Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Project - Essay Example Finally, after analyzing the necessary secondary information, we have concluded that the company should go for value added prompt service offerings and globalization strategy through strategic alliance with foreign company. In case of any organization it is very important to follow a good strategy as the success of any organization depends upon how effectively the management works on that. Now there are few parameters on the basis of which analysis has to be conducted and then the strategies of the managements are to be determined. Those are discussed below- The first and the foremost factor that is needed to be analyzed is the analysis of the industry environment. The industry in which the business lays it is very important to analyze its core factors and its changes what are happening in current time. S.W.O.T analysis is that type of environmental analysis which helps in determining the strategies of any company by analyzing the internal strengths and weaknesses as well as the external factors like opportunities in the industry and the threat existing in the form of competitors. According to the given guidance for analyzing any particular company’s management strategy the oil industry has been selected of UAE. The reason why this particular industry has been considered is Oilindustry is counted as the most lucrative industry in the present scenario of the business world. The few items which have the power to influence the economy of the entire world among them the crude oil comes first. Among this industry The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has been selected for analyzing the management strategies of it. The company was started in 1971 and since then till now ithas established itself in the top ten positions in the industry. At present the company manages to produce more than 2.7 barrels of oil per day. In the last three decades this particular company has expanded its business so

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