lady Olivia before. However, he accepts. Since separating from Sebastion, Antonio is arrested for an old crime he committed, he begs Cesario who he thinks is Sebastian for his purse that he had gave him. However, Cesario is confused at this and denies knowing Antonio, which is true. Antonio cries out that Sebastian had betrayed him giving Viola new hope that her brother may be alive. These scenes are laden with dramatic irony, obviously because the audience are the only people who understand that both of the twins are alive, and by the apparent confusion that the other characters are suffering, that no one can tell them apart. This perplexity causes the comedy to be as bewildering as it is, possibly projecting the moral that nothing is as it seems. This can also be interpreted by the alternative title ‘or What You Will' To have five acts in a play was conventional of Elizabethan playwrights, Shakespeare has followed this convention in the play as we see the fifth and final act of Twelfth Night which reveals true feelings and identity, resolving each problematic situation. Feste's behaviour at the beginning of Act5, Scene 1 indicates that he has still not forgiven Orsino for dismissing him and replacing him for Fabian, a less witty and clever entertainer. His cheeky exclamation when being addressed as a friend by Orsino is evident of this: â€Å"the better for my foes and the worse for my friends† This expression signifies that reality can be different from what is expected; again one of the key morals of the play, a further example of this is Feste's sharp wit in contrast with Orsino who is more placid and plain despite his aristocratic status. The entrance of Antonio escorted by Orsino's officers sees an almost different Orsino to the previously sombre character. As the Duke recollects the sea-battle, this reveals Orsino to be a more fierce and influential individual, he recognises Antonio: â€Å"besmeared as black as Vulcan in the smoke of war† this simile makes Antonio sound wicked since black is an evil colour and also the metaphoric link to Vulcan, a vulgar, vicious God presents Antonio as a vicious immoral creature like Vulcan. Orsino now speaks with more thought than his inattentive and egocentric speeches seen throughout the comedy. When Olivia admits her love for Cesario, Orsino becomes angry accusing his page of betrayal and surrenders Cesario despite loving him: â€Å"I'll sacrifice the lamb I love† Again the issue of homosexuality rises as Orsino professes his love to a person he believes to be a man before the issue of sexuality can be dwelled upon the play quickly advances. There is a great deal of dramatic irony in this final scene which adds tension to the reunion of the twins. The audience is aware that both twins are alive, yet, there is still anticipation present from the audience to discover whether the truth that Viola is female will finally be known to the characters of the play. Also, Olivia has married Sebastian, which the audience also know, however, Olivia is claiming that she has married Cesario, which Viola genuinely knows nothing about, this situation is humorous and ironic. Shakespeare had mixed the elements of a tragedy and comedy. Shakespeare also used this situation, in order to illustrate the powerful feelings felt by the characters. Inevitably, the twins are reunited this resolves the theme of concealed identity. Viola regains her name as she discards her disguise, and is no longer trapped. This enables her to take action on her love for the Duke. Malvolio vengefully reappears, and is soon to be made angrier by the clown who mocks him. Malvolio remains the same throughout the play unloved except by himself. The trick played upon him had failed in punishing him for his vanity and arrogance. Antonio also does not gain anything at the end, although he may be forgiven for his past crimes. We are never told whether Sir Andrew and Sir Toby regained their friendship after Sir Toby quit Sir Andrew's company. Whereas, the Orsino and Viola had maintained their love for one another as had Olivia and Sebastian. The resolution for the two couples held true, romantic love for each of them. Orsino confirms with an optimistic statement: â€Å"Golden time†¦ But when in other habits you are seen Orsino's mistress and his fancy's queen† This rhyming couplet shows the real happiness that Orsino has found in contrast to the selfish, melancholy lover, Orsino, until the final scene. It was usual of Shakespeare to make the formal, traditional characters speak in rhyming couplets, until now Orsino's high status had been shadowed by his sadness. Now he fills the role of the stereotypical character we would have first expected we can see his language adapts to the role. Conversely, the clown's final song suggests that the future may not be as happy as is hoped or assumed: â€Å"for the rain it raineth every day† The reference to rain suggests that the future may be stormy and not as sunny as expected. Shakespeare would have intentionally ended the play with music, the same way as the play had started. Almost certainly as an ironic message of hopeful happiness in light of Orsino's beginning expression ‘if music be the food of love, play on'. Conclusively, we can see that Shakespeare used language techniques such as metaphors, similes and rhyming couplets to express different types of love. Generally those characters relating to love spoke in verse while comical characters such as Feste and the two foolish knights spoke in prose.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Why the Policies Adopted by Stalin in the 1920s Differed

In many ways, Stalins policies in the 1920s differed massively from Marxist theories. For example, when Stalin had invaded Georgia, he had gone against the Marxist idea of internationalism in favour of invading Georgia and taking of the republic for the interests of Russian Nationalism. As well as this, after Lenin's death, Stalin wanted to employ a policy of ‘Socialism in One Country’. This meant that he wanted socialism in only the USSR.This again differed from Marxist ideas as it went against internationalism. It was also in contrast with Trotsky, who wanted a ‘Permanent Revolution’ across the world. The main reason Stalin did this was to agree with Lenin’s ideas, as he was trying to appear to be the natural successor to Lenin. In fact, Stalin was so intent on gaining power, that he created the cult of Lenin. This was the elevation of Lenin, his ideas and his life to an almost divine status. This was contrary to Marxist ideas of ‘leadershipâ €™.Marx believed in the dictatorship of the proletariat, which would give way to a communist Utopia where there would be no leadership and no state. Also, in 1924, Stalin wanted to keep the NEP going, even though it went against Marxism as the NEP meant that a mixed economy in which there were features of capitalism. The main reason Stalin did this was because it was a measure brought in by Lenin, and at the time, Stalin wished to make himself seem as loyal to Lenin as possible, to appear to be the natural heir.The introduction of collectivization and industrialization by Stalin were both supposed to end ideological compromise and come closer to Marxist theory. However, many historians have made it clear that these policies created a socialist Soviet Economy which was the opposite of Marx’s theory. State control of the economy was a key feature of Stalin’s totalitarian rule. To conclude, it is quite clear that Stalins theories differed greatly from that of Marx. It is also clear, however, to see that Stalins theories differed purely to try to be as much like Lenin as possible.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

5 Ways to Make a Sentence More Concise

5 Ways to Make a Sentence More Concise 5 Ways to Make a Sentence More Concise 5 Ways to Make a Sentence More Concise By Mark Nichol Expressing oneself clearly and concisely in speech is a challenge because one has so little time to order one’s thoughts and choose one’s wording carefully, but writing is easily improved with even the briefest review. Always read over what you have written (whether it’s a tweet or a book manuscript) before you distribute or publish it- not only to adhere to the mechanical basics of grammar, syntax, usage, and style but also to check for narrative flow and conciseness. The following sentences, and the discussions and revisions that follow each one, include advice for paring unnecessary words and phrases. 1. As you establish your policies, it is recommended that you develop a comprehensive list of business activities. When offering recommendations, avoid overly polite entreaties, and simply state the advice as an imperative: â€Å"As you establish your policies, develop a comprehensive list of business activities.† (Other words that signal an expendable phrase are advised, suggested, necessary, and imperative.) 2. Nearly all of the processes and steps conducted during this phase were planned in the early stages. In â€Å"all of the† phrases, of is almost always optional, and the can often be safely omitted as well: â€Å"Nearly all processes and steps conducted during this phase were planned in the early stages.† 3. IPO activity has increased over the past few years, and that presents a great advantage for the company. Be alert for opportunities to condense sentences consisting of two independent clauses into a simple statement. Here, what was an introduced observation is recast as an acknowledged phenomenon, changing the subject from â€Å"IPO activity† to â€Å"the increase in IPO activity†: â€Å"The increase in IPO activity over the past few years presents a great advantage for the company.† 4. Organizations can realize tremendous value from risk management in a cost-effective and efficient way. The presence of way (or manner, or basis, or any similar vague noun) at the end of a sentence signals a sentence in need of abbreviation. Simply dismantle the phrase that ends with the noun and convert the adjectives that precede the noun into adverbs: â€Å"Organizations can cost-effectively and efficiently realize tremendous value from risk management.† 5. There are core sets of critical activities and critical communications that must be performed at this stage. When a sentence or clause begins with an expletive (â€Å"There is/are† or â€Å"It is/They are†), consider omitting the phrase and beginning the sentence with the noun or noun phrase that follows (and delete the now-extraneous that that follows the subject): â€Å"Core sets of critical activities and critical communications must be performed at this stage.† Taking Conciseness Too Far Be cautious, however, about overzealous conciseness, as in the case of multiple nouns and noun phrases stacked in a dense swarm of words. Relaxing a sentence can be just as effective as tightening it in improving a sentence: Overly concise: Executive management and board of directors’ expectations about scalability can be unrealistic. Relaxed: The expectations of executive management and the board of directors about scalability can be unrealistic. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Yiddish Handbook: 40 Words You Should KnowBetween vs. In BetweenCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Confusing I and Me

Confusing I and Me Picture this: Jesse Kasserman, a high school senior with a strong academic record and high hopes, walks into the office of Dr. James, an admission representative of XYZ University. â€Å"Thank you for inviting my mom and I to see the campus,† he says. The college representative cringes. Which is Correct? Jesse might have blown the interview already. Why? Jesse should have said â€Å"my mom and me.† Smart people everywhere agonize over the misuse of â€Å"I† and â€Å"me.† It’s one of the most common mistakes in word usage. People seem to fear the word â€Å"me†Ã‚  and  to many people, it sounds just as wrong to hear the sentence, â€Å"The secret is just between you and I.† But its correct.   â€Å"I† is a nominative pronoun and is used as a subject of a sentence or clause, while â€Å"me† is an objective pronoun and used as an object. Sound too technical? Then think of this: The trouble with â€Å"me† usually begins when speakers are stringing together two or more objects in a sentence. â€Å"I† is not an objective case word, but people try to plug it in as an object because it just sounds smarter. Examples All you have to do is leave out the second object. Look over these examples, and you’ll see it’s really simple. You might be tempted to say:WRONG: â€Å"Would you explain that to John and I?† But then, when you omit the other object, you’ll have:WRONG: â€Å"Would you explain that to I?† Now that just sounds silly. Try this: RIGHT: â€Å"Would you explain that to John and me?†RIGHT: â€Å"Would you explain that to me?† Practice Now practice with these: WRONG: Leave the decision to Laura and I.RIGHT: Leave the decision to me.RIGHT: Leave the decision to Laura and me. WRONG: Please join Glenna and I for lunch.RIGHT: Please join me for lunch.RIGHT: Please join Glenna and me for lunch. WRONG: It’s just between you and I.RIGHT: It’s just between you and me. WRONG: The group consists of Laura, Joe, and I.RIGHT: The group consists of Laura, Joe, and me. Dont forget, when composing an essay or any research paper, be sure to go back and proofread carefully.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Three technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Three technologies - Essay Example It creates a collective working environment by maintaining shared documents and information. The technology also enables group members to monitor project management functions including assignments, time management, problem solving, and documentation. Secondly, e-mail is the most simplified means of communication which can enhance group interaction irrespective of the geographical location. According to my opinion, e-mail is the best means to build up effective relations, teamwork, and leadership. People enjoy freedom of expression while using internet because it does not have any external constrains to limit the freedom of speech. Via e-mail members can create strong interpersonal relationship along with their knowledge sharing, private file sharing, and video sharing. Finally, I would suggest the technology of video conference as the effective means of conversational interaction. It is the advanced form of telecommunication groupware that can enable visual collaboration from different locations to facilitate a group project and decision making. Furthermore, it can provide a sense of face-to-face interaction and will have a positive impact on the group’s productivity, performance and total

Thursday, October 31, 2019

SWOT analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

SWOT analysis - Essay Example On the other hand, the findings of SWOT analysis lay the basis for developing tourism development and improvement programs that may come from the government. Therefore, this essay seeks to present a SWOT analysis of Malaysia as a destination and present the findings to the relevant authorities to find the best way of developing the country’s thriving and lucrative industry. Malaysia boasts of many tourist attractions ranging from the modern cities to the rich biodiversity (Chong, 2014). Tourists can enjoy themselves in a clean and large modern cities. On the other hand, the country offers opportunities for hiking where tourists can enjoy natural trails in the tropical jungles rich with plants, insect life, and animals. Tourists can also sunbathe on countrys unique sand beaches or can as well scuba dive in Malaysias rich coral reefs (Wong, Velasamy, & Arshad, 2011). The implication is that Malaysia, apart from the big and clean cities, is also rich in biodiversity but the effects that conventional tourism activities leave on the environment requires a deeper understanding of how to integrate tourism planning with biodiversity conservation. Moreover, the country provides mountain climbing experiences where tourists can tower the Malaysian mountains rich with strawberries and enjoy the view of tea plantations (Chong, 2014). Most of the Malaysian mountains lay within the central parts of the country, and the agglomeration of the modern cities provide unique experiences for visitors. Therefore, this essay seeks to carry out a SWOT analysis of Malaysias tourism industry. The government of Malaysia has put more effort to developing tourism in the country because it does not want the country to depend entirely on exports for economic growth. Thus, the government has initiated many projects with the aim of improving tourism sector to become a significant foreign exchange earner.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Assessment of the factors influencing profitability within refractive Dissertation

Assessment of the factors influencing profitability within refractive clinics and recommendations for best practice management - Dissertation Example The purpose of this study is to describe the factors that affect profitability within refractive clinics and to examine the relationship between these factors and best practice in refractive care. The study is done in two settings the first being an online platform with 40 participants (n=40) and the second being closed door, eight interview sessions involving 28 participants (n=28) at two private clinics in north one in Turin and the other in Milan. The study was qualitative in nature, and it utilized a survey method to collect the necessary data. The survey involved the use of instruments such as online questionnaires and semistructured interview questions. Online questionnaires were prepared with the help of SurveyMonkey, and sent to the 40 participants who were refractive care patients identified from clinical databases. The questionnaires were designed in line with the research objectives. Overall, questionnaires were chosen as they heightened the validity and reliability of the research through the collection of quantitative, objective data. Semi structured interviews were chosen in order to gain context and detail. They were conducted under 8 sessions at the two private clinics that were used for the study. The results for both surveys were centrally analyzed in regards to the findings in the literature review. The findings for the online survey revealed that the participants strongly consider two key factors when making their choice attend refractive clinics. These factors include management, where they showed strong consideration for private clinics. The other factor was technology superiority whereby they would first assess the clinics and later consider the one with better technology. For the interview sessions, the results indicated that the top five factors of importance were as following. Technological Superiority, friendly and professional staff, trust in the service, organisational culture, and personal and individual service in the order of sup eriority starting with most important. To conclude the research reflects upon the importance of a consideration of organisational factors in order to enhance profitability. Moving away from a sole financial perspective, this research has promoted the importance of a patient centric approach and the use of relationships to build perceptions and expectations of quality of care. Table of Contents Table of Contents 4 Chapter One: Introduction 6 Chapter Two: Background and Literature Review 10 2.1.2 Refractive Surgery 12 2.1.3 Alternative technologies 12 2.2 Background on Profitability in Refractive Care 14 2.2.2 Patient Economics 16 2.2.3 Prospective Patient Demographics 17 2.2.4 The Refractive Surgery Patient Pool 21 2.2.5 Procedure Pricing 24 2.2.6 Relationships between Demand and Economic Conditions 25 2.2.7 Penetration Rates and Available Market 25 2.2.8 Refractive Surgery Centers Concentrated in Metro Areas 26 2.2.9 Competition 27 2.2.10 Michael Porter 5 forces analysis on refracti ve market 28 2.3 Motivations for refractive surgery 30 2.4 Marketing perspectives: experiential marketing 30 2.5 Satisfaction in the healthcare sector 31 2.6 Organisational Culture 33 2.7 Leadership 34 2.8 Organisational capabilities 35 2.9 Current research and summary 36 Chapter Three: Methodology 37 3.1 Research Methodology and Design 37 3.2 Research Philosophy 38 3.3 Research Ethics 38 3.3.1 Human Rights Protection 39 3.4 Sample Size 39 3.4.1 Sample Recruitment 40 3.5 The setting 41 3.6 Data Collection 42 3.7 Instruments 42 3.7.1 Questionnaires 42 3.7.2 Semi Structured Interviews 43 3.8 Data Analysis Plan 44 3.9 Assumptions 45 3.10 Methodology Summary 45 Chapter Four: The Results 47 4.1 Sample 47 4.2 Survey Results 48 4.2.1 Results from the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Application Level Gateway Information Technology Essay

Application Level Gateway Information Technology Essay This document provides a clear overview of the function of network firewalls in an organization and the authentication methods that they support. The reason why a firewall is needed is given and the benefits and drawbacks of using a firewall, the components of other devices that could be used in place of firewalls are introduced along with the purpose of using them. Finally typical activities are described along with implementation of the firewalls. INTRODUCTION. With the rapid development of the world, the business, marketing, science, engineering even writers and astrologists are intend to use the technology. Therefore we could say that the technology has become the main media among all these fields. YES its true that is quite easy to work with when you get familiar with it. But still we got to know that there are plenty of sand traps in the technology. By the end of this document we will find out few of them and also we will be able to get an in detailed expanded knowledge about them. As we talked earlier, in every field the main media or the attribute is technology. Most of these fields use technology to gather, store, maintain and develop their data. At this point this technology they use become more critical as these data is so much important for the relative company or the organisation. As the world runs faster and its businesses run faster, people have become so much competitive. So it is so important to protect their own data among themselves to compete stronger. So that these organisations aim a secured system for their organisation. In this case FIREWALE plays a major rall. In order to prevent or secure their own data from the outside world, they define their own network that they call a secured network. But networks cannot be simply defined as secured or unsecured. Some organisations store their valuable data in a database and they prevent outsiders from accessing their data or computers from the outside networks. At the same time some organisations need to make information or data available outsiders. But they have some conditions or set of rules. For example these outsiders cannot edit or modify these data. They only can read. We call this READ/WRITE permission. These networks allowed arbitrary access to its data and they use some sort of a mechanism to prevent the original data. This mechanism we call FIREWALE. We all know that with the widespread of the internet along with the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telnet and file transfer protocol (FTP) each and every person in every corner of the world got the opportunity to communicate with one another in a flash. Sometimes these commutation needs protection. To provide this required protection we use FIREWALES. Since the internet is inherently an insecure network it is so much useful to utilize this kind of method. Sometimes some organisations use their own customised methods since they have their own unique networks. But still the functionalities are the same. BASIC FIREWALL OPERATION and how it works? Figure 1.0 Source: FIREWALL is a system or a device that enforces a unique access control policy between networks as well as it monitors all data transmission internally and externally of a network. But the main purpose is to keep track of other unauthorized accesses. Also we can limit communication by the direction of the flow, IP address as well as ports. But if we have the access to the firewall, we can simply configure it and enable whatever ports, protocols and computers we want. Also FIREWALLs helps to control the flow of data. For example, it can control the traffic of the TCP layer. So that we can manage the usage of data as well. We can easily set a certain criteria in a firewall. Then it allows all that level of traffic only through the gate or it may deny all traffic unless it meets certain criteria. FIREWALL ARCHITECTURE Firewalls are helping in many ways to structure and protect our network system by introducing the firewall architecture. Basically there are three types of Firewalls Arictectures. Application layer firewalls Dual-Homed Host Figure 1.1 Source: Systems with more than one network interface without functioning as routers. In other words where the interface that connected to logically and physically separate network segments. Ex: Application layer firewall. Network layer firewalls Screened Host Figure1.2 Source: In screened host architecture, there is no boundary net, no interior router, and often no bastion host. Obviously, there is a host that the outside world talks to, but this host is often not dedicated exclusively to that task. What you have instead is a single router and a services host that provides Internet services to internal and external clients. Ex; Network layer firewalls Screened Subnet Figure 1.3 Source: Screen Subnet is a variation of the dual-homed gateway and screened host firewalls. If we want to locate each components separately in a firewall this function plays a big role. When we locate each component of the firewall on a separate system it makes us a greater output and flexibility and it helps to reduce the cost. But, each component of the firewall needs to implement only a specific task, making the systems less complex to configure. Ex: Network layer firewall. Source: BASIC TYPES OF FIREWALL Conceptually, there are two types of firewalls: 1. Network layer 2. Application layer Network Layer Firewalls Basically the external devices of a computer situated between the network and the cable or the modems. Ex: Routers. Figure 1.4 Source: Application Layer Firewalls Basically the internal components of a computer system. Ex: softwares. Figure 1.5 Source: BASIC FIREWALL DESIGN DECISIONS When implementing an internet firewall, there are numerous decisions that must be addressed by the Network Administrator. 1. The stance of the firewall This decision reflects the policy of how your company or organization wants to operate the system. It may take one of two completely opposed stances: Everything not specifically permitted is denied firewall should block all traffic, and that each desired service or application should be implemented on a case-by-case basis. This is the recommended approach. Since this creates a very secure environment. But some could say this limits the number of options. Everything not specifically denied is permitted firewall should forward all traffic, and that each potentially harmful service should be shut off on a case-by-case basis. This is more complex than the previous. 2. The overall security policy of the organization The security policy must be based on a carefully conducted security analysis, risk assessment, and business needs analysis. If an organization does not have a detailed security policy, the most carefully expertise firewall can be avoided to expose the entire private network to attack. 3. The financial cost of the firewall That depends on the financial stability of the organization. How much can they afford for the security? A commercial firewall system provides increased security but may highly cost, depending on its complexity and the number of systems protected. If an organization has the in-house expertise, a home-developed firewall can be constructed from public domain software, but there are still costs in terms of the time to develop and deploy the firewall system. Finally, all firewalls require continuing support for administration, general maintenance, software updates, security patches, and incident handling. Source: COMPONENTS OF THE FIREWALL SYSTEM Packet filtering Circuit gateways Application level proxy Stateful packet inspection Internet connection firewall Hybrid firewall PACKET FILTERING FIREWALL Figure 1.6 A packet filtering firewall works on the network layer of the ISO protocol and this examine the information contained in the header of a packet which includes the source address and the destination address and the application it has to be sent. It is important to know that these types of FIREWALLs only examine the header information. If some corrupted or unwanted data sent from a trusted source, then this type of firewall is no good. Because when a packet passes the gate or the filtering process, it is always passed on to the destination. Therefore we could say that these types of firewalls are so much vulnerable to IP spoofing. In other words, a hacker can make his transmission to the private LAN easily and gain the access. ADVANTAGES OF PACKET FILTERS 1. Easy to install 2. Supports High Speed 3. Makes Security Transparent to End-Users DISADVANTAGES OF PACKET FILTERS 1. Leaves Data Susceptible to Exposure 2. Offers Little Flexibility 3. Offers No User-based Authentication 4. Maintains no state related to communication Source: CIRCUIT LEVEL GATEWAY Figure 1.7 Circuit gateway firewalls work on the transport level of the protocol. These firewalls are fast and transparent, but no protection from attacks. Same as the previous Packet filtering firewall, circuit gateway firewalls do not check the actual data in a packet. But surprisingly this can hide the LAN behind it to the outsiders. In other words, this makes the LAN behind the firewall invisible. ADVANTAGES OF CIRCUIT LEVEL GATEWAYS 1. Less impact on network performance 2. Breaks direct connection between the untrusted host and trusted client 3. Higher level security than the static and dynamic filter. DISADVANTAGES OF CIRCUIT LEVEL GATEWAYS 1. Lack of application protocol checking. 2. Low to moderate security level. APPLICATION LEVEL GATEWAY (OR PROXY SERVER) Figure 1.8 Source: This is the slowest and most awkward firewall is the Application level proxy. As it says, this works on the application level of the protocol stack. Since it operates on the application layer, this can act more wisely and perform the job more intelligently than packet filtering and circuit gateway firewalls. These firewalls are more suitable for enterprise firewalls rather than home use. Application level proxy determines so many useful things such as, if the connection requested is permitted, what application their computer will be used and what are permitted to use at this stage. Not only that but also this firewall protects internal computers from outside sources by hiding them from external viewing. Therefore outside viewers has to conduct all communications via the internal proxy server. That is why this method exceeds the average computer use and not much suitable for home use. ADVANTAGES OF APPLICATION LEVEL GATEWAYS 1. The firewall verifies that the application data is of a format that is expected and can filter out any known security holes. 2. Can allow certain commands to the server but not others, limit file access and authenticate users, as well as perform regular packet filtering duties. 3. Fine-grained control of connections is possible, including filtering based on the user who originated the connection and the commands or operations that will be executed. It can provide detailed logs of all traffic and monitor events on the Host system. 4. The firewall can be set up to trigger real time alarms when it detects events that are regarded as potentially suspicious or hostile. DISADVANTAGES OF APPLICATION LEVEL GATEWAYS 1. Loss of transparency to applications and slower response time. 2. Each application requires a unique program or proxy, making the process resource intensive. Source: STATEFUL MULTILAYER INSPECTION FIREWALL Figure1 .8 Source: Stateful packet inspection examines the state of the communication. This ensures that the stated destination has already acknowledged the communication from the source. So that all the source computers become known and trusted sources to the receiving computer. In addition to that, this firewall closes all ports until it gets authorized and acknowledged by the receiving computer. So that this gives more protection from outside hackers. ADVANTAGES OF SMI FIREWALL 1. Offer a high level of security control by enforcing security policies at the Application socket or port layer as well as the protocol and address level. 2. Typically offer good performance 3. Offering transparency to end user Ensure that all packets must be a port of an authorizes communication session DISADVANTAGES OF SMI FIREWALL 1. It is more expensive than the other firewalls. That means it required to purchase additional hardware software. 2. More Complex than the others Source: INTERNET CONNECTION FIREWALL,VS.85).png Internet connection firewall is the new form of security that windows XP provide. This circumvents hackers from scanning the local server or computers by use of packet filtering. This technology can make some holes on the firewall and allow the traffic through to certain ports. The major difference in this firewall is, this provides only inbound protection. In other words, data that travels from the internet to the machine not the data that travels from the machine to internet. HYBRID FIREWALL Hybrid firewall is a combination of two firewalls that we mentioned before. This was developed using the application gateway and a packet filtering firewall. Generally this firewall is implemented by adding a packet filtering firewall into the application layer to enable a quick access to the internet. But still there could be greater risks from inside network attacks and previously unknown viruses and or attacks. DRAWBACKS USING A FIREWALL Drawbacks of firewalls. As I mentioned before firewalls are playing a major role to avoid unauthorized parties from accessing the private network or computer. Although firewalls are having strength to protect against the attacks but some attacks such as eavesdropping or interception of emailing cannot protect avoided by firewalls. That means firewalls will not provide much protection on each and every attack. So that we could say firewalls have benefits as well as drawbacks too. Here are some drawbacks. Drawbacks of software firewalls. Slow down applications May be heavy on system resources. Difficult to remove. Cannot protect against attacks that do not go through the firewall Cost is high Cannot protect against threats posted by traitors or unwritten users of the system or the network Drawbacks of hardware firewalls. Expensive to purchase. Need of Specialist knowledge Upgrading is difficult. Cost is high BENEFITS USING A FIREWALL As we discussed earlier, firewalls are a kind of filters that we use or add to filter data which pass from and into our network or computer while we using or surfing the internet. This helps to protect private LANs from hostile intrusions from internet Allows network administrators to customise access rights of their network users Helps with the information management Protect private information Manage the filtration level Monitors what information gets in and what gets out More importantly, this protects the network or the computer from harmful viruses, spyware and other malicious programs that can be infected from the internet. Firewall can save important and valuable data Sometimes some programs can simply attack on the whole system and destroy all valued data. In such cases firewall can keep a choke point that can be useful when retrieving the data. This choke point could be a starter to save that whole lot of important data. In other words this choke point could be an alarm point that monitors and alarms about the risk. Firewall can offer a central point of contact for information delivery service to customers IMPLEMENTING THE FIREWALL SYSTEM Determine the access denial methodology to use Start with a gateway that has no traffic and no holes or brick walls in it Determine inbound access policy The NAT router will block all inbound traffic that has no relate to the requested data from the original LAN. To make the LAN more secure, it is required to determine which packet should be allowed into the LAN. This may require a certain criteria Determine the outbound access policy If the user only needs the access to the web, then you may need a high level of security with manually selected sites on each web browser on each machine. But this would defer when using a NAT router with no inbound mapping of traffic from the internet. Then we can allow users to use the internet freely as they wish. Determine of the dial in or dial out policy is required Dial in always requires a secure remote access PPP server outside the firewall. Somehow if a dial-out requires then the dial-out machine should be individually secured to make hostile connections impossible through the dial- out connection. Why buy a firewall product and how After above questions are being answered, then we can decide whether to buy a product or it is ok to implement or configure a product by ourselves. This will always depends on the size or the capacity of the network and the availability of the resources such as expertise and requirements. Alternatives Virus guard Zone alarms Software firewalls Routers Virus guard Virus guard is simply a program which runs in the background of a computer to protect the computer from malicious distrusted programs that can arrived through emails and other file transfer methods. Zone alarm Zone alarm is originally a software firewall which has an inbound intrusion detection system. This also has the ability to control the outbound connection system. Software firewalls Firewalls can be both software and hardware. The ideal firewall consist of both software and hardware firewalls. These firewalls are installed in the computer itself. Therefore these are more popular in individual use. But the downside of this is that, this only protects the computer that it has been installed, not the network that the computer is in. Routers As it sounds routers are used to rout data packets between networks. This device is capable of read the information each packet and direct them to the correct place or correct network where it belongs. Conclusion In this report I would like to