Thursday, October 31, 2019
SWOT analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
SWOT analysis - Essay Example On the other hand, the findings of SWOT analysis lay the basis for developing tourism development and improvement programs that may come from the government. Therefore, this essay seeks to present a SWOT analysis of Malaysia as a destination and present the findings to the relevant authorities to find the best way of developing the country’s thriving and lucrative industry. Malaysia boasts of many tourist attractions ranging from the modern cities to the rich biodiversity (Chong, 2014). Tourists can enjoy themselves in a clean and large modern cities. On the other hand, the country offers opportunities for hiking where tourists can enjoy natural trails in the tropical jungles rich with plants, insect life, and animals. Tourists can also sunbathe on countrys unique sand beaches or can as well scuba dive in Malaysias rich coral reefs (Wong, Velasamy, & Arshad, 2011). The implication is that Malaysia, apart from the big and clean cities, is also rich in biodiversity but the effects that conventional tourism activities leave on the environment requires a deeper understanding of how to integrate tourism planning with biodiversity conservation. Moreover, the country provides mountain climbing experiences where tourists can tower the Malaysian mountains rich with strawberries and enjoy the view of tea plantations (Chong, 2014). Most of the Malaysian mountains lay within the central parts of the country, and the agglomeration of the modern cities provide unique experiences for visitors. Therefore, this essay seeks to carry out a SWOT analysis of Malaysias tourism industry. The government of Malaysia has put more effort to developing tourism in the country because it does not want the country to depend entirely on exports for economic growth. Thus, the government has initiated many projects with the aim of improving tourism sector to become a significant foreign exchange earner.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assessment of the factors influencing profitability within refractive Dissertation
Assessment of the factors influencing profitability within refractive clinics and recommendations for best practice management - Dissertation Example The purpose of this study is to describe the factors that affect profitability within refractive clinics and to examine the relationship between these factors and best practice in refractive care. The study is done in two settings the first being an online platform with 40 participants (n=40) and the second being closed door, eight interview sessions involving 28 participants (n=28) at two private clinics in north one in Turin and the other in Milan. The study was qualitative in nature, and it utilized a survey method to collect the necessary data. The survey involved the use of instruments such as online questionnaires and semistructured interview questions. Online questionnaires were prepared with the help of SurveyMonkey, and sent to the 40 participants who were refractive care patients identified from clinical databases. The questionnaires were designed in line with the research objectives. Overall, questionnaires were chosen as they heightened the validity and reliability of the research through the collection of quantitative, objective data. Semi structured interviews were chosen in order to gain context and detail. They were conducted under 8 sessions at the two private clinics that were used for the study. The results for both surveys were centrally analyzed in regards to the findings in the literature review. The findings for the online survey revealed that the participants strongly consider two key factors when making their choice attend refractive clinics. These factors include management, where they showed strong consideration for private clinics. The other factor was technology superiority whereby they would first assess the clinics and later consider the one with better technology. For the interview sessions, the results indicated that the top five factors of importance were as following. Technological Superiority, friendly and professional staff, trust in the service, organisational culture, and personal and individual service in the order of sup eriority starting with most important. To conclude the research reflects upon the importance of a consideration of organisational factors in order to enhance profitability. Moving away from a sole financial perspective, this research has promoted the importance of a patient centric approach and the use of relationships to build perceptions and expectations of quality of care. Table of Contents Table of Contents 4 Chapter One: Introduction 6 Chapter Two: Background and Literature Review 10 2.1.2 Refractive Surgery 12 2.1.3 Alternative technologies 12 2.2 Background on Profitability in Refractive Care 14 2.2.2 Patient Economics 16 2.2.3 Prospective Patient Demographics 17 2.2.4 The Refractive Surgery Patient Pool 21 2.2.5 Procedure Pricing 24 2.2.6 Relationships between Demand and Economic Conditions 25 2.2.7 Penetration Rates and Available Market 25 2.2.8 Refractive Surgery Centers Concentrated in Metro Areas 26 2.2.9 Competition 27 2.2.10 Michael Porter 5 forces analysis on refracti ve market 28 2.3 Motivations for refractive surgery 30 2.4 Marketing perspectives: experiential marketing 30 2.5 Satisfaction in the healthcare sector 31 2.6 Organisational Culture 33 2.7 Leadership 34 2.8 Organisational capabilities 35 2.9 Current research and summary 36 Chapter Three: Methodology 37 3.1 Research Methodology and Design 37 3.2 Research Philosophy 38 3.3 Research Ethics 38 3.3.1 Human Rights Protection 39 3.4 Sample Size 39 3.4.1 Sample Recruitment 40 3.5 The setting 41 3.6 Data Collection 42 3.7 Instruments 42 3.7.1 Questionnaires 42 3.7.2 Semi Structured Interviews 43 3.8 Data Analysis Plan 44 3.9 Assumptions 45 3.10 Methodology Summary 45 Chapter Four: The Results 47 4.1 Sample 47 4.2 Survey Results 48 4.2.1 Results from the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Application Level Gateway Information Technology Essay
Application Level Gateway Information Technology Essay This document provides a clear overview of the function of network firewalls in an organization and the authentication methods that they support. The reason why a firewall is needed is given and the benefits and drawbacks of using a firewall, the components of other devices that could be used in place of firewalls are introduced along with the purpose of using them. Finally typical activities are described along with implementation of the firewalls. INTRODUCTION. With the rapid development of the world, the business, marketing, science, engineering even writers and astrologists are intend to use the technology. Therefore we could say that the technology has become the main media among all these fields. YES its true that is quite easy to work with when you get familiar with it. But still we got to know that there are plenty of sand traps in the technology. By the end of this document we will find out few of them and also we will be able to get an in detailed expanded knowledge about them. As we talked earlier, in every field the main media or the attribute is technology. Most of these fields use technology to gather, store, maintain and develop their data. At this point this technology they use become more critical as these data is so much important for the relative company or the organisation. As the world runs faster and its businesses run faster, people have become so much competitive. So it is so important to protect their own data among themselves to compete stronger. So that these organisations aim a secured system for their organisation. In this case FIREWALE plays a major rall. In order to prevent or secure their own data from the outside world, they define their own network that they call a secured network. But networks cannot be simply defined as secured or unsecured. Some organisations store their valuable data in a database and they prevent outsiders from accessing their data or computers from the outside networks. At the same time some organisations need to make information or data available outsiders. But they have some conditions or set of rules. For example these outsiders cannot edit or modify these data. They only can read. We call this READ/WRITE permission. These networks allowed arbitrary access to its data and they use some sort of a mechanism to prevent the original data. This mechanism we call FIREWALE. We all know that with the widespread of the internet along with the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telnet and file transfer protocol (FTP) each and every person in every corner of the world got the opportunity to communicate with one another in a flash. Sometimes these commutation needs protection. To provide this required protection we use FIREWALES. Since the internet is inherently an insecure network it is so much useful to utilize this kind of method. Sometimes some organisations use their own customised methods since they have their own unique networks. But still the functionalities are the same. BASIC FIREWALL OPERATION and how it works? Figure 1.0 Source: FIREWALL is a system or a device that enforces a unique access control policy between networks as well as it monitors all data transmission internally and externally of a network. But the main purpose is to keep track of other unauthorized accesses. Also we can limit communication by the direction of the flow, IP address as well as ports. But if we have the access to the firewall, we can simply configure it and enable whatever ports, protocols and computers we want. Also FIREWALLs helps to control the flow of data. For example, it can control the traffic of the TCP layer. So that we can manage the usage of data as well. We can easily set a certain criteria in a firewall. Then it allows all that level of traffic only through the gate or it may deny all traffic unless it meets certain criteria. FIREWALL ARCHITECTURE Firewalls are helping in many ways to structure and protect our network system by introducing the firewall architecture. Basically there are three types of Firewalls Arictectures. Application layer firewalls Dual-Homed Host Figure 1.1 Source: Systems with more than one network interface without functioning as routers. In other words where the interface that connected to logically and physically separate network segments. Ex: Application layer firewall. Network layer firewalls Screened Host Figure1.2 Source: In screened host architecture, there is no boundary net, no interior router, and often no bastion host. Obviously, there is a host that the outside world talks to, but this host is often not dedicated exclusively to that task. What you have instead is a single router and a services host that provides Internet services to internal and external clients. Ex; Network layer firewalls Screened Subnet Figure 1.3 Source: Screen Subnet is a variation of the dual-homed gateway and screened host firewalls. If we want to locate each components separately in a firewall this function plays a big role. When we locate each component of the firewall on a separate system it makes us a greater output and flexibility and it helps to reduce the cost. But, each component of the firewall needs to implement only a specific task, making the systems less complex to configure. Ex: Network layer firewall. Source: BASIC TYPES OF FIREWALL Conceptually, there are two types of firewalls: 1. Network layer 2. Application layer Network Layer Firewalls Basically the external devices of a computer situated between the network and the cable or the modems. Ex: Routers. Figure 1.4 Source: Application Layer Firewalls Basically the internal components of a computer system. Ex: softwares. Figure 1.5 Source: BASIC FIREWALL DESIGN DECISIONS When implementing an internet firewall, there are numerous decisions that must be addressed by the Network Administrator. 1. The stance of the firewall This decision reflects the policy of how your company or organization wants to operate the system. It may take one of two completely opposed stances: Everything not specifically permitted is denied firewall should block all traffic, and that each desired service or application should be implemented on a case-by-case basis. This is the recommended approach. Since this creates a very secure environment. But some could say this limits the number of options. Everything not specifically denied is permitted firewall should forward all traffic, and that each potentially harmful service should be shut off on a case-by-case basis. This is more complex than the previous. 2. The overall security policy of the organization The security policy must be based on a carefully conducted security analysis, risk assessment, and business needs analysis. If an organization does not have a detailed security policy, the most carefully expertise firewall can be avoided to expose the entire private network to attack. 3. The financial cost of the firewall That depends on the financial stability of the organization. How much can they afford for the security? A commercial firewall system provides increased security but may highly cost, depending on its complexity and the number of systems protected. If an organization has the in-house expertise, a home-developed firewall can be constructed from public domain software, but there are still costs in terms of the time to develop and deploy the firewall system. Finally, all firewalls require continuing support for administration, general maintenance, software updates, security patches, and incident handling. Source: COMPONENTS OF THE FIREWALL SYSTEM Packet filtering Circuit gateways Application level proxy Stateful packet inspection Internet connection firewall Hybrid firewall PACKET FILTERING FIREWALL Figure 1.6 A packet filtering firewall works on the network layer of the ISO protocol and this examine the information contained in the header of a packet which includes the source address and the destination address and the application it has to be sent. It is important to know that these types of FIREWALLs only examine the header information. If some corrupted or unwanted data sent from a trusted source, then this type of firewall is no good. Because when a packet passes the gate or the filtering process, it is always passed on to the destination. Therefore we could say that these types of firewalls are so much vulnerable to IP spoofing. In other words, a hacker can make his transmission to the private LAN easily and gain the access. ADVANTAGES OF PACKET FILTERS 1. Easy to install 2. Supports High Speed 3. Makes Security Transparent to End-Users DISADVANTAGES OF PACKET FILTERS 1. Leaves Data Susceptible to Exposure 2. Offers Little Flexibility 3. Offers No User-based Authentication 4. Maintains no state related to communication Source: CIRCUIT LEVEL GATEWAY Figure 1.7 Circuit gateway firewalls work on the transport level of the protocol. These firewalls are fast and transparent, but no protection from attacks. Same as the previous Packet filtering firewall, circuit gateway firewalls do not check the actual data in a packet. But surprisingly this can hide the LAN behind it to the outsiders. In other words, this makes the LAN behind the firewall invisible. ADVANTAGES OF CIRCUIT LEVEL GATEWAYS 1. Less impact on network performance 2. Breaks direct connection between the untrusted host and trusted client 3. Higher level security than the static and dynamic filter. DISADVANTAGES OF CIRCUIT LEVEL GATEWAYS 1. Lack of application protocol checking. 2. Low to moderate security level. APPLICATION LEVEL GATEWAY (OR PROXY SERVER) Figure 1.8 Source: This is the slowest and most awkward firewall is the Application level proxy. As it says, this works on the application level of the protocol stack. Since it operates on the application layer, this can act more wisely and perform the job more intelligently than packet filtering and circuit gateway firewalls. These firewalls are more suitable for enterprise firewalls rather than home use. Application level proxy determines so many useful things such as, if the connection requested is permitted, what application their computer will be used and what are permitted to use at this stage. Not only that but also this firewall protects internal computers from outside sources by hiding them from external viewing. Therefore outside viewers has to conduct all communications via the internal proxy server. That is why this method exceeds the average computer use and not much suitable for home use. ADVANTAGES OF APPLICATION LEVEL GATEWAYS 1. The firewall verifies that the application data is of a format that is expected and can filter out any known security holes. 2. Can allow certain commands to the server but not others, limit file access and authenticate users, as well as perform regular packet filtering duties. 3. Fine-grained control of connections is possible, including filtering based on the user who originated the connection and the commands or operations that will be executed. It can provide detailed logs of all traffic and monitor events on the Host system. 4. The firewall can be set up to trigger real time alarms when it detects events that are regarded as potentially suspicious or hostile. DISADVANTAGES OF APPLICATION LEVEL GATEWAYS 1. Loss of transparency to applications and slower response time. 2. Each application requires a unique program or proxy, making the process resource intensive. Source: STATEFUL MULTILAYER INSPECTION FIREWALL Figure1 .8 Source: Stateful packet inspection examines the state of the communication. This ensures that the stated destination has already acknowledged the communication from the source. So that all the source computers become known and trusted sources to the receiving computer. In addition to that, this firewall closes all ports until it gets authorized and acknowledged by the receiving computer. So that this gives more protection from outside hackers. ADVANTAGES OF SMI FIREWALL 1. Offer a high level of security control by enforcing security policies at the Application socket or port layer as well as the protocol and address level. 2. Typically offer good performance 3. Offering transparency to end user Ensure that all packets must be a port of an authorizes communication session DISADVANTAGES OF SMI FIREWALL 1. It is more expensive than the other firewalls. That means it required to purchase additional hardware software. 2. More Complex than the others Source: INTERNET CONNECTION FIREWALL,VS.85).png Internet connection firewall is the new form of security that windows XP provide. This circumvents hackers from scanning the local server or computers by use of packet filtering. This technology can make some holes on the firewall and allow the traffic through to certain ports. The major difference in this firewall is, this provides only inbound protection. In other words, data that travels from the internet to the machine not the data that travels from the machine to internet. HYBRID FIREWALL Hybrid firewall is a combination of two firewalls that we mentioned before. This was developed using the application gateway and a packet filtering firewall. Generally this firewall is implemented by adding a packet filtering firewall into the application layer to enable a quick access to the internet. But still there could be greater risks from inside network attacks and previously unknown viruses and or attacks. DRAWBACKS USING A FIREWALL Drawbacks of firewalls. As I mentioned before firewalls are playing a major role to avoid unauthorized parties from accessing the private network or computer. Although firewalls are having strength to protect against the attacks but some attacks such as eavesdropping or interception of emailing cannot protect avoided by firewalls. That means firewalls will not provide much protection on each and every attack. So that we could say firewalls have benefits as well as drawbacks too. Here are some drawbacks. Drawbacks of software firewalls. Slow down applications May be heavy on system resources. Difficult to remove. Cannot protect against attacks that do not go through the firewall Cost is high Cannot protect against threats posted by traitors or unwritten users of the system or the network Drawbacks of hardware firewalls. Expensive to purchase. Need of Specialist knowledge Upgrading is difficult. Cost is high BENEFITS USING A FIREWALL As we discussed earlier, firewalls are a kind of filters that we use or add to filter data which pass from and into our network or computer while we using or surfing the internet. This helps to protect private LANs from hostile intrusions from internet Allows network administrators to customise access rights of their network users Helps with the information management Protect private information Manage the filtration level Monitors what information gets in and what gets out More importantly, this protects the network or the computer from harmful viruses, spyware and other malicious programs that can be infected from the internet. Firewall can save important and valuable data Sometimes some programs can simply attack on the whole system and destroy all valued data. In such cases firewall can keep a choke point that can be useful when retrieving the data. This choke point could be a starter to save that whole lot of important data. In other words this choke point could be an alarm point that monitors and alarms about the risk. Firewall can offer a central point of contact for information delivery service to customers IMPLEMENTING THE FIREWALL SYSTEM Determine the access denial methodology to use Start with a gateway that has no traffic and no holes or brick walls in it Determine inbound access policy The NAT router will block all inbound traffic that has no relate to the requested data from the original LAN. To make the LAN more secure, it is required to determine which packet should be allowed into the LAN. This may require a certain criteria Determine the outbound access policy If the user only needs the access to the web, then you may need a high level of security with manually selected sites on each web browser on each machine. But this would defer when using a NAT router with no inbound mapping of traffic from the internet. Then we can allow users to use the internet freely as they wish. Determine of the dial in or dial out policy is required Dial in always requires a secure remote access PPP server outside the firewall. Somehow if a dial-out requires then the dial-out machine should be individually secured to make hostile connections impossible through the dial- out connection. Why buy a firewall product and how After above questions are being answered, then we can decide whether to buy a product or it is ok to implement or configure a product by ourselves. This will always depends on the size or the capacity of the network and the availability of the resources such as expertise and requirements. Alternatives Virus guard Zone alarms Software firewalls Routers Virus guard Virus guard is simply a program which runs in the background of a computer to protect the computer from malicious distrusted programs that can arrived through emails and other file transfer methods. Zone alarm Zone alarm is originally a software firewall which has an inbound intrusion detection system. This also has the ability to control the outbound connection system. Software firewalls Firewalls can be both software and hardware. The ideal firewall consist of both software and hardware firewalls. These firewalls are installed in the computer itself. Therefore these are more popular in individual use. But the downside of this is that, this only protects the computer that it has been installed, not the network that the computer is in. Routers As it sounds routers are used to rout data packets between networks. This device is capable of read the information each packet and direct them to the correct place or correct network where it belongs. Conclusion In this report I would like to
Friday, October 25, 2019
Comparing The Sisters, An Encounter, and Araby :: comparison compare contrast essays
The Sisters, An Encounter, Araby: Themes, Symbolism, and Change         The short stories collected in Dubliners are mostly predecessors and characterizations of James Joyce's later works. "The Sisters" is no different. It, along with "An Encounter" and "Araby," are drawn from Joyce's personal memories and sentiments. The young boy and the characteristics of these short stories are an indirect sampling of Joyce's next published work, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, a novel mostly written from his own memory. "The Sisters," by James Joyce, is a story that mingles unworldly associations with an aim to teach with realistic endeavor, revealing truths of life and death.            This short story revolves around a young boy's struggle to affirm and rationalize the death and insanity of an important figure in his life. The narrator arrives home to find that Father James Flynn, a confidant and informal educator of his, has just passed away, which is no surprise, for he had been paralyzed from a stroke for some time. Mr. Cotter, a friend of the family, and his uncle have much to say about the poor old priest and the narrator's relationship with him. The narrator is angered by their belief that he's not able, at his young age, to make his own decisions as to his acquaintances and he should "run about and play with young lads of his own age ..." That night, images of death haunt him; he attempts make light of the tormenting face of the deceased priest by "smiling feebly" in hopes of negating his dreadful visions. The following evening, his family visits the house of the old priest and his two caretakers, two sisters, wh ere he lies in wake. There the narrator must try and rationalize his death and the mystery of his preceding insanity.            The title of "The Sisters" is in one instance a simple title, but it may also indicate a greater, more expressive intent. First, on a mundane level, the title "The Sisters" signifies the two sisters, Nannie and Eliza, who have taken care of the priest in his illness and have helped to arrange the formalities of his passing -- embalmment and documents of burial and insurance. The two sisters give sentiments of Father Flynn about the occurence in the months prior to his passing, helping to explain his stricken condition, always repeating, "Ah, poor James!" Secondly, on a more significant and symbolic level, the title may connotate the relationship of insanity to death of that of the close relationship between sisters.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Women As ‘Real Men’
Throughout the selected stories in Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron many themes are brought to a readers attention. These themes help relate and compare the tales to one another in more ways than one. In the tale, Day two Story nine it raises a certain question on how a man may look as his wife, and the standards his wife may have to uphold. In comparison Day Five Story Ten, the question raised is a question of loyalty of a wife to her husband, which in turn, compare with the standards a wife may have to uphold for the husband. In both of these stories women are seen in the end as tough characters that take these actions from their husbands without any question; they are the real men in the tales. The tale Day Two Story Nine is about a man Bernabo whom is married to Zinevra, a very trustworthy wife. Bernabo and his friend Ambrugiolo while away get into a conversation about how easy it is to cheat on their wives while they are away, because in the end Ambrugiolo’s thought is that they do the same thing. Bernabo disagrees he looks at his wife as very trustworthily and Zinevra would never do such a thing. Because of a bet the two men end up making, Amrugiolo undeservingly wins the bet, or so Bernabo is led to believe. Bernabo orders a servant to murder Zinevra because of this misleading sin she been framed of committing. She pleads to the servant for her life and runs away to begin a new life as a man. Zinevra made a new life for herself after she was framed and moved on. But one day in the market she ran into her husband, Bernabo after much talking they realized who each other were. In the end, Zinevra gets revenge on Ambrugiolo and he is killed. Zinevra was in control of her decision to either go back to her husband Bernabo after he did not trust her word and ordered her to be killed, or not. She ends up goes back to her husband and in a way is a hero. Bernabo did not trust the loyalty of their marriage and was quick to judge Zinevra, but in the end the two lived happily ever after. Day Five Story 10 is another story with the loyalty of a husband and a wife. The story is about a man Guaitieri marrying a beautiful peasant, Griselda. Quick to marry, Guaitieri does not know if Griselda is truly a loyal companion and tests her through dramatic and horrific tricks. Including lying to Griselda about killing both their daughter and son, and Griselda does not question it and agrees with his actions. Guaitieri does not know what will break his wife because he believes this woman could not be so loyal. Therefore he pretends to divorce the peasant, and tells Griselda that he is getting remarried. He wants her to not only attend the wedding, but also clean and decorate the house for the event. Griselda agrees yet again, and in the end Guaitieri is convinced that she is just as loyal as she acts and tells her the whole truth of the matter. Their children were never killed, and the woman he was about to marry was their daughter. The loyal Griselda takes back Guaitieri and they live happily ever after. While reading these stories, which were written in a time not like today, a reader may be taken back. With the Bernabo and Zinevra story, a reader may question why Bernabo was so quick to judge what he thought was a trustworthy and loyal wife. But as we see in the selected tales women are viewed almost as a prize or object not as a companion or a real person. We see that in Guaitieri and Griselda’s story as well Guaitieri tests Griselda over and over and would not believe that she really was a loyal as she was coming off to be. Readers would take this story and see Griselda as almost an abused women, husbands do not treat their wives this way this time in age. In contradiction back in the day Griselda was seen as such a loyal women and wife because of her reactions to Guaitieri’s terrible lies. In both tales, the women over come their challenges and are viewed as harder and tougher people then the men.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marketing Test Questions
1. The promotional mix is the combination of promotional tools used to reach the target market and fulfill the organization's overall goals. a. True b. False 2. When a marketer sends a message to the target market, the marketer must first decode the symbols used. c. True d. False 3. Even though a message is received, it will not necessarily be properly decoded; receivers interpret messages based on their own frames of reference. e. True f. False 4. All promotions are designed to either inform, persuade, or reinforce the target audience. g. True h. False 5.The promotional mix consists of: i. advertising, publicity, direct marketing, and personal selling j. public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, and publicity k. product, promotion, price, and place l. advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations m. advertising, telemarketing, public relations, and sales promotions 6. Which of the following statements about advertising is true? n. The total costs o f advertising are typically low. o. The signs on the outsides of buses and taxis are not a form of advertising. p.The cost per contact in advertising is low. q. Innovative media are not used in advertising. r. Advertising is any form of communication in which the sponsor is identified. 7. Public information (that the company did not pay for) about a company, good, or service appearing in the mass media as a news item is: s. personal selling t. advertising u. mass communications v. publicity w. sales promotion 8. _____ consists of all marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchasing such as coupons, contests, free samples, and trade shows. x. Sales promotion y. Publicity . Personal Selling {. Advertising |. Sponsorship 9. In 2006, GM unveiled a GM Fuel Price Protection Program that caps the per-gallon price consumers pay for gas at $1. 99 when they purchase select 2006 and 2007 GM full-size utility and mid-size cars. This is an example of _____ designed to stimulate consumer b uying. }. A sales promotion ~. A public relations activity . Advertising . An implicit communication . Personal selling 10. Communication to large audiences, usually through a medium such as television or a newspaper, is called _____ communication. . Feedback-proof Referential . Interpersonal . Mass . Public 11. The communication process consists of: . Message, media, and transmittal . Source, receiver, and channel . Sender, receiver, and message . Encoding, decoding, channel, sender, receiver, noise, and feedback . Comprehension, noise, and feedback 12. _____ is the conversion of the sender's ideas and thoughts into a message. . Decoding . Envelopment . Processing . Development . Encoding 13. _____ is anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows the transmission of information. . Media communication . Feedback Static . Nonpersonal communication . Noise 14. Advertising competes for two things. These two things are: . ________________b. _________________ 15. There are three typ es of Product Advertising. They are: . ________________b. _________________ c. ___________________ 16. _____ sales promotions are targeted toward the ultimate end-user market. . Facilitating . Intermediary . Pull . Consumer . Trade 17. _____ advertising is used to keep a familiar brand name in the public's mind and to refresh the consumers on the brand’s uses, characteristics, and benefits. Advocacy . Pioneer . Reinforcement . Reminder . Comparative 18. In class we briefly talked about an acronym used in discussions about promotions. The acronym, AIDA, stands for: . Attitude-Interest-Demand-Activity . Attention-Interest-Desire-Action . Awareness-Intent-Demand-Action . Avoidance-Interest-Desire-Acceptance . Attitudes-In-Developing-Acquisitions 19. A manufacturer using the _____ promotional strategy focuses its promotional efforts on the consumer. . Reinforcement . Personal selling . Push . Pull . Kinetic 20.Firms that adopt a push promotion strategy focus their message at inte rmediaries in order to get them to carry the product, rather than at the end consumer. . True . False 21. Comparative advertising is: . like a mirror because it compares all negative and positive features of both products . like a shotgun in that it compares multiple features of two products . like a rifle in that it only compares a single benefit or advantage . only used by companies at the highest level of the pyramid of corporate responsibility . sed to compare two or more competing brands on one or more specific attributes. 22. Aston Martin is a common brand of car driven by the British agent James Bond. Aston Martin paid to have its vehicle featured in these movies. This is an example of: . Advertising . A sales promotion . Paid-for public relations . Product placement . Lobbying 23. In a 2008 movie starring the hilarious Jim Carrey, Red Bull was reference multiple times. This is another example of _______________ and _________________ is the movie’s title. . Advertising and Dumb and Dumber . Puffery and How the Grinch Stole Christmas Customer deceit and The Cable Guy . Product placement and Yes Man . Product placement and Liar Liar 24. Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix. . Product . Place . Primary Demand . Promotion . Price 25. One of the purposes of promotion is to stimulate demand. What are they? . __________________b. ____________________ 26. This type of demand focuses on making potential customers aware of the general product category. . __________________ 27. This type of demand focuses on making potential customers aware of specific benefits provided by a particular brand/product. ___________________ 28. Based on the results from a recent study, and posted in an article on cnet. com, advertising revenue from Google for the first 6 months of 2012 exceeded that of print media. According to this study, Google brought in how much revenue from ads for this period? . ___________________ 29. Both advertising and public relations (PR) are types of non-personal communication. However, the main difference is advertising is _____________ whereas PR is ________________. 30. According to the course syllabus, Exam #4 is scheduled for what day? . _____________________
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Robert Frost - Fire and Ice essays
Robert Frost - Fire and Ice essays Some say the world will end in fire, From what Ive tasted of desire Robert Frost contrasts fire and ice in such a way, that the reader is left to believe he is speaking of emotions. Desire, when describing love, is such an emotion that a person is left to crave the mere being and soul of another person. It is the sheer appetite to taste that other individual that makes the passion of desire so powerful. Desire is easily compared to fire in the same way that a fire burns intensely, and is easily ignited, so is desire a distinction to the combustion of obsession. Hatred, the most intense emotion known to describe the extreme aversion felt by man for another being is compared to ice. Ice is the powerful reaction that occurs at extreme temperatures and turns any liquid substance into a solid. Both hatred and ice produce a result so extreme that the destruction of the world does not seem such a tragedy in their wake. To distinguish desire and fire against hatred and ice show two extremes contrasted with two emotions. Robert Frost easily takes hold of the reader and throws them into another place. A place of intense emotion, both scorn and obsession, and the sensation of heat and cold. Places were the force of destruction and the fruit of life can obliterate one another. The poem breathes the essence of creation and devastation. Frost, a mastermind with words, can take a simple feeling, sentence, and phrase and transform such an idea as to take the reader from the book to the fantasia in his mind. Fire and ice displays the emotions felt and the literal forms of those emotions. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Disinterested Not the Same as Uninterested
Disinterested Not the Same as Uninterested Disinterested Not the Same as Uninterested Disinterested Not the Same as Uninterested By Maeve Maddox The constant misuse of disinterested for uninterested is breaking down a very useful distinction of meaning. To be uninterested is to be lacking in any sense of engagement with the matter: Sallie is uninterested in algebra. To be disinterested is to lack bias: Let the company call in a disinterested mediator to settle the dispute. The use of disinterest as a verb should probably be avoided: Her husband tried to disinterest her in taking the course in German. Better: Her husband tried to discourage her from taking the course in German. If the person you are describing is not interested in something, use uninterested. Save disinterested for the judge. Heres a quote from a NY Times article: The passing of the old sense of interest took disinterestedness over the side along with it. Usage critics exaggerate when they lament the disappearance of the sense of disinterested that means, roughly, impartial. That meaning still accounts for a majority of its uses in the press. But disinterested isnt a word that comes up much when we try to define political virtue. Theres no place to stand thats free from what William Dean Howells called the sordid competition of interests, now that interest itself has been given so broad a charter. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. FurtherDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"Epidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Write a Lab Report - Steps and Template
How to Write a Lab Report - Steps and Template Lab reports are an essential part of all laboratory courses and usually a significant part of your grade. If your instructor gives you an outline for how to write a lab report, use that. Some instructors require the lab report be included in a lab notebook, while others will request a separate report. Heres a format for a lab report you can use if you arent sure what to write or need an explanation of what to include in the different parts of the report. Lab Report A lab report is how you explain what you did in ​your experiment, what you learned, and what the results meant. Lab Report Essentials Title Page Not all lab reports have title pages, but if your instructor wants one, it would be a single page that states:​ The title of the experiment.Your name and the names of any lab partners.Your instructors name.The date the lab was performed or the date the report was submitted. Title The title says what you did. It should be brief (aim for ten words or less) and describe the main point of the experiment or investigation. An example of a title would be: Effects of Ultraviolet Light on Borax Crystal Growth Rate. If you can, begin your title using a keyword rather than an article like The or A. Introduction / Purpose Usually, the introduction is one paragraph that explains the objectives or purpose of the lab. In one sentence, state the hypothesis. Sometimes an introduction may contain background information, briefly summarize how the experiment was performed, state the findings of the experiment, and list the conclusions of the investigation. Even if you dont write a whole introduction, you need to state the purpose of the experiment, or why you did it. This would be where you state your hypothesis. Materials List everything needed to complete your experiment. Methods Describe the steps you completed during your investigation. This is your procedure. Be sufficiently detailed that anyone could read this section and duplicate your experiment. Write it as if you were giving direction for someone else to do the lab. It may be helpful to provide a figure to diagram your experimental setup. Data Numerical data obtained from your procedure usually is presented as a table. Data encompasses what you recorded when you conducted the experiment. Its just the facts, not any interpretation of what they mean. Results Describe in words what the data means. Sometimes the Results section is combined with the Discussion (Results Discussion). Discussion or Analysis The Data section contains numbers. The Analysis section contains any calculations you made based on those numbers. This is where you interpret the data and determine whether or not a hypothesis was accepted. This is also where you would discuss any mistakes you might have made while conducting the investigation. You may wish to describe ways the study might have been improved. Conclusions Most of the time the conclusion is a single paragraph that sums up what happened in the experiment, whether your hypothesis was accepted or rejected, and what this means. Figures and Graphs Graphs and figures must both be labeled with a descriptive title. Label the axes on a graph, being sure to include units of measurement. The independent variable is on the X-axis. The dependent variable (the one you are measuring) is on the Y-axis. Be sure to refer to figures and graphs in the text of your report. The first figure is Figure 1, the second figure is Figure 2, etc. References If your research was based on someone elses work or if you cited facts that require documentation, then you should list these references.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Sales Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
Sales Management - Essay Example Direct mail incorporating an 800 number can be used similarly to the Yellow Pages, as can advertising in many other media.  «Outbound telemarketing takes many forms, but it most resembles traditional, unsolicited door-to-door sales. Contacts are made through cold calls (random), warm calls (referrals) or hot calls (customer-initiated requests for information)†2. For example, manufacturers who were primarily communicating with customers through nonintegrated channels are now finding it is possible to reach them also through telemarketing efforts at a substantially lower cost than other integrated channel alternatives. In this case, manufacturers increase their channel control by adding an additional in-house channel (telemarketing) while keeping cost efficiency high through the application of information technology. At the same time, firms must move with caution as the increase in integration is likely to result in less flexibility. However, the net result is that new technolo gies allow firms to enter customer segments much more easily than before. In other words, market entry barriers are no longer so high, as new technologies enable firms to enhance market coverage while containing costs3. Both direct selling and direct marketing make wide use of telemarketing techniques. Studies noted earlier show that the public perceives some disadvantages in buying from a telemarketing firm. Evidence also exists that image questions still haunt the perceived legitimacy (e.g., pyramids) and ethical propriety of direct selling, as well of selling in general4. Major negative factors attributed to telemarketing by a cross section of consumers are high-pressure selling, unreliable salespeople, and loss of contact after the sale. While some instances of these behaviors undoubtedly exist, they are far from endemic to the industry. These image problems should be addressed and alleviated job satisfaction, commitment, and productivity and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Lost In the Mall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Lost In the Mall - Essay Example This paper stresses that the old Chicago post office was designed by Graham, Anderson, Probst & White in 1921. The nine story tall building was always bustling with activity but there were many problems that surrounded it. As the study outlines Franzen begins the story of â€Å"Lost in the Mall†with a hypothesis which is a good direction for any novelist to conduct his inquiry. The main goal he had in mind was to crack open the scandal of the Chicago Post Office. The hypothesis, on which Franzen bases his story, is the notoriety of the goings on in the post office. He decries the way it worked because it had earned the name of being the largest postal system in the world, but yet the post office was considered the worst in postal deliveries and services and at one time, it almost came to a virtual halt, as the system got clogged with about 10 million mails when they experienced a logjam. The sorting method had failed miserably and was not capable of keeping up with the demand. It was this notorious incident that triggered a full scale investigation which in turn called for a total reorganization of the Postal system in Chicago. The old building had to be vacated when a new and modern building t ook its place and culminated into what is called the U.S Postal service in the year 1971.
Franklin Roosevelt Against the Great Depression and World War II Research Paper
Franklin Roosevelt Against the Great Depression and World War II Difficulties - Research Paper Example Franklin D. Roosevelt was an effective leader in office and a powerful leader in the history of America presidents. He was self-confident, could interact with all people easily and determined public servant who provided America with a clear vision and used his political skills to get all people focused towards achieving the vision (Franklin, 2013). His life was spent in public service. He began his public service career as a New York State Senator. Then he became the assistant secretary of the navy and was once a vice presidential candidate. Later he served as the New York governor before running for the presidency and serving as the 32nd president of the United States of America (Berlin, 1955). A policy is made after wide consultation and evaluation of its effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages. Then the collected views are subjected to the discussion by lawmakers and finally, the president assents to the policy making it legal. A policy is made from concrete facts. The presid ent is not solely responsible for decision-making. There are many other decision-making organs involved in decision making such as the Judiciary, Attorney General, and lawmaking institutions. President Franklin Roosevelt could speak at length on any matter with his charisma to link with people. He could project his voice loud enough with charismatic, intimate and yet commanding speech that was hugely appreciated by Americans. He restored hope to Americans through his speech. In March 1933, he delivered the first speech that made Americans write thousands of appreciation letters to him for giving them hope during the great economic depression.
Sex Education in Schools and Home Research Paper
Sex Education in Schools and Home - Research Paper Example On the other hand, teachers too fail to touch on sex related issues when educating teenagers believing it is the responsibility of their parents and guardians to educate these growing youth about sex education. At the end of the day, teenagers remain in darkness, without knowledge about sex, or even the slightest clue to what pertains to sexual education. Their curiosity to try out new things without a guiding hand ends up in even more dreadful results, such as early pregnancies and school dropouts. As such, this research paper seeks to explore various peer-reviewed journals discussing issues related to sex education, as well as, evaluate how various institutions approach this issue about sex among the youth (Brown, Dunn, Newby & Wallace, 2012). What are Parents really saying then they talk with Their Children about Sexuality? American Journal of Sexuality Education This article explores the communication that exists between parents and their children about sex and sexuality. A resea rch carried out on a number of parents within the United States revealed that parents took an authoritarian tone whenever speaking to their children about sexuality. ... Some of the reasons given by these parents on their indecision to discuss sexuality with their children were religious influences and cultural backgrounds, alongside distinct patterns of communication. Some religions forbid open discussion of sexuality, as they consider it as a sacred matter only for the married couples. On the other hand, a qualitative analysis on these parents revealed that these parents sometimes focused on specific issues when discussing sexuality with their children, such as early pregnancies, STDs/STIs, HIV/AIDS virus, and other adversities related to premature sexuality. As such, the lack of sexual orientation, as well as the lack of parental knowledge and support of sexuality, leads these children to exploring murky waters, hence coming out scotched and bruised from their actions (Cox, Gagnon, McDonalds, Meglio, Mitchelle & Rennick, 2011). Asking to Listen: Towards a Youth Perspective on Sexual Health Education and Needs, Sex Education This article explores t he perspectives of the youth in relation to sexual health education and needs within a Canadian province. This article seeks to impart some sense of responsibility among the youth by giving them power to take control of their sexual health behavior. As such, participating youths to this program learnt measures of how to take control of their sexuality, as well as develop a number of preventive skills towards the sexual risks involved in premature sexuality. This control and prevention skills over sexuality were particularly important in areas suffering from socioeconomic disparities. Statistics show that the rate of active sexuality is very high in areas with low socioeconomic standings as compared to the areas that live in affluence. For example, girl growing up in the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Biodiversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Biodiversity - Essay Example A more diverse portfolio in making policies helps in reduction of risks the County and its people have to incur in case there is investment only in some few sectors of the economy. According to biological researches, more than 40% of the global economy and 80% of the poor peoples needs comes from biological resources. Thus, the rich biodiversity in Indiana increases opportunities for improvement in life through medical discoveries from nature and response to challenges like climate change (Gamfeldt, Hillebrand, and Jonsson, pp. 1223). The livelihood of the people of Indiana highly depends and has thrived on biodiversity in the area. The presence of a variety of plant and animal species in the area provides an opportunity for consumption of different components of the diet. Consumption of diet that is derived from different plant and animal sources is significant for the prevention of nutrition-related conditions like obesity, thus helps in reduction of the health burden in the area. The industrial sector in Indiana has equally thrived from biodiversity in the country. Industries working in lines like wood industry, fiber industry, oil production dyes and the like have thrived due to existence of readily available resources for their operation in the area thus improving the economic status of the County (Emmett Duffy, pp.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
International Relations - Essay Example When this state of affairs took place in Europe, jobs were created for the increasing number of workers, but in poor countries, this economic manipulation has had a damaging impact, throwing a number of workers out of production. It thus impedes the launch into sustainable development and self-supported progress (Halevy 1981, 67-68). This is the inherent problem in the relationship between the core and periphery, which Immanuel Wallerstein attempted to resolve. But was he successful in resolving this problem? This essay thus tries to prove that he is indeed so. Overview of Wallerstein’s Theory of Semi-Periphery Immanuel Wallerstein tries to analyse and understand the growth of the Westâ€â€the ‘core’â€â€and the retarded growth of the third worldâ€â€the ‘periphery’â€â€as regards to world system governed by capitalistic structures which has facilitated economic penetration from the core to the periphery. As explained by Wallerstein, this world system which grew during the 16th century has shown the vital and extraordinary attribute of being economically integrated but politically disunited (Jackson & Sorensen 2007, 191). Earlier world systems were characterised by global empires where in massive stretches of lands, peopled by various racial/ethnic groups, were governed by a single political machinery. These empires were successful in acquiring huge quantities of surplus, for a while, by collecting taxes from faraway lands in return for political security (Jackson & Sorensen 2007, 191). Yet, eventually, the cost of sustaining this security (e.g. military expenses) exceeded the economic gains of exploitation and manipulation, and the systems were hence fated to collapse. On the contrary, the European world system has not been hindered by an overruling political body; thus its natural strength, stability, and flexibility. This system, on its own, has been able to acquire surplus which does not have to be used up on the preservation of world order; thus, it on its own has been a major contributor to the growth of capitalism (Baylis, Smith, & Owens 2008). An economic world system was not merely favourable for the growth of capitalism; it was a requisite of it. This is due to the fact that crucial, initial capital accumulation did not take place substantially in the ‘core’ where in capitalist structures in fact grew, but instead in the ‘periphery’, from which it was embezzled through the world system dynamics for the core’s interest and gains. Such initial capital accumulation in the periphery was facilitated because the capitalist ventures of landholders there had enhanced productivity by opening up ventures with low ‘per capita output’ such as major plantations (Halevy 1981, 68). Forced labour and cash crop, which supported these ventures in the periphery, was hence the important foundation for the preliminary growth of capitalism in core countries. Th e capitalist landholders of the periphery have been trading their products on a global market and thus have been in constant rivalry against each other. The benefits of high output or productivity that they have attained have consequently been equalised by their products’ lower prices. Their boosts in efficiency and higher
Biodiversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Biodiversity - Essay Example A more diverse portfolio in making policies helps in reduction of risks the County and its people have to incur in case there is investment only in some few sectors of the economy. According to biological researches, more than 40% of the global economy and 80% of the poor peoples needs comes from biological resources. Thus, the rich biodiversity in Indiana increases opportunities for improvement in life through medical discoveries from nature and response to challenges like climate change (Gamfeldt, Hillebrand, and Jonsson, pp. 1223). The livelihood of the people of Indiana highly depends and has thrived on biodiversity in the area. The presence of a variety of plant and animal species in the area provides an opportunity for consumption of different components of the diet. Consumption of diet that is derived from different plant and animal sources is significant for the prevention of nutrition-related conditions like obesity, thus helps in reduction of the health burden in the area. The industrial sector in Indiana has equally thrived from biodiversity in the country. Industries working in lines like wood industry, fiber industry, oil production dyes and the like have thrived due to existence of readily available resources for their operation in the area thus improving the economic status of the County (Emmett Duffy, pp.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Leadership Principles Essay Example for Free
Leadership Principles Essay Abstract This paper explores the definition of leadership, and how applying the principles of leadership can yield more success for teams in the workplace. It also serves to further explore personality self-evaluation and how personality traits help to define an individual’s leadership likely traits and strengths. Reference will be made to personality assessments such as the â€Å"Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator†(MBTI) and the â€Å"Big-Five Approach to Personality Assessment†, and what those assessments imply about an individual. While individuals tend to demonstrate particular trends and traits in relation to the personality assessments, the results are not absolute, and in no way offer definitive information about an individual’s specific characteristics (Scholl 2002). Detailed exploration of particular aspects and principles will yield a more refined working knowledge of leadership and practical applications in the workplace, specifically self-awareness and personal recognition of individual characteristics and learning styles. A summary with findings and conclusions will conclude the paper. Leadership Leadership is the ability to get a group to achieve greater accomplishments and achievements than the sum of individuals’ actions. Leadership means taking advantage of opportunities and finding ways to improve upon a situation, whether or not someone else gave you the empowerment to accomplish those goals (Blanchard, Fowler, and Hawkins, 2005, p. 15). Leaders have the innate ability to observe a scenario, realize what needs to happen to realize results, seize the moment and guide others to work together to accomplish a common goal. Ultimately, â€Å"a leader is anyone who can give you the support and direction you need to achieve your goal.†(Blanchard et al, 2005, 133). Self-Evaluation Every person is an individual, and as individuals they naturally have unique personality traits that affect how they interact and interact with others in the world. Personal assessment is a valuable tool that allows an individual to realize their own unique traits and tendencies, allowing them to be aware of precognitive tendencies that they might demonstrate in given situations. For me personally, I was assessed using the MBTI method to be an introvert, who tends to be slightly sensing, somewhat thinking, and strongly judging ( At first, I took some offence to being categorized in this method, but after researching the general description of my personality, as well as specific definitions of the preference categories, I came to realize that this information would ultimately empower me to become a stronger and more capable leader in the future. A summary of careers suggest that I could become a strong manager that would enjoy a workplace where I could use m y knowledge and organizational skills. I am likely to enjoy occupations that involve working with, communicating with, and teaching people. ( I am able to ascertain that my personality traits suggest I am a person who is capable of teaching others my knowledge and other applicable skills. I am a leader who possesses both information power as well as expert power (Yukl, 2011, p. 193) Another assessment that helped me to understand about my character was the Big-Five Approach to Personality Assessment (Scholl, 2002). The Big-Five assessment provided five factors, along with several more specific traits and facets that help individuals understand and recognize concerning their personality. The five factors, or domains, are neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. My low scoring on the neuroticism portion suggests that I am a confident, optimistic individual who is even tempered and relaxed; able to face stressful situations without becoming upset (Scholl, 2002). I had a low extraversion score, suggesting that I am reserved and interpersonally formal; an independent thinker rather than a follower (Scholl, 2002). In the domain of openness, my score was almost dead center, suggesting that I do not have strong tendencies one way or the other (Scholl, 2002). I believe that this suggests that my reaction depends on the situation and the environment surrounding it. I can be curious and imaginative about certain situations, but cautious and conservative for others. Personal morals and ethics strongly influence my openness, whereas I am open to new ideas and thinking about scenarios, as long as they do not violate my personal ethical standards. For agreeableness, my slightly higher than center score suggests that I am for the most part a generous, trusting person who is sympathetic to others. At the same time, I can be suspicious and impatient with those who have disappointed me in the past. This is one aspect that I need to be aware of my past, and how it influences my present and future. I once had an assistant who I trusted complicity attempt to stage a mutiny to attempt to remove me from my position. Thankfully, my employees had enough ethical standards to make me aware of the decision, so that I could deal with the situation through the proper channels. However, as a result of that situation I have found it much more difficult to trust subordinates, and I tend to be suspicious of actions that could be viewed as disloyal and insubordinate to me as a manager and leader. For the final domain, conscientiousness, my score was again dead center, but the results for this particular section made me think more deeply about myself. I had always thought that I demonstrated the traits associated with someone who scores high for conscientiousness, but I must accept the fact that I may have tendencies that are normally for those scoring low. For me to be successful, I must constantly be aware of these traits, and be able to recognize and adjust my actions when I act in a way that is not conscientious. The guidelines representing how to promote emotional intelligence in the workplace ( suggested twenty-two steps to assess the situation, instigate change, then transfer power and evaluate how everything worked. The company I formerly worked for must have been influenced by these guidelines, as I had been introduced to the process years ago, and was a continual body of work for me as a retail manager. For every employee that was hired, whether full or part time, I had to assess them as an employee, and implement a training program that would yield the best results for the company. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and I enjoyed showing how every employee had an impact on our store, and their effort and personal pride could have far reaching impact on our daily success, both for sales and customer satisfaction. The process of encouraging transfer and maintenance of change was mainly designated for the management team, but that was an essential process for our team. I simply could not do it alone: I needed every member of the management to perform to their potential, so that we could function as a team, and each member of management would learn and better their skills for the next advancement opportunity that might come along. It was through this process that I was able to train and advance several members of management, many of whom are now store managers with their own stores to run. Leadership Style My personal leadership style is supportive leadership. I will always try to empower others around me to be aware of their potential, and support them when they need assistance. As Yukl suggests, I use my interpersonal skills to be supportive and compassionate with others as they try to get their work done (Yukl, 2011, p. 64). I attempt to learn more about an individual’s personality, so that I can find a way to best assist them in their own growth and leadership potential. That requires a being a coach who is sometimes there to boost their confidence, and at other times kick them in the rear when they are not putting forth their best effort. At the same time, I realize that it is not possible to provide the motivation for everyone. Every individual has different motivations, and ultimately must take responsibility for creating their own work environment (Blanchard et al, 2005, p.29). I am aware that to be a successful leader, I need to be able to not only empower others, but to show them how to be leaders unto themselves. Every individual needs to be aware of their own strengths and powers before they can lead themselves (Blanchard et al, 2005, p.62), and I plan help others find their way to lead themselves, and ultimately lead others to success. References Blanchard, K., Fowler, S., Hawkins, L. (2005). Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Self Leadership. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishing, Inc. Buckingham, Marcus (2005). The One Thing You Need to Know†¦About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success. New York, NY: Free Press. Lencioni, Patrick (2002). The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Scholl, Richard (2002). Dispositions: The Big 5 Personality Assessment. Retrieved from University of Rhode Island, Labor Research Center Web site: Yukl, Gary (2011). Leadership In Organizations, Eighth Edition. San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Substitution and Income Effect
Substitution and Income Effect Tendekai Mudariki The price of any given product will always change the customer’s choice of purchasing this can be in terms of quantity, quality or choosing the opportunity cost. In my essay I will be looking at how an increase in prices affect the substitution effect and the income effect and how customers react if the good has many close substitutions when there is an increase in price. Under the Substitution effect it suggest that the rise of the price in a good or decrease in income will leave the customers having to choose the alternative goods for example when the price of Coca-Cola drink raises this will lead to the rise of demand in Pepsi because Pepsi is the next best thing to a Coca-Cola. The substitution effect can also be used in reference in how workers can have a pick between leisure and wages, the more money on wages the less leisure time since wages will be more profitable than leisure. This effect tends to limit the customers buying demand behaviour that is limiting the choice of the consumer since they will not be able to purchase their choice of shown below (in figure 1.1) The impact that a change in the price of a good has on the quantity demanded of a certain good, this will always lead to change in relative prices the rise of the price will make the quantity demanded to be less forcing some of the customers away to the next best thing tha t they can have. The income effect is the response of the quantity that is demanded to a change of real income or the price that is the rise of price in goods, (refer to figure 1.1) in the graph below shows the demand curve as it links up the relationship between the price of a certain item and the quantity that is demanded that is over a certain time. When the price falls there are two reasons why there will be more demand and this includes the substitution effect and income effect .the impact that a change in the price of a good has that effect on the quantity demanded of the good which then leads to the change of price of the good (substitution).the impact of a change in the quantity demanded of the good due to the change of their real income not being able to meet the quantity of goods that will satisfy them but still buy the good anyway but only have to make it lesser. The demand curve enlightens up the relationship between the price of the goods and the quantity demanded that is after a period of time. Considering both sides the substitution effect as shown on the diagram above from both sides of a price change that is going up and down. If we consider the both sides the higher the price an increase in price causes a decrease in the relative prices of substitute goods. Buyers tend to buy more of the other substitute goods and less of the good. The result is a decrease in thequantity demanded, and the lower the price then it leads to a decrease in price causing an increase in the relative prices of substitute goods. Buyers are inclined to buy less of the other substitute goods and more of this good. The result is an increase in the quantity demanded. As price falls, a person’s opportunity cost of purchasing the product falls as shown in the diagram above. A good with many close substitutes is likely to have an elastic demand .This is due to the price rise, buyers can actually choose to buy one of the close substitutes if there is a price increase of a good by shifting to one of the cheaper substitutes. However fewer substitutes’ choices will limit the options to shift. It is Important to distinguish between the income effect and the substitution effect of a price increase and the separation of the two is shown in figure 2 and it’s called the indifference theory. The price change can affect the way the buyers decisions in terms of buying staff this is called the income effect. Increases in price, while they dont affect the amount of your available budget, make you feel poorer than you were before, and by so you buy less of the product. Decrease in the price make you feel more superior and confident in terms of buying, and can the lead you of buying more of that good. When price increases, the demand for x changes because (1) good x is now more expensive relative to good y, and (2) the consumer’s purchasing power has gone down. Substitution Effectâ€â€the change in demand resulting from a change in the price ratio, leaving utility unchanged. Income Effect this is the change in demand resulting from the change in purchasing power (movement from the initial indifference curve to the final indifference curve), leaving the price ratio unchanged. The total effect = substitution effect + income effect. The substitution effect is always negative, due to diminishing MRS. The income effect is negative for normal goods(the substitution effect), and positive for inferior goods. A giffen good is an inferior good with the unique characteristic that an increase in price actually increases the quantity of the good that is demanded. This provides the unusual result of an upward sloping demand curve. This happens because of the interactions of the income and substitution effects. Depending on whether the good is inferior or normal, the income effect can be positive or negative as the price of a good increases. An inferior good means an increase in income causes a fall in inferior good has a negative PED. An example, of an inferior good is Tesco value bread. When your income rises you buy less Tesco value bread and more high quality, organic bread. Normal Good This means an increase in income causes an increase in demand. It has a positive PED. Note a normal good can be income elastic or income inelastic. The graph below shows the income effect and the substitution effect of a price increase for a normal good and inferior goods after a rise in price of a certain good. The Income Effect is the effect due to the change in real income. When the price goes up that means the consumer is not able to buy as many bundles that she could purchase before. In real terms this means that the customer now feels poorer. On the diagram 1.3 it shows the quantity of goods consumed for a normal good and it shows the figures A=14, B=4 and C=7 .from C to A it shows the substitution effect after subtrac ting 14 from 7 and from C to B after subtracting 7 from 4 it shows the income effect and the total effect is the total between the substitution and income effect as shown in the diagram (-7-3=-10). The same workings also applies to the inferior goods too. As shown in the diagrams when the price of the good goes up the quantity goes down Summing up my essay if a good is inferior, a drop in income (represented by a price increase) increases the quantity of the good that is demanded. The substitution effect is negative for any good that experiences a price increase. A giffen good faces an upward sloping demand curve because the income effect dominates the substitution effect, meaning that quantity demanded increases as price rises.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Euphoric And Dysphoric Phases In Marriage :: essays research papers
<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Despite all the fashionable theories of marriage, the narratives and the feminists, the reasons to engage in marriage largely remain the same. True, there have been role reversals and new stereotypes have cropped up. But the biological, physiological and biochemical facts were less amenable to modern criticisms of culture. Men are still men and women are still women in more than one respect. Men and women marry for the same reasons : The Sexual Dyad – formed due to sexual attraction and in order to secure a stable, consistent and permanently available source of sexual gratification. The Economic Dyad – To form a functioning economic unit within which the economic activities of the members of the dyad and of additional entrants will be concentrated. The economic unit generates more wealth than it consumes and the synergy between its members is likely to lead to gains in production and in productivity relative to individual efforts and investment. The Social Dyad – The members of the couple bond as a result of implicit or explicit, direct, or indirect social pressure. This pressure can manifest itself in numerous forms. In Judaism, a person cannot belong to some religious vocations, unless he is married. This is economic pressure. In most human societies, avowed bachelors are considered to be socially deviant and abnormal. They are condemned by society, ridiculed, shunned and isolated, effectively ex-communicated. Partly to avoid these sanctions and partly to enjoy the warmth provided by conformity and acceptance, couples marry. Today, a myriad of lifestyles is on offer. The old fashioned, nuclear marriage is one of many variants. Children are reared by single parents. Homosexual couples abound. But in all this turbulence, a pattern is discernible : almost 95% of the adult population gets married ultimately. They settle into a two-member arrangement, whether formalized and sanctioned religiously or legally – or n ot. The Companionship Dyad – Formed by adults in search of sources of long-term and stable support, emotional warmth, empathy, care, good advice and intimacy. The members of these couples tend to define themselves as each other's best friends. It is folk wisdom to state that the first three types of dyad arrangements suffer from instability. Sexual attraction wanes and is replaced by sexual attrition in most cases. This could lead to the adoption of non-conventional sexual behaviour patterns (sexual abstinence, group sex, couple swapping, etc.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
My Turn at Bat :: English Literature
My Turn at Bat Book Review My Turn at Bat: The Story of My Life, written in 1969, could be the name of any number of hitters that have played the game of baseball. It could even be a metaphor for something that doesn’t even relate to the game of baseball. But that’s not the case here, this book is about, arguably the greatest hitter to ever play the game. This book is about the only player to ever hit .400. The only man to be inducted into seven different hall of fames. This book tells the story of Ted Williams through his eyes, the way he lived on and off the field. The author John Underwood does a good job in terms of letting the reader get a first person point of view when it comes to the life of this Boston Red Sox legend. The book first starts out with Ted Williams stating that, â€Å"I’m glad it’s over†, he then goes on to explain what he means by this. Williams says that he is so grateful for what baseball has done for him as a person but he was glad to be out of the game as a player. He tells the reader through out the book that if he could go back to when he was 18 or 19 years of age he wouldn’t do it because knowing now what was in store for him. He says that he had to deal with so much physical pain, the weight of the world being on his shoulders, and last but certainly not least the Boston reporters. At that point in his life, Ted Williams had finished playing Major League Baseball for the Boston Red Sox and moved on to managing the Washington Senators, a move that he wasn’t all that comfortable with, but was willing to try. This book is a constant one-way conversation with the reader. It seems that is just the way Williams wanted it to be, just so he could tell the story without any interruptions. Williams’s talks about how he always wanted to be the greatest hitter of all time through out the book. He says that a man needs to have a goal for a day, a lifetime and his was to hear people say, â€Å"there goes Ted Williams the greatest hitter of all time†. Williams also talks about how his 22 years of playing the game were the best years of his life but they were also some of the unhappiest. Through out his time as a professional ball player, he felt that people didn’t like him,
Friday, October 11, 2019
Jet blue case study Essay
The United States airline industry includes roughly 600 companies with combined annual revenue of approximately 170 billion dollars ( The major companies include American, Delta, and United Continental ( There are air operations of express delivery companies such as FedEx and UPS. This industry is highly concentrated with the 10 largest companies accounting for more than 75 percent of industry revenue ( The global airline industry generates about $500 billion annually ( The major international companies include Air China, Deutsche Lufthansa, Air France-KLM, Japan Airlines, and British Airways ( Discussion Questions 1. Discuss the trends in the U.S. airline industry and how these trends might impact a company’s strategy. Trends in this industry are numerous. This discussion will include the price of jet fuel, on-time performance, security, and cheaper substitutes. Oil price volatility is the leading player in airline strategy ( Fuel is probably the most significant element in an airline’s base cost ( The new fuel price average for the year 2012 is around 129.7 dollars per barrel ( The impact of this year’s fuel bill for the global airline industry is upwards of 32 billion dollars ( The causes for delays and cancellations of flights are reported monthly to The Bureau of transportation Statistics ( On time performance has many factors; a few of these factors are air carrier delays, late arriving aircrafts, security delays, extreme weather, and equipment ( Air carrier delays are within the airline’s control. This area includes maintenance/crew problems, aircraft cleaning, baggage loading, fueling, and such ( A late arriving previous flight†¦ Read Full Essay View as multi-pages
Thursday, October 10, 2019
China Restaurant ; Foodservice Review
Enterprise Improvement Corporate Turnaround and Restructuring Financial Advisory Services Information Management Services AlixPartners 2010 China Restaurant & Foodservice Review May 2010  © AlixPartners, LLP, 2010 www. alixpartners. com Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 2010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 2 2010 Restaurant & Foodservice Review Executive Summary (1) Market Trends Industry Structure The Chinese restaurant industry has grown by about 11% in 2009 to about 2 trillion RMB. Growth was down from 16% in 2008. ?However, despite annual growth rates of 13% since 2003, the Chinese restaurant industry by 2009 has reached only about half the size of the US restaurant industry, as dining out expenditure per capita in China is less than 10% the expenditure of US people. ? Chinese consumers remain substantially more conservative in terms of d ining out than US consumers: while in the US, people nearly spend half their food expenditure in restaurants, Chinese people only spend 22% in restaurants. The number of restaurants in China is vastly higher than in the US (5. 1 vs. 0. 9 million restaurants) and the industry is significantly more fragmented. Whereas the Top 100 restaurant chains in the US have a 45% overall market share, China’s Top 100 only has a 6% market share in 2009 (down from 9% in 2003). ?Western restaurants remain at a very low level in China, and have a market share of only about 1% in 2009. Apart from KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut, no major US restaurant chain has achieved a major presence in China. Although the leading Chinese restaurant chains have minor market shares as the industry is highly competitive, profitability levels of leading chains were around 10-12% in terms of EBIT margins in 2009 and in line with average US fast-food chains in 2009. ? Given the solid profitability levels and strong future growth potential for Chinese restaurant chains, it is a highly attractive industry for M&A deals and we are likely to see further private equity investments as well as takeovers by leading chains. 3 2010 Restaurant & Foodservice Review Executive Summary (2)Per capita expenditure on dining out will continue to increase at double digit growth rate in 2010. Consumers anticipate spending about 10% more in restaurants than they did in 2009. This is in stark contrast to US where people expect to spend 4% less in 2010. ? To remain competitive, operators must serve high quality food and market themselves more on an individual basis to consumers. Similar to in U. S. , food quality is the most important factor when Chinese consumers determine overall value. Other top factors are price and service ?Chain restaurants are increasingly popular in China. 50% of consumers prefer chains over independent restaurants, while another 35% are indifferent. This indicates a major growth pote ntial for chains, which currently only have a 7% overall market share in China. ? Western restaurants have enormous growth potential. On average, Chinese consumers plan to eat 40% of their meals in Western style restaurants in 2010. This is a substantial contrast to the 1% market share of Western owned restaurants in 2009. Consumer Survey Results Opportunities Consumers preferring Western restaurants cite cleaner environment, better atmosphere and better service as key differences to Chinese style locations. ? Western restaurant chains have substantial opportunities in the Chinese market, but will have to develop tailored concepts to the market.Developing a brand position and good quality reputation will be critical for Western chains in the highly fragmented and competitive market. Especially in the casual dining sector, which has multiple major players in the US, there are major opportunities for new entrants into the Chinese market. Established leading Chinese restaurant chains w ill likely continue to expand and achieve strong margins, as scale results in significant advantages in purchasing, operational effectiveness and marketing. However, it will be critical to implement professional systems to support growth. 4 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 2010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 5China’s Foodservice Industry Has Been Expanding At 13% CAGR in 2003-2009, But Remains At Nearly Half The US Market Size China foodservice industry revenue 2003-2009E [bn RMB] 0. 17 0. 16 0. 14 YOY 0. 13 growth 0. 12 0. 11 0. 1 0. 09 0. 08 0. 15 16% 14% 13% 11% 14% 11% 3,860 956 1,090 1,232 1,365 1,556 1,800 2,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 E US 2009 By contrast, US Restaurant Industry has shrunk for the last 2 years in revenue Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 6China’s Per Capita Dining Out Inc reased To About 980 RMB Per Year In 2009, Which Is Less Than 10% Of US Per Capita Dining Out China per capita dining out expenditure [RMB per capita per year] 0. 24 0. 22 22% YOY 0. 18 0. 16 growth 0. 14 0. 12 0. 1 0. 08 0. 2 14% 14% 10% 15% 12% 10,100 438 533 607 691 761 878 980 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 E US 2009 Per Capital Dining Out Is Driven By Growing Disposable Income Per Capita (Per Capita Dining Out Has Been Around 6% Of Disposable Income 2004-2009) Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 7Chinese People Eat Out Only About 1/3 As Frequent As US People In 2009, As Dining Out Represents 21% Of Total Food Expenditure Average Number Of Times Dining Out 2009 Dining Out As % Of Total Food Expenditure, China vs. USA 204 48% 184 130 22% 72 18% China HK Taiwan USA China 2003 China 2009 E USA 2009 Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 8 The Chinese Restaurant Industry Remains Highly Fragmented, With More Than 5. 1 Mio. Outlets And Average Rev enues Of 0. 4 Mio. RMB No. Of Restaurants [Mio. Outlets] Average Revenue Per Outlet [‘000 RMB] 4,091 5. 1 3. 0. 9 308 377 China 2003 China 2009 E USA 2009 China 2003 China 2009 E USA 2009 Source: Euromonitor, China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 9 The Top 100 Chinese Restaurants Have A Market Share Of Only 6% in 2009, Compared To 45% In The USA China restaurant revenue, Top 100 vs. Others [% of Industry Total] Top100 9% 6% 45% †¢ Western style restaurants only account for 1% of the Chinese restaurant industry in 2009 †¢ Fast food restaurants account for about 23% of the market in China, compared to about 29% in USA Others 91% 94% 55% China 2003 China 2009 USA 2009Source: China Statistics Bureau, National Restaurant Association 2010 Industry Forecast, AlixPartners analysis 10 Quick Service And Hotpot Restaurants Account For 2/3 Of The Top 100 Restaurants’ Revenues In China Number of companies Revenue % Revenue per company [bn RMB] Comments †¢ Fas t food segment is expanding in China rapidly due to services & quality standardization and relatively low price level †¢ Key players include YUM brands, McDonald’s, Dicos, etc. †¢ Hot Pot restaurants are popular in China, esp. in central and north regions †¢ Key players include Little Sheep, Xiao Wei Yang, Dezhuang, etc.Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) 20 31% 1. 8 HotPot 23 34% 1. 7 Full-Service Casual Dining 17 11% 0. 8 †¢ Casual dining is pointing to a growth trend among young professionals who are seeking places for social activities †¢ Specialty / fine dinning mainly include famous Chinese brands and large restaurant groups, and western fine restaurants Specialty / Fine Dining 40 24% 0. 7 †¢ Western fine restaurants are growing fast but focused on coastal cities Source: China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 11 Chain Restaurants Still Account For Small Share In Chinese Market, But HaveBeen Consistently Gaining Market Share China restau rant revenue, Top 100 vs. Others [% of Industry Total] Chained 8% Chain restaurants Independents †¢ Chain restaurants have grown at a faster rate than independent restaurants, driven by advantages in – Advertising / brand building – Cost and quality control – Operational efficiency Independents 92% 19% 15% 12% 20% 16% 22% 18% 23% †¢ In Hong Kong, chained restaurants account for 28% of total market size by revenue †¢ Going forward, chain restaurants are likely to rapidly win market share 2001-06 CAGR 06 vs. 07 Growth 08 vs. 07 Growth 09 vs. 08 GrowthSource: Euromonitor, China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 12 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 2010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 13 Three Western Restaurant Brands Are Currently Among The Top 10 (KFC, McDonalds and Pizza Hut) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Brand KFC McDonald’s Dicos Little Sheep Xiao Wei Yang Pizza Hut UBC Cafe Xiaotiane Company Yum! Brands Inc. McDonald's Corp Ting Hsin International Group Little Sheep Group Limited Inner Mongolia Xiao Wei Yang Yum!Brands Inc. UBC Coffee food Co Ltd Chongqing Xiaotiane Catering Type QSR QSR QSR Hot Pot QSR Casual Dining QSR QSR Market share 1. 2% 0. 5% 0. 3% 0. 2% 0. 2% 0. 2% 0. 2% 0. 1% # of Stores ;gt;2,000 ;gt;1,000 ;gt;1,000 ;gt; 400 ca. 600 ca. 300 ca. 500 ca. 300 9 10 Xiao Tu Dou Malan Lamian Shenyang Xiao Tu Dou Malan Lamian Fast Food QSR QSR 0. 1% 0. 1% ca. 300 ca. 300 Source: Euromonitor, China Statistics Bureau, AlixPartners analysis 14 Major Chinese Restaurant Chains On Average Outperform US Restaurants In EBIT Margins, And Are In Line With US QSR EBIT margin comparison 2009 E Chinese Chains 5. 2% 11. 6% 9. 6% 7. 3% 11. 9% 17. 0% 11. 2% 10. 1% 6. 2% Fairwood Quan Ju De Little Sheep Cafe De Coral Beijing Xian Ge Qing Ajisen US Average Asia F;B USA QSR Peers Source: IQ Cap ital, Annual reports, AlixPartners analysis 15 Leading Chinese Restaurant Chains Remain Small Players Compared To US Peers, But With Significantly Different Growth Perspectives Leading Chinese Chains Company Dafe de Coral Ajisen Little Sheep Fairwood China Quanjude Beijing Xiangeqing HK Catering Management Leading US Chains Growth 2009 9. 1% 18. 7% 23. 5% 2. 2% 8. 3% 20. 6% -7. 2% Revenue 2009 [Mio. RMB] ,674 1,986 1,570 1,466 1,204 738 328 Company McDonald’s Yum! Starbucks Darden Brinker OSI Jack in the Box Burger King Wendy’s Arby’s Cracker Barrel Revenue 2009 [Mio. RMB] 162,112 76,287 70,989 48,407 27,926 Growth 2009 -3. 3% -4. 1% -5. 9% 8. 9% -14. 5% NA -2. 7% 3. 4% -2. 2% -0. 7% 27,816 17,363 17,277 16,691 Xinjiang Bai Hua Cun 64 62. 8% 16,254 †¢ Major US chains with limited growth potential in mature home market †¢ Chinese restaurants with major growth potential (both organic growth and through takeovers) Source: Euromonitor, China Statistics Bur eau, AlixPartners analysis 16Solid EBIT Margin and Growth Potential Are Main Reasons For M;A Activity and PE Investments – Increase In Investments Expected Chained Restaurant # of restaurants in 2009 422 Investment size [m US$] N/A Key M;A and PE investments †¢ Yum Brands bought 20% equity in 2009 †¢ The combined YUM! ; Little Sheep will be the largest and most diversified restaurant company in China, providing both Western and Chinese style restaurants with brands including KFC, Pizza Hut, East Dawning and Little Sheep †¢ Nov. 2005, a group of investors including IDGVC invested $ 14 million †¢ GGV and first round investors invested $10. million in 2007 †¢ In 2008, Oaktree and existing investors, invested $23 million †¢ In 2007, Capital Today and Liandong invested $43 million 70 14 11 23 300+ 43 98 40+ 50 43 †¢ Nov. 2008, Actis invested USD 50 million †¢ Dec. 2008, CDH invested $43 million With solid EBIT margins and strong growth oppor tunities, private equity investments and takeovers by leading restaurant chains are likely to increase Source: Published data, AlixPartners analysis 17 For Example, Little Sheep Restaurant Chain – A Success Story Company Overview Little Sheep is the leading full-service restaurant chain operator in China. It’s ranked #4 in all restaurant companies in China and #1 in local companies †¢ The company focuses on operating hot pot chain restaurants as well as developing, processing and selling food product including lamb and hot pot soup †¢ Little Sheep’s revenue rose from RMB 513 millions in 2005 to 1,272 millions in 2008, growing at 35% CAGR †¢ It has 422 restaurants in total by mid 2009: 146 companyowned and 276 franchised restaurants RMB Millions Revenue CAGR †¢ 05-08: 35% †¢ 08-14E: 31%Revenue Growth ; Breakout Success Factor †¢ Standardization facilitates expansion into China: The standard products in hot pot restaurant cuisine requ ire minimal kitchen preparation and enable easier quality control †¢ Its focus on quality creates a strong brand. In particular, it is known for high-quality lamb †¢ Focuses on consumer segment of 20-40 year olds and invests heavily in advertising and its royalty program †¢ Shifted from sole franchising model to a mixed franchising ; owned model in 2002, facilitating geographic expansion Franchised vs. Owned Business Model Company-owned model helps Little Sheep enhance its operational efficiency by better executing its branding and marketing strategy, optimizing menus and facilitating the launching of new products†¢ Franchised restaurants model obviates the need for the company to raise capital and run the day-to-day business, thus very effective or the company to penetrate lower-tier cities Source: Annual report, Yuanta Research report, AlixPartners analysis 18 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Se lected Restaurants D. 010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 19 AlixPartners 2010 China Consumer Survey: Overview Date: March 2010 Population: 1,030 adults, 13 major cities in China, age 18+ (average age 25) Demographics: Respondent group was representative of the Chinese population across key demographics and income ranges Survey Focus: Key areas of focus included: ? Planned frequency of dining occasions ? Expected spending on meals outside the home ? Preferred type of restaurants ? Key criteria for consumer preference in restaurant selectionUS Survey: In March 2010, AlixPartners also conduced a similar study in the USA, also covering a survey population of 1,000 adults  © AlixPartners, LLP, 2009 20 In China, Average Spent Per Meal Is Expected To Increase By 10% In 2010 – By Contrast US Diners Expect to Pay 4% Less Expected average spending per meal [RMB] CHINA USA -4% 82. 6 +10% 79. 2 48. 8 53. 7 Last 12 Months Next 12 Mont hs Last 12 Months Next 12 Months 21 Over The Next 12 Months, Nearly 46% Expect To Spend More Money in Restaurants in China, While Consumers in USA Remain Cautious Planned consumer spending, 2010 CHINA USA 51% 46% 41% 5% 39% 34% 13% 16% 15% Spend less Spend same Q1-2010 Spend more Spend less Spend same Q1-2009 Spend more Q1-2010 22 Fine Dining and Fast Casual Will Benefit Most From Dining Frequency Increase In China – Fast Food and Fast Casual Most Impacted in USA Dining frequency per month and restaurant type CHINA +9% USA S 2009: 13. 7 S 2010: 15. 1 6. 4 -20% S 2009: 13. 8 S 2010: 11. 8 5. 1 6. 2 5. 7 +13% 4. 4 3. 9 +7% -17% 2. 9 3. 1 +17% 2. 9 2. 4 2. 9 2. 8 1. 6 1. 5 1. 2 1. 4 Fast Food Fast Casual LTM Freq/Month Casual Fine Dining Fast Food Fast Casual LTM Freq/Month Casual Fine Dining 2010 Expected 2010 Expected 23Biggest Drivers to Increasing Frequency At Favorite Locations Are: (1) Better Quality, (2) Closer Location, and (3) Improved Service Better food quality Closer location Improved service Better atmosphere Healthier menu options 26% 37% 36% 35% 25% 22% 17% 15% 15% 13% 12% 10% 8% 7% 5% 4% 3% More or better promotions, discounts, or†¦ Better value Family friendly environment Expanded menu variety Bigger portion sizes Shorten time to get in and out Offer take out service Other, specify Expanded dessert and/or beverage options Make information available on the internet Accommodate special dietary needs Smaller portion sizesWhat would cause you to eat out more often at the restaurant(s) you visit most frequently? 24 In Determining Overall VALUE, Chinese Consumers Are Far Less Focused On Price ; Promotions Than American Diners Food quality Overall service Low prices Healthy menu options Good promotions, discounts, or coupons Updated environment ; decor Big portion sizes Value meals Amenities and atmosphere Range of dessert and/or beverage options 9% 6% 5% 9% 28% 27% 31% 24% 22% 19% 23% 44% 47% 42% 60% 59% 75% 6% China U. S. 16% 34% As a cons umer, what factors are most important to you in defining OVERALL VALUE for your dollar? 5 In China, Word-of-mouth Is The Strongest Form Of Advertising For Restaurants Word of mouth Street walk-by Internet Flier, coupon, booklet, etc. Self experience TV Magazine Newspaper 17% 16% 5% 28% 25% 37% 36% 71% 34% emails 26 50% of Survey Respondents in China Prefer Chain Restaurants 50% 35% 15% Yes No No difference Do you prefer a chain store over independent restaurants? 27 Majority of China’s Consumers Prefer Chinese Style Dining, But Western Style is Very Popular Among Survey Respondents Total Sample – Fast Food Next 12 months,Western style Next 12 months,Chinese styleTotal Sample – Fast Casual Next 12 months,Western style Next 12 months,Chinese style 40% 60% 61% 39% Total Sample – Casual Next 12 months,Western style Next 12 months,Chinese style Total Sample – Fine Dining Next 12 months,Western style Next 12 months,Chinese style 15% 34% 66% 85% Approxima tely 40% of Consumers in China Plan to Eat at Western Style Restaurants; Penetration of Western Chains Most Prominent in Fast Food 28 Those Preferring Western Restaurants Cite the Cleaner Environment and Better Atmosphere Key Differences to Chinese Style Locations Clean or better environment 52%Better atmosphere (music, decor, etc. ) 46% Better services 40% Try something different 31% Better taste of food 29% Cultural attraction 26% Healthier menu options 19% Dessert and/or beverage options 16% What do you like about Western restaurants compared with Chinese restaurants? 29 Contents A. Executive Summary B. Industry Environment C. Financial Performance – Profiles of Selected Restaurants D. 2010 China Consumer Survey Results E. Opportunities for Restaurant Chains F. Conclusions 30 Operational Improvement Levers For Major Restaurant Chains Winning strategies in operations improvement Centralized purchasing to implement professional process Purchasing †¢ Negotiations sweeps coupled with strategic sourcing†¢ Logistics optimization and commodity risk analysis †¢ Centralized operations and facilities management, and IT Operational Effectiveness †¢ Lean Kitchen/Operations including emphasis on food waste % †¢ R;D Process Improvement †¢ Develop clear brand position and tailored advertising strategies Marketing †¢ Implement effective LTOs with input from supply chain partners †¢ Encourage first time visits and push customer loyalty †¢ Partnering effectively with ocal owners who know the market Expansion †¢ Implement rigorous store selection process, with clear criteria †¢ Increase no. of stores to build brand awareness Restaurant chains have substantial scale advantages in operations! 31 Opportunities For Western Restaurant Chains in China, Which So Far Have Been Hesitating To Invest on a Large Scale Leading US casual dining chains and their current China presence US Chain Brand Applebee’s Outback Stea khouse # of stores Globally 2,000 900 880 780 # of stores in China 0 100 0 30 RemarksOpened a restaurant in Shanghai in 2007, but has since left the country Operates two restaurants in Beijing and around five in HK; market leader in Korea Opened in Philippines in 2007, but has not expanded into other Asian countries Entered China in 1995 and has four restaurants in Beijing, but only one each in Shanghai, Tianjin and HK Highly successful chain, but no operations outside North America (same for sister company Red Lobster, both part of Darden’s) One restaurant in Shanghai and two in HK Ruby Tuesday TGI Friday Olive Garden 700 Tony Roma’s 0 0 260 3
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