Saturday, August 31, 2019

Food and beverage Management Essay

I have read and understood the London School of Business and Finance Regulations and Policies relating to academic misconduct. I declare that: This submission is entirely my own original piece of work. It has not been submitted for a previous assessment in LSBF or any other institution. Wherever published, unpublished, printed, electronic or other information sources have been used as a contribution or component of this work, these are explicitly, clearly and individually acknowledged by appropriate use of quotation marks, citations, references and statements in the text. I understand that penalties will be incurred for late submission of work. STUDENT SIGNATURE: Ahonou Rosalie DATE: 21/09/2014 NOTE – Please complete the details below Have you submitted any Reasonable Adjustment Requests? Yes / No Date of submission: TASK 1 Understand different food and beverage production and service systems LO1. 1. 1 The characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems INTRODUCTION Food production and food and beverage service systems is about an area where menu is planned, raw materials are purchased and received. It is also about Food service where Food and beverage are provided to the guests included a wide range of styles and cuisine types, all alcoholic and non- 1 / 3 alcoholic drinks. To make a successful Food and Beverage Service, you need to develop well interpersonal skills, product knowledge skills to buy raw material. Food and Beverage Production I am going to explain some methods: Traditional Partie Method: the majority of food is buying condiments or raw. It is easy to provide the receipt and store goods, the preparation, cooking, holding and service of food and there are dishwashing facilities as well. That method is good for the staff because the staff can move quickly from their place to the service counter (the distance is short). The communication link-up is necessary for the department and food flow is systematic. There is easy access to raw food materials from storage areas. Centralised Production Method: centralised production methods explain how the separation of the production and service components of the food flow system work or operate by place or time or both. So food that is centrally produced is distributed to the point of the point of service in batches or pre-portioned. It could be transported in a ready-to-eat box or in a ready-to-serve state, for example hot or frozen food. I give some advantages of centralised production methods â€Å"the introduction of a storage stage between production and service allows the production unit to work to maximum efficiency and with a better utilisation of staff and equipment† and â€Å"energy consumption can be reduced by careful scheduling and by a continuous run of single products†. Here is a disadvantage of centralised production method â€Å"hygiene problems or food contamination could have big repercussions than a problem in an individual kitchen. Cook-Freeze Production Methods: the word cook-freeze involves a catering system which is based on the whole cooking of food and followed by quick freezing. That food is stored in a controlled low temperature of -18 degree Celsius or less then is followed by subsequent complete reheating close to the consumer, prior to prompt consumption. The process involves raw food, food storage, pre- preparation, cooking, portioning, blast freezing, cold storage, distribution, regeneration. Cook-Chill Production Methods: it is the same process with Cook-Freeze production. The only different are that the cooking of food is stored in a controlled low temperature, but just above freezing point and then between 0 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius. Therefore it has a short shelf life compared to cook-freeze of up to five days including the day of production, distribution time and regeneration. The process involves raw food, cooking, portioning, blast chilling, chill storage, distribution, regeneration. The benefits of Cook-Chill and Cook-Freeze to the employers: there will have a portion control and a reduced waste, the production will be adjusted, the staff time will be fully utilised, no more weekend work and overtime. To the customers: the variety and selection of food will increased, the standards will be maintained with a quality improvement and the services can be maintained at all times even no staff. Sous vide methods: the sous vide system involves the preparation of quality raw foods, pre-cooking when necessary. You put or placed the raw foods into special plastic bags and you vacuum the air from the special plastic bags and then you seal properly the bags. After sealing you steam cooking to pasteurisation temperatures. From then the food product can be served direct to the customers at this stage or can be chilled quickly to +1 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius and stored between 0 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius for a maximum of twenty-one days. That method increases the potential shelf-life of normal coo-chill in three ways: when you remove the air from the plastic bags the growth of bacteria is restricted. Because the food is cooked at pasteurisation temperatures that helps the destruction of most microorganisms and finally because the food has been sealed within the bags is protected during storage any regeneration from any contamination. Different services of Food and Beverage systems Table d’hote menus: this type of menu contains the popular type dishes and is easier to control because the price has already been fixed for whatever the customer chooses, that setting depend on the main dish chosen. The characteristics of a table d’hote menu are being a restricted menu, offering a small number of courses (three or four), limited choice within each course, fixed selling 2 / 3 price and all the dishes are being ready at a set time. A la carte menus: a la carte menu is a larger menu than a table d’hote menu and offer a variety choice. The menus are listing under the course headings and then the establishment could prepare all the dishes. Those dishes will be prepared to order and each dish will also be priced separately. A la carte menu is more expensive than a table d’hote menu because it contains often the exotic and high cost seasonal foods. Table service: the customer enters in the restaurant and takes seat, he/her makes the order from the menu and the Staff brings it to him/her. After finish dinning the staff clears the table. Sectors where there are food service industry: Bistro, Brasserie, Coffee Shop, First Class Restaurants, Cafeteria, Fast-food outlets and Licensed Bars. For all those sectors, the main aim is to achieve customer satisfaction, for that everything you do should meet the customers’ needs physiologically, economically, socially, psychologically and convenience. The Staff should have knowledge or experience in Food and Beverage service. The restaurant should have service methods and necessary staff skills. They should have a higher level of cleanliness and hygiene; have an idea of value for money or price and also the atmosphere. The staff should know how to make the preparation for service (Mis-en-place), take customer food and beverage order, clean for hygiene, and make the bill. They should control the atmosphere in order to satisfy customers’ needs. 1. 2 The factors that affect recipes and menus for specific systems The restaurant should establish a clear list of menu to inform customers what is available to them. The Staff provides a general presentation of the menu on the course headings that should be attractive, clean, and easy to read for language, price, sales mix with accuracy, show the size and form, layout of the menu, nutritional content, health and eating, and special diets (inform people who are allergic, diabetic, have low cholesterol and low sodium). Also the cultural and religious dietary influences can affect recipes and menus as well. Example Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Roman Catholics, Vegetarians. 1. 3 Comparison of the coast and the staffing implications POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).         

Friday, August 30, 2019

Eddie and Beatrice Essay

During the dance between Catherine and Rodolpho, Marco has a short conversation with Eddie and Beatrice. Eddie becomes jealous when Marco brags how well Rodolpho can cook.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"We eat very well on the boat – especially when Rodolpho comes along; everybody gets fat†.  Eddie outbursts with jealousy towards Rodolpho saying he â€Å"can’t cook, he can’t sing and he can’t make dresses†.  Beatrice and Marco realised that whilst he was saying all of this that Eddie was twisting a newspaper into a tight roll. Eddie then goes on taking pity on himself.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If I could cook, if I could sing, if I could make dresses†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  As Eddie goes on he gets more and more frustrated and agitated, eventually the newspaper snapped in half. Eddie mentions boxing to Marco. Marco felt uneasy due to the fact he knew Eddie was frustrated. Eddie soon gets to his point across he wants to teach Rodolpho boxing. knowing full well that what he had in mind. Beatrice asked  Ã¢â‚¬Å"What’s he got to learn that for?†Ã‚  As she tries to come up with a reason not to teach him boxing.  Eddie begins to teach Rodolpho how to lead with his left hand and to block. After all this Eddie temps Rodolpho to hit him. â€Å"Come on kid, put sump’m behind it†Ã‚  Rodolpho swings aggressively at Eddie’s jaw and grazes it. This heats up the tension even more. The audience expects a fight as Eddie should react to the blow. Eddie however does react but pretends that it is an accident but you can see that this is not the case. The effect of Eddie’s punch on Rodolpho was so fierce that the other characters was totally disgusted by it an knew that it was necessary. Catherine runs to Rodolpho’s aid and Marco rises and Beatrice tells Eddie,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"That’s enough.†Ã‚  The audience might have expected this part of the scene to result in a big fight due to the unnecessary force Eddie used. They were stunned to see Rodolpho smirk and say,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I was only surprised.† Marco then challenges Eddie. This was a test of strength in which Eddie does not win.  Marco displays his strength to all of the characters. Marco show off his strength and also warn off Eddie using a glare of warning which quickly reverts to a smile of triumph.  This makes the audience feel sorry for Eddie because Marco was now the superior strength in the Carbone household. The audience were left in the dark as the scene ends with Marco holding a chair above Eddie’s head. Arthur Miller has created the dramatic scene ending.  The instant difference between the end of Act I and the end of Act II is that at the end of Act I Marco proves his stength.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The main aim is not to be afraid of yourself

Several months ago I participated at training â€Å"Effective communication†. Actually, I didn’t think it will be useful for me, because I wasn’t a shy person, who doesn’t know what he wants from life.I didn’t have some special problems in personal relationships and in communications with my friends/teachers/family/etc. Still, my friend invited me to visit this training and I agreed. Let it be, – I thought, – maybe I’ll find something interesting there, – who knows. To tell the truth, it was very useful for me and I’ve learned a lot of interesting things about myself which helped me to communicate with other people more effective.After that training I understood that if I remain myself (if I’m not changing myself) I’ll be happy and I’ll always be able to find way out from any difficult situation.The main aim is not to be afraid of yourself, to love and to accept yourself as you are. Unexpectedl y for me I found out that I always was unsure in my actions, I was self-confident but only to some extent and very often after I took some decision; I tried to think over, what could happen if I acted in another way.I mean that I learned to look at my problems in simpler way, and then after I realized that actually I don’t have any problems. I understood that when the person is â€Å"opened†, people like him and they strive after him. You don’t need to be afraid and to hide your feelings, and then people start to understand you. Some of my fears from childhood disappeared; now in many cases I can control my aggression towards the other people.I was able to determine aim in my life, my internal state of mind changed into more vivid and confident. Communication with other people became more opened; I started to control my feelings. I learned that everything in my life depends on me, not on somebody else. That there are a lot of great possibilities, I only have to open my eyes and to reach them. Before I was loosing confidence in stress situations, and now I’m able to control my feelings.We made different kinds of tests and I understood that I like to clash with my friends and that I don’t show to people, who are close to me, feelings expressing my good attitude to them. I received practical knowledge in the field of understanding of human emotions and problems; I learned a lot of facts about myself with help of self-analysis and from opinions of other people. It was the unique experience for me and it helped me greatly in my life.   

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Baroque Drama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Baroque Drama - Essay Example One of the distinguished aspects of Baroque painting was its offbeat usage of colors and ornamentations. Such extravagances of expressionism were central to the spirit of the age. The Catholic counter-reformatory impulses resulted in a synthesis of abstraction and reality, which manifested itself poignantly in the works of Artemisia Gentileschi, the most celebrated of Roman painters in this epoch. In the purview of our study, we will now examine her famous painting entitled Judith Slaying Holofernes. Themes of women liberation and mystic illusionism are beautifully dramatized in this particular paintwork (Kleiner 662). Gentileschi derived her narrative content from one of the biblical episodes involving the beheading of the Assyrian general Holofernes by Judith (Spielvogel 477). It might be noted that the Roman painters were handsomely patronized by the English monarchs of the time. Hence, there was a sense of freedom and commitment to perfection on the painters’ part. Judith Slaying Holofernes is no exception to the liquidizing mobility that typifies the florid rendition of the Baroque taste. Francesco Borromini played a pioneering role in intensifying the architectural grandiose of the Italian Baroque. His neatly crafted San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, which is imploring in terms of its dramatic appeal, is also emblematic of the quintessential Baroque style of architecture. Quite typically, the Baroque architecture was demarked by a naà ¯ve yet peremptory feel of actuation and spaciousness.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Global Warming - Essay Example In broader terms, environmental degradation entails destruction of eco systems, over-use of natural resources and extinction of animal and plant species. Natural occurrences such as volcanoes, intense rainfall and earthquakes, may cause degradation of the environment. However, ecosystems have adapted to the effect of these natural occurrences. Moreover, in scale these effects have minimal impact compared to those because of human activities. Therefore, governments and individuals have been called upon to come together to begin acting to reduce the harm (â€Å"Definition of environmental degradation†). Currently, environmental degradation is an issue that requires immediate action because of the escalating rate at which it has been occurring, making it hard for the ecosystem to convalesce. The following include some of the human activities that have contributed to environmental degradation Pollution is considered as the major cause of ozone layer depletion owing to the release of chlorofluorocarbons- CFCs, as they rise into the troposphere causing the depletion. These coupled with acid rain and smog has led to air pollution. Industrial processes and automobiles are responsible for the release and as such, governments have been asked to tax the companies for the emissions. A rise in population has led to a strain on natural resources as needs have increased. Increase in population goes hand in hand with urbanization, which is associated with adverse environmental effects due to high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Similarly, the higher the population the higher the lever of pollution owing to significant amounts emissions to the atmosphere. In essence, the average amount of carbon dioxide produced increases as the population grows, which increases the global temperatures. Climate change has been directly linked to poverty owing to the negative effects it has on the economic capacity of

Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Presentation - Essay Example Different scientist and researchers have taken it upon themselves to try and, understand the mechanism of the mysterious X chromosome as well as its inactivation amongst the female. i. A team of scientist in the Journal neuron noted a complexity in shutting and waking of chromosomes. Understanding the X- chromosomes mechanism of action, aids in the application of stem cells in treatment procedures (â€Å"The New York Times†). ii. Females have more genome diversity than males since different copies of X chromosome. Males have only a single X chromosome hence they do not possess genetic complexity compared to their female counterparts. The copies of X-chromosome possess different genes and this is an advantage since in case of a defective gene, there will be back up from another gene (â€Å"The New York Times†). i. According to a study done by Susumu Ohno, a Japanese biologist who first identified chromosome inactivation, one of the X chromosomes present in females usually becomes dormant and ceases producing proteins (â€Å"The New York Times†). ii. Another scientist by name Mary Lyon carried out a research by breeding mice. She realized that some offspring retained hair colour of their mothers and some retained that of their fathers. This explained chromosome inactivation since the colour gene is evident on the X chromosome (â€Å"The New York Times†). i. Following the discovery by Lyon, Jeremy Nathans from Johns Hopkins University together with his colleagues decided to investigate more on the works of Mary Lyon. They therefore carried out the following experiment. ii. Pictures from this experiment indicate that X chromosome inactivation leads to genetic diversity. Dr. Nathan hopes that his pictures could serve as an atlas in analysing effects of X chromosomes shutting in females (â€Å"The New York Times†). iii. The X-chromosomes form both parents could dominate opposite sides of an organ such like mothers X chromosome for the right and fathers X

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mitral valve prolapse and treatment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Mitral valve prolapse and treatment - Term Paper Example This paper shall discuss mitral valve prolapse, its causes, incidence, and risk factors, as well as interventions and treatment measures. This paper is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehensive understanding of the condition, its impact on the health, as well as related nursing interventions. The mitral valve is the valve which ensures that blood on the left side of the heart flows in one direction (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2011). In effect, it prevents backflow of blood during heart contraction. Mitral valve prolapse manifests when the mitral valve fails to close properly, thereby causing the back flow of blood during contraction. Mitral valve prolapse can be caused by a variety of things, mostly by physical changes in the valve (WebMD, 2011). Physical changes, including the thickening of the valve can cause the prolapse. The causes of these physical changes are not entirely known. It may also be genetically inherited by family members. Health issues which affect the mitral valve, connective tissue and heart muscles can also cause mitral valve prolapse, however, these are very rare. Related conditions, including osteogenesis imperfecta and hyperthyroidism are also considerations in this condition (WebMD, 2011). For the most part, this condition is harmless and sometimes patients are unaware that they have this heart condition. In fact, about 10% of the population is known to have minor mitral valve prolapse, however, most of the time it does not affect their lives. In some instances, this prolapse can cause blood back flow. This is known as mitral regurgitation, and may sometimes require surgery and medical treatment (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2011). Mitral valves which have structural issues have an increased risk for bacterial infection. It is a condition which often impacts on thin women with minor chest deformities, scoliosis, or related disorders (University of Maryland

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Introduction to Business Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Introduction to Business Law - Case Study Example The other party (Nuriya) cannot perform work that is significantly different than what is expected. Concerning the Act mentioned above, but in section 17 of Part II, applies to this situation and will be specially applied to this case as well. Throughout most of this remaining piece the Unfair Contract Terms will be abbreviated as â€Å"UCT† for convenience. It may appear that Nuriya did not conduct work that was unexpected of Flavio and Marco because they read the contract and made a payment that all agreed upon at that time was pertaining to the contract mentioned. Both Flavio and Marco did in fact â€Å"insist† on differences before agreement of the contract was made and those two made it clear that Nuriya should make these changes, the reasonable individual(s) would have known that Nuriya did not want to make such changes. The reason this is so is because Nuriya had added the clause â€Å"The agreement will be carried out under the conditions set up on Nuriyas previous communication.† The addition of this clause undoubtedly changes the conditions of the contract and if the other parties knowingly reads and made payment to this particular change then any payments to Nuriya would likely imply an understanding of the contract by Flavio and Marco. The other party (Nuriya) has not performed differently than what is expected. As per Schedule Two of the UCT Act (1977) â€Å"whether the customer knew or ought reasonably to have known of the existence and the extent of the term (having regard, among other things, to any custom of the trade and any previous course of dealing between the parties) is relevant here. More plainly, the contract possessed new language, and quite arguably Flavio and Marco should have known the new conditions written, and that signing the contract and additionally making a first payment to Nuriya after signing the contract would

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Reflection - Essay Example Studies conducted in the past have elucidated the fact that human behavior is learned. Therefore, to acquire a strong personality and as well acquire skills and knowledge that would help me in achieving my goal of managing a school as a principal requires a lot of practice. This paper is a personal reflection on my leadership development. Transformational leadership theory application To manage a school successfully and effectively, I will be required to have strong leadership skills. Therefore adopting a transformational leadership style will be necessary. As a principal in a school, adopting a transformational leadership style means that I will have the ability to effectively control state of affairs and various circumstances that avail themselves within the school. According to Marshall (2010): Transformational leadership is a style in which the leader identifies the needed change, creates a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executes the change with the commitmen t of other. Transformational leadership taps into the emotional and spiritual resources of an organization. It is a process of developing the leadership capacity of an entire team. Transformational leaders inspire others to achieve what might be considered extraordinary results. (3) Leadership qualities may be acquired through learning. This is the reason why I chose a course that is associated with leadership development. ... In my trips, I have been able to associate myself face to face with principals in a number of schools and subsequently I have built a social network with them. Many of these principles act as my mentors. Through their mentoring and advice, I have been able to acquaint myself with practical knowledge and first hand experiences in managing a school. This is a clear indication that my course in human development and leadership has been offering a platform that I will use as a springboard to accomplish my goals in life. There are various hurdles faced my many principals in schools today. As an aspiring school principal, I will have to identify my outstanding qualities and attributes and direct them towards management and leadership practices as transformational leadership requires. How a school principle will manage a school will highly depend on his/her individual attributes. For instance, my ability to communicate clearly will ensure that both the learners and teachers grasp and compre hend any information and facts I will be relaying to them. This will necessitate me, as the principal of that particular school to adapt an appropriate leadership method or technique. A good and effective leadership technique such as a transformational leadership style puts into consideration the needs and requirements or each and every stakeholder involved in the learning process. In this case, it will be important for me to familiarize myself with each and every teacher within the school as this would be helpful in planning and implementing strategies. Through successfully and effectively completing this course, I will have gained the necessary skills and knowledge that will enable me to adapt a transformational leadership style.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Privacy Laws related to Information Technology use Research Paper

Privacy Laws related to Information Technology use - Research Paper Example In this regard, it is arguable that the privacy of individual data depends on the ability of organizations to employ security measures for the protection of individual information and private data (Kerr, 2004). The various online companies and websites such as Facebook, Google, LimkedIn, Yahoo and Skype are mandated by the law to protect the privacy of individuals. Regardless of the provisions of the law, it is notable that many online organizations and companies have disclosed private information to third parties such as advertisers who use it without the consent of the holders of the information. Sensitive information such as financial records, bank and credit card details are also protected by the legal framework. This is due to the need for the security of personal data and the consequent prevention of possible fraud (Gillmor, 1998). The modern computing and transactional environments are characterized by online shopping and banking. This means that the users of the online bankin g services are predisposed to the risk of disclosure of their private information to organizations (Messmer, 2001). Additionally, digital records of employees within various organization is at a risk f unauthorized access and use. ... that organizations and individuals are protected from unauthorized use of private information by internal or external intruders to information systems (Miller and Tucker, 2007). The law also protects individual information from misuse by government agencies and the media (Sullivan, 2005). According to the fourth amendment, individual data and information must be kept private and free from unauthorized access and use (Lock, Conger and Oz, 1998). This illustrates the role of the law in ensuring that organizations keep the information on their employees and clients as private as necessary (OConnor and Matthews, 2011). Infringement of the privacy of individual information is thus a legal felony (Thibodeau, 2001). Sometimes governing authorities such as the police perform thorough surveillance of a suspect’s private information and activities. Regardless of the justification that the governing authorities give for the infringement of individual privacy, such actions are legally wro ng (Lock, Conger and Oz, 1998). The emergency of creative, innovative and up to date technological tools represents the challenge which many individuals and organizations face in trying to achieve adherence to information privacy laws. Nonetheless, the application of information systems within organizations and institutions is attributed to the increased challenge of securing private information (Canoni, 2004). However, organizations have laid security policies which are geared at promoting the enforcement of legal framework on the privacy of private information (Bernstein, 2007). Information security policies play a significant role in defining the procedure of access, retrieval, modification and use of private information with a view of ensuring preservation of individual rights to privacy

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Interesting Types of Smells to Dogs Essay Example for Free

Interesting Types of Smells to Dogs Essay Canine dogs have a particular advanced sense of smell that is even more developed than humans. Dogs, in any breed, have scenting organ located in its mouth that transmits necessary information to the dog’s brain. This ability enables dogs to detect even the slightest scent in the environment. In contrast with human who has only about five million scent receptors, dogs have about 200 million that surpasses the ability of humans to detect different scents available in the environment. Dog’s nose has moisture that enables them to trap scent molecules that enables it to discriminate different scents. (Anonymous, 2007) One particular interesting scent to dogs is urine. To dogs, urine scent is like a fingerprint among humans. It embodies different information which includes the sex and age. Dogs that sniff trees, electric poles, and fire hydrants are gathering information by reading the other scents left by dogs. The urine of an in heat female dog for example contains pheromones than dogs that are out of season. (Anonymous, 2007) Other scent signals includes the anal glands, stool and saliva which all contains olfactory information that dogs are very interested to get a hold of. That is why dogs who are introduced to other new dogs are keen to smell the back ends to get information on another dogs’ age, sex and relationship. Even the scents of other dogs reveal its confidence and social status among other dogs. Another interesting scent to dogs is human scent. Dogs are able to distinguish human scent due to the remnants of skin cells and human tissue particles. (Anonymous, 2003)With the help of the dog’s memory, dog remembers the different smell of people introduced to them. A particular kind is the smell of a dog’s owner. It conveys a sense of comfort and safety for the dogs to remember of its owner. Body odor enables dogs to detect the mood of people. Some researchers determined that â€Å"happy tears† contains different chemicals than â€Å"angry tears†, and experts believe dogs can determine the difference. Perfume, cigarette smoke, deodorant, and other odors that linger on skin and clothing, combine to make up a person’s individual smell. Dogs can be sometimes confused when its owner for example, changes some of the odors it primarily has. (Kryptiks) Dogs can be turned off by odors unappealing to them. Citrus smells, such as lime, lemon and orange, and spicy smells like red pepper can turn dogs off. (Kryptiks) Particularly dogs hate citronella which is often used in products that are used to keep dogs away from certain areas. Often times, the odors that people hate are the most interesting to dogs. Trash is a main example that dogs love to smell. Dogs are also particular with their food that is why veterinarians advise owners to heat the dog’s food before serving to boost the aroma that enables dogs to discriminate the scent it produces. (Kryptiks)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Leslie Annexstein & Eileen Ordover Essay Example for Free

Leslie Annexstein Eileen Ordover Essay The issue of equity is one that remains and will continue to be relevant to organization managers. This has been particular challenging in industries that have been associated with particular genders, cultures or demographics which has increased the factors affecting individual performance and participation in organizations (Reeve, 2005). As shown in the article for the study, the issue has shown a great sensitivity to developing issues while at the same remains as an effective benchmark of changes in social perspectives. The sentiment expressed highlights not only the role of management in equal employment opportunities. Leslie Annexstein, Eileen Ordover, Levon Esters, Blannie Bowen and Edward Reeve are given credit in particularly for their efforts in the empowerment of women, the disabled as well as bridging social disparities. However, there is also acknowledgement that even with such advancement in research, legislation and social policies, equalitarian ideals are still far from being realized. It is troubling to think that despite legislation and popular acknowledgement of the need and value of diversity and equal opportunity that such disparities would persist. Therefore, the challenge is one that has to be taken up not only in the interest of social responsibility but as a means of ensuring one’s own welfare in the future (pp. 5-6). How can there be real sensitivity for diversity, in particular for language, cultural and social differences? Are current standards and measures able to accommodate for developing needs? What is the long term consequence of the inability to address issues? How the issues impact individual members of society? Reference Reeve, Johnmarshall (2005). Understanding Motivation and Emotion. New York: John Wiley SonsMook, D. G.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Right to Adequate Standard of Living

Right to Adequate Standard of Living RIGHT TO ADEQUATE STANDARD OF LIVING FOR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING INTRODUCTION ‘’ A RIGHT IS NOT WHAT SOMEONE GIVES YOU; IT’S WHAT NO ONE CAN TAKE FROM YOU ’’ Ramsey Clark Human rights exist to all human beings. Those rights are which is fundamental for living and other human existences. Such as, right to live, speech, work, movement, freedom etc. Whatever their nationality, colour, sex, religion, language or any other status they are all entitled to human rights. Human rights play a great role in everyone’s life but not everyone realizes it. Those should not be taken away. They are inalienable. But in some specific cases it can be restricted. For example if a person is caught by a court for a crime, the liberty right may be restricted. Engineers have meaningful ways to development. But many of us would wonder what engineers can do with human rights. Indeed engineering has everything to do with human rights. As engineers it would be more important to ensure human rights of ours and people who works with us. Those lead to continue designing and implementing projects protecting standard of all living beings. In the 21 century, it seems that there will be increasing engineering opportunities in the human rights field. So in this assignment we are suppose to understand about human rights and discuss about one human right recognized by the international convection on economics, social and cultural rights. According to International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Article 12: 1. The states parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. 2. The steps to be taken by the States Parties to the present Covenant to achieve the full realization of this right shall include those necessary for: a) The provision for the reduction of the stillbirth-rate and of infant mortality and for the healthy development of the child; b) The improvement of all aspects of environment and industrial hygiene; c) The prevention, treatment and control of epidemic, endemic, occupational and other diseases; d) The creation of conditions which would assure to all medical service and medical attention in the event of sickness. Everyone has the right to a living standard sufficient for the health and well being. Water is one of the measurements of measuring living standard. However without access to water other rights could not be exercised such as article 12. So everyone has the right to use clean and accessible water. And have to making sure that do not get sick from drinking it and from using it. ‘’ACCESS TO SAFE WATER IS A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN NEED AND THEREFORE A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT’’ Kofi Annan For everyone the water supply must be sufficient for personal uses. Some uses are drinking, washing, domestic purposes, cooking, and personal hygiene. According to the data of the WHO (World Health Organization), a one person need between 50 and 100 liters of water per day. But due to population growth people can’t access safe drink water. Lack access to drinking water nearly one billion people Lack access to sanitation -nearly 2.6 billion people Die from sanitation related diseases per year -nearly 1.6 million people †¦From WHO data A boy collecting water from a drinking water pipe following a break in the pipe at Bangalore. Because of using unsafe drinking water there are many health problems have arising in Sri Lanka.Out of the 25 districts, more than 15 districts are affected by this problem. Waters in towns are polluted with domestic sewage and industrial effluents and toxic, and waters in rural areas are polluted with agricultural waste and fertilizers. This planet is suitable for living from other planets due to the availability of water. The amount of drinking water in the world is very few. It is less than one percent. The government should provide safe drinking water to people. But Rathupaswala, Weliweriya water issue is yet to be solved. People in Rathupaswala faced a huge problem about their drinking water. Their drinking water was unhygienic due to an industrial waste of a glove factory in Nedungamuwa.According to observations; it was disclosed the PH content in the water was below 3.5 percent. Many residents get their drinking water from plastic tanks. But it was not satisfied..So they had to go to the nearest places looking for water. It has become an added burden to them. People had organized a protest at Weliweriya to regain their rights. But what they received was a rain of bullets instead of water. Three people were killed and over 40 were injured. The military has no right to intervene in civil protest. It is not good of involvement of military in civil affairs. We cannot accept it. So this Rathupaswala water problem becomes a human rights violation. This incident shocked the entire country.Eventhough the government has ordered to remove the glove factory, the problem still exist. Still people in Rathupaswala get their drinking water from black plastic tanks which they were provided. Also there are many serious health problems because of using unsafe drinking water in Sri Lanka.People face difficulties to access drinking water in dry zone. Pipe-borne water coverage in Sri Lanka – around 34% †¦.From 2008 national census So the rest of the people depending on wells, hand pump tube wells, rain water harvesting tanks,canels,streams etc.Much of agriculture is located in the country hill and then toxic chemicals which are added to agriculture enter the country water system and are delivered to around the country. For example via the Mahaweli,Kelani,Kalu,Walawe.Then people who use this water as drinking water are caused health problems.Beacuse of this water pollution number of persons suffering from renal problems has increased. These diseases were leading death in Vavuniya, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Trincomalee, and Badulla. What can chemical engineers do about the unsafe water problem? 1) This unsafe water and related health problems needs to be solved urgently. The first thing that needs to be done is stop polluting the water. The factories which are caused water pollution should be established with an environment conservation license and make sure they are reducing the use of toxic chemicals enter the water system. 2) Another step is treating sewage. Actually Sewage can be treated and reuse after chemical treatment. 3) In many situations treatment of water is necessary to make it suitable for drinking. The main health risk is, water is contamination with waste water. This introduces bacterias, viruses and it can be caused for waterborne diseases. So all pathogenic organisms must be removed. The following table shows the removal of some water contaminants by various treatment processes.      Treatment processes Sedimentation Coagulation Flocculation, sedimentation and filtration Slow sand filtration Multistage filtration Chemical oxidation: disinfection Water contaminants Bacteria 0 0 +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ Viruses 0 0 +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ Giarda cysts 0 0 +++ ++++ ++++ ++ Cryptosporidium oocystis 0 0 +++ +++ +++ + Turbidity 0 + ++++ ++++ ++++ 0 Suspended solids 0 +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 0 Taste and odour ++ 0 +++ +++ +++ + IronandManganese ++ + +++ +++ +++ ++ Fluoride 0 0 + 0 0 0 Arsenic 0 0 ++ + + 0 Heavy metals ++ 0 ++ ++ ++ + Dissolved Oxygen + 0 0 0 Carbon dioxide 0 0 + + 0 Colour and organics 0 0 ++ ++ ++ + 0: no effect +: positive effect : negative effect Table taken from: . Desalination water will become an important water source in Sri Lanaka.It can help with water problems is to build plants to desalinate sea water. There are many ways to remove salt from sea water. Desalination technology will be considered in situations where sufficient water cannot be found. In some cases desalinate water may be cheaper. Desalination technology can be divided into two groups. They are desalting technology and membrane desalting. However these two types of methods can be used to get fresh water from sea water in Sri Lanka. Water fluoridation So as a chemical engineer, by using these methods we can solve this water problem. The world will be a better place when the human rights are approved by all people. References

Television and Media - TV Violence and Childrens Behavior Essay

Television Violence and Children's Behavior    Drive-by shootings and school massacres are just two of the many violent past-times of today’s youth. Is television a contributor to this insidious erosion of children's respect for life?   Much research that has been done in an attempt to answer this question. The majority of the findings are very similar in content, and the results are grim.   Television violence has been shown to cause four major changes in children's behavior:   "Increasing aggressiveness and anti-social behavior, increasing their fear of becoming victims, making them less sensitive to violence and to victims of violence, and increasing their appetite for more violence in entertainment and in real life."   (AAP Committee)   Television is causing a change in America's children, and it is not a change for the better. If watching television is increasing children's aggressive behavior, then is it also causing a higher crime rate?   Once again, the answer is a resounding yes.   "Longitudinal studies tracking viewing habits and behavior patterns of a single individual found that 8-year-old boys who viewed the most violent programs while growing up were the most likely to engage in aggressive and delinquent behavior by age 18 and serious criminal behavior by age 30." (Booth, Mullins, Scott, and Woolston)   Not only do our children exhibit an immediate reaction to violence in the media but also a long term effect of a higher propensity toward committing crimes.   Another population study stated that the homicide rate doubled within ten to fifteen years after the introduction of television into several different locations where television was introduced at different times.   (Facts About Media Violence)   We are all affect... ...can child reaches the age of 16, he or she will have witnessed 200,000 acts of violence on television, including 33,000 murders.   (Juvenile Crime and TV)   Apparently we accept what we see over and over again as normal behavior.   We are teaching our children that violence is acceptable by inviting it into our homes everyday.   They, in turn, are becoming more violent from the playgrounds all the way to the prisons. Works Cited Booth, Vicki, Mullins, Heather, Scott, Erika, and Woolston, Jonathon.   "Juvenile Crime and TV."   Online. "Facts About Media Violence."   Online. AAP Committee on Pediatrics. "Some Things You Should Know About Media Violence and Media Literacy."   Online.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Spirituality in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Spirituality In Mark Twain’s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, written by Samuel Clemens, is a novel that challenges the views of society and questions life through the eyes of an adolescent boy. By sprinkling traces of spirituality and religious views throughout the story, Clemens creates a "martyr-like" profile for his lead character Huckleberry Finn. Huck uses his religious views as his own conscience and challenges the status quo rules of his pious society to make his own decisions which leads him on a path to personal growth. Though Huck was not blessed with a loving family to teach him the ways of the world, and instead grows up more independently, he was taught by many others that in Heaven "...all a body would have to do there was to go around all day long with a harp and sing, forever and ever" (30). Of course, this is not an appealing image for an adolescent boy who fantasized about being in a gang of robbers with his friends. Perhaps even if it is appealing, it may seem out of possible reach to a boy who lives the life that Huck does- with a drunkard father, reading stories of murder and robbery, and witnessing the cruelty and injustice to slaves. Without a firm foundation and someone to teach him, Huck must continually rely on the pieces of information that he hears from others and his own observations which often leaves him confused and misinformed. One of the most noticeable traits of Huck's personality that reflect his opinion on religion and spirituality is that he often dismisses such popularly accepted beliefs as Moses (because he is dead), but will put his faith into a hairball that he believes is magic because it was taken from an oxen's stomach and therefore he believes that "it had a spirit inside of it, and it knowed everything" (38). In fact, he even asks it about his father and supplies it with a fake coin for it's services. Perhaps Huck truly believes in it, or he is searching for something to believe in that he could depend on. In either case, he is wise enough not to give it his real dollar. Clemens gives the entire story a religious vibe through the continual use of phrases that relate to or have a biblical sense to them. Just one example of this is when Huck is describing his father after coming home from laying drunk in a gutter the entire night before, and as Huck narrates "A body would have thought he was Adam, he was all mud" (44). Spirituality in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays Spirituality In Mark Twain’s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, written by Samuel Clemens, is a novel that challenges the views of society and questions life through the eyes of an adolescent boy. By sprinkling traces of spirituality and religious views throughout the story, Clemens creates a "martyr-like" profile for his lead character Huckleberry Finn. Huck uses his religious views as his own conscience and challenges the status quo rules of his pious society to make his own decisions which leads him on a path to personal growth. Though Huck was not blessed with a loving family to teach him the ways of the world, and instead grows up more independently, he was taught by many others that in Heaven "...all a body would have to do there was to go around all day long with a harp and sing, forever and ever" (30). Of course, this is not an appealing image for an adolescent boy who fantasized about being in a gang of robbers with his friends. Perhaps even if it is appealing, it may seem out of possible reach to a boy who lives the life that Huck does- with a drunkard father, reading stories of murder and robbery, and witnessing the cruelty and injustice to slaves. Without a firm foundation and someone to teach him, Huck must continually rely on the pieces of information that he hears from others and his own observations which often leaves him confused and misinformed. One of the most noticeable traits of Huck's personality that reflect his opinion on religion and spirituality is that he often dismisses such popularly accepted beliefs as Moses (because he is dead), but will put his faith into a hairball that he believes is magic because it was taken from an oxen's stomach and therefore he believes that "it had a spirit inside of it, and it knowed everything" (38). In fact, he even asks it about his father and supplies it with a fake coin for it's services. Perhaps Huck truly believes in it, or he is searching for something to believe in that he could depend on. In either case, he is wise enough not to give it his real dollar. Clemens gives the entire story a religious vibe through the continual use of phrases that relate to or have a biblical sense to them. Just one example of this is when Huck is describing his father after coming home from laying drunk in a gutter the entire night before, and as Huck narrates "A body would have thought he was Adam, he was all mud" (44).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Gay Marriage: A Modern Soddom and Gomorra Essay -- Against Gay Marriag

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gay parenting and marriage has become publicly accepted by some and rejected by others. Many have come to believe this topic to be immoral and impossible. Society has also realized that the average family has developed into many different forms in the last few years. Gay families have developed and are perceived today that raising kids without both a Mom and Dad, deprives the child from being introduced to both worlds. The approach to this debated topic will be to analyze and to defend the â€Å"cons† of gay parenting and marriage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ever since the beginning of creation, God made man and woman to reproduce and create humanity. God never in between allowed or said that same sex marriage was permissible or was the natural way to create a generation. For example in Genesis chapter 19 the story of Sodom and Gomorrah explained the wickedness of the city that mainly strived from homosexuality. Genesis 19:5- And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us that we may know them. The city’s perverseness made God infuriated and led to the destruction of that city turning it into fire and brimstone. This gives evidence that homosexuality is a religious sin, which is analogous to many other Biblical prohibitions, like committing adultery which transgresses ethics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to the Bible, Deuteronomy 32:46- And he said unto them, Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law. It is impossible to raise children when both parents are the same sex because it isn’t natural and goes against biblical standards. In addition, children won’t have the example from their parents to do different than they do and make better decisions that please God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some issues that are argued on the topic of gay parenting is that gay parenting is no different from heterosexual parenting." Many studies have stated this, but, according to University of Chicago's professor of ethics and social sciences Don Browning, none of these studies were absolute. Other studies show that children raised by homosexuals were more unhappy with their own gender, had more frequent homosexual experiences , and endured a greater rate of molestation by family members (CT). Societies, both gay and straight, view gay paren... ... children   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Unnatural way of same-sex parents   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Children have the influence IIII. Issues Argued   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Gay parenting is no different from heterosexual parenting   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. Greater rate of molestation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Bonding is only for heterosexuals   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Going against society V. Children and Parents   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Same-sex marriage deprives children   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Trouble with sexual identity VI. Child Harassment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Preparing the child   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Conflict between best interest   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Damaging self esteem VII. Gay marriage and legal rights   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. States approving gay marriage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Legal marriage in Denmark VIII. Society and Gay rights   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Owning children   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Divorce in court   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Government opposing gay marriage VIIII. Real reasons for opposing gay marriage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Aren’t comfortable with the idea   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Goes against religion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Marriage is sacred   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  D. Gay sex is unnatural   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  E. They could recruit X. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Negative influence on children   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Soddom and Gomorra   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Set Boundaries Works Cited  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Christian Science Moniter. 2004. Staff of Christian Science Moniter. 10 October 2004

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing Computer Games

l Attention Grabber When I was young, my dad bought a computer for my brother and I. I was very excited because I never had a real computer before. My brother and I tried to figure out how to use the computer. After we figured out, my brother started to installed the computer games. Eventually, my brother and I were attracted to the computer games but is it a boon or a bane? It depend on us. lI Introductory Remarks Everyone in this room has at least one computer at home. And everyone here must have played computer games before.After you will know some interesting facts about playing computer games. III Reveal Topic I would like to talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games. IV Preview Computer games help in releasing stress while we are having fun. However, they also have negative effects on us too. [ Let me start with the advantages of playing computer games ] Body I Computer games can release out stress A. They provides us to have fun -When we ae very bored,tired or stressed. Computer games are a good source of enjoyment. We have fun playing computer games because they give us time to be with our friends. It is a great opportunity to socialize. -We can chat with our friends and relax with them. We have more energy for other work. [ Computer games not only help us to release our stress but they also let us learn something new ] II Computer games serve a range of educational functions A. Encourage different ways of learning, imagination, creativity and exploration. -Simulation games could be uses as means of preparing learners for the world of work. Help pupils to develop key learning skills such as cognitive process, logical thinking and independent decision making. -treat a variety of disorders and disabilities. [ Now, let me tell you the negative effects of playing too much computer games ] III Playing too much computer games can cause negative effects on our health and wasting our time A. Negative effects to our health -Lo oking at the computer screens without resting the eyes for long period of time, will spoil our eyesight. -less exercise. B. Waste our time Some people get hooked on to computer games too much that they tend to lose interest in other more important things like studies. -Students neglect their studies. -Cost money every time you play. Conlusion I Summary Of Main Point In conclusion, playing computer games it help us to release our stress and make new friends. But when we play too much of computer games it cause negative effects to us. II Concluding Remarks If we know how to manage our time, we will get the pleasures and benefit of playing computer games.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Different Modes of Thought

Courses are different to turn from the up-to-the-minute to the post modern in the dominion of philosophy and other theoretical dissertations, having the representation of complex pedigree of various and often deviating shadows through diverse restraints and cultural territories. In The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (Habermas 1987), in a way showed how a pathway moves through a practice of irrationalism from romanticism to existentialism to French postmodernism. French postmodern theory had proliferation on the said movements through the figures of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Bataille.According to Lyotard, every utterance in the language games is thought of as a move in a game, and â€Å"to speak is to fight [†¦ ] speech acts fall within the domain of a general agonistics. † By linking each statement to one another, there can be an analysis with these terms in a game with specific rules as Lyotard refers speculative discourse as a language game. He gave the name diffe rend in a language game to the calming player. The differend exist when the procedures for what is different to be presented in the contemporary sphere of influence of discourse have no agreement.This can be a suggestion, criticism or aesthetic principle. The stillness of an impossibility of wording an injustice is marked by the differend. The measurement of a unique state of mind which distinguishes its inability to find an object sufficient to the inspirational feeling, the inspirational sensitivity does not come from the object. Powerlessness is a sign by the sublime wherein it becomes the untainted sign when it is understood by the indication of the differend.An event that is historical is an instance of the differend in which a philosopher is tasked to search out for these signs to be given expression by an existing variety of discourse (EGS 2008). There are three remarks about language games. First, legitimating does not carry rules with themselves however they are the object of an agreement, explicit or not, between players. This only means that the players somehow invent the rules. Secondly, there is no game without having such rules. It is a necessity to the games because it serves as a guide to distinguish how players will lose or win to make a fair judgment to both parties.And lastly, utterances are considered as â€Å"moves† in a game. Best example is in basketball. Players in this game do not only play physically but also ethically and morally. Once a player says obscene words against a player or any official during the game, it is somewhat a point against him. This final examination and inspection conveys us to the primary standards fundamental in our technique in one piece is, speaking is fighting, in the good judgment of taking part in, and verbal communication as in talking takes actions to drop within the sphere of influence of a universal anguishes.But does not directly suggests that winning is the primarily concern when playing. For the absolute satisfaction of its creation a particular move is made. The involvement of struggle of language aggravation carried out by trendy speech and by literature is that enormous ecstasy is had in the infinite creation of rotations of expresses, of statements and implications, the development following the advancement of language on the height of parole.But unquestionably even this gratification is dependent on a feeling of accomplishment succeeded at the price of a challenge – at least one adversary, and a redoubtable one: the acknowledged language, or suggestion. (Lyotard 1984) Losing the sight of the second principle which sets as a balance to it and presides over our examination that the discernible social bond is composed of language â€Å"moves† should not happen by the influence of the idea of agonistics of language.The core of everything at hand is at the end of the elucidation of this proposition. In the Modes of Discourse: The local structure of texts, book by Carlota Smith, she mentioned about the Discourse Mode which she broadened an argument for the position that there is an appropriately linguistic stage in discourse stated that the earlier unsuccessful linguistic approaches to discourse are over-reaction made by the pragmatic turn.The observation of linguistic regularities in adjacent sentences is made possible by text passages like the successions of at least two sentences which belong to different discourse approaches that are determined by the types if discourse units such as occasions, states, overviews, concepts which are being introduced in the course and the form of progression from one discourse entity to the next which is called simply as the â€Å"semantic progression†. In nature, it can be temporal or a temporal.Narrative, Description, Report, Information and Argument are the five discourse modes Smith recognizes. These modes speak about regular models of linguistic forms in texts to regular understandings t hereof which claimed to be linguistic units. Having an investigation on questions as how linguistic properties of passages can shed light on features made by Smith aside from making an argument for the existence of linguistic discourse modes and elucidating the characteristics of their features which are shared by all discourse modes.Expressions of subjectivity in the sense of point of views and the effects of â€Å"surface presentation† in the sense of commentary and focus-background modulations in discourse are of these features. As what had Lyotard stated, in relation to Smith’s ideology, linguistics is not just mere verbal or nonverbal concepts. It also deals with various considerations and factors. These can be culture, environment, traditions and customs, religion and others.Two people of different races, geographical locations can have a vague interpretation to a certain subject or topic or just to a plain word. Diversity is a major concern but can be arranged o r managed if appropriateness is dealt with. As a language game, rationalism comes with its own rules of engagement—objectivity, certainty, universality, instrumentality and predictability. However, the game is played within various â€Å"forms of life† (Lebensformen) and the latter provide the background and context against and in which the game plays out its sense and reference (Schrag, 1997, p.32).Discourse as a concept is introduced as a theoretical refinement of the concept of paradigm and applied to the sets of knowledge claims of the natural and social sciences. Horizontal differentiation defines particular modes of sociological discourse and vertical differentiation from everyday discourses defines general modes of scientific discourse. Science is the best medium for the concerns on diversity. Scientific names and such others are universally accepted that is why there would never be a problem on confusion, misconceptions and misunderstanding.It is another langua ge that unifies other language speakers used for scholarly studies and to communicate about indefinite species. Lyotard is claiming that the conventional idealistic measures and evaluation of knowledge and genuineness within the restraints are but interior legends, which efforts to disagree with the societal foundation of omnipotence or all-knowing. The postmodern point of view like an amount of other scholarly practices and traditions, announces that all human comprehension and understanding is integrated through a shared cultural leveling, and is a social edifice.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Autobiography – Maxwell Joseph Delaney

I was born on the 28th of July 1986 in Greenwich hospital and I was given the Maxwell Joseph Delaney. I lived in New Cross for a quarter of a year in a cosy little flat in Florence Terrace where I lived with my Mum, Dad and my brother Nick. I then moved to Gosforth in Newcastle where I attended South Gosforth First School. In the nursery, my teacher was called Ms Handyside. There was a sandpit, paddling pool, toy den and a library, I used the toy den the most because it had toy motorbikes, I used to run riot with them. I had my 6th birthday in my back garden. It was excellent! There were some people dressed up as cartoon characters. There was Bart Simpson, The Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Barney the dog. My dog Cher chased Barney around the garden. I lived in Newcastle until I was 8 then I moved back down to London where I lived in Blackheath, I started in year 3 at John Ball Primary School. My teacher was called Ms Carter, the first person I met was a boy called Patrick. On the first day a boy called Michael Leal got rather emotional over a few Maths questions he got wrong, it was hilarious! Every time the teacher said it was okay he got worse! In year 4 my teacher was Mr Russell, I broke my arm that year. I was coming home from football with my brother on the bikes and I skidded into his bike and I went straight over the bars. I waited in Greenwich Hospital for 2 hours before I could even be X-rayed. I was in plaster for 6 weeks, 6 glorious weeks full of no work and just laying board games in school! When I went to the hospital to have it removed they showed me what they were going to do it with I screamed! It was a big saw! I was scared at first but when they started cutting it tickled and I was laughing. On the other hand my mum wasn't, there was a lady in the bed next to me who was having nails from her leg removed and my Mum felt very faint. In year 5 and 6 I was in the school football team, we won the league both years and paid two visits for tournaments at Millwall. My nickname was â€Å"The Wall† because of my defensive capabilities. When I was 9 my Nan died. I was living in London and we were coming back from a visit up to Newcastle and that's when my Mum decided to tell me. My first emotion was sadness and I cried through the whole journey but after a few weeks I realised it was for the best as my Nan was in extreme pain as she was suffering from leukaemia. We had visited her every day in hospital. It was sad for me because I knew that she was very close to dying. There was one funny thing about it; my Brother and I would sit in the chair by the patient next to my Nan. We would touch her flowers and she would start waving her hands frantically at us. My Brother and I were not allowed to go to my Nans' funeral because my Mum and Dad wanted us to remember all the good times and not her lying in a coffin. It was the my first day at Crown Woods, I can remember waking and feeling â€Å"Oh, my God! I've got to go back.† After a long play during the summer that is genuinely how I felt. I just didn't want to go back because I knew it would be a lot harder. I was rushing about all morning trying to get everything perfect because I didn't want to slip up on my first day. I gave my Mum a kiss, she wished me luck and sent me off. I walked half way down the road and I got the feeling I was forgetting something. I dug my hands deep into my pockets and found there was nothing in them. I rushed off home and asked for some dinner money and keys! I'd just got off the bus and saw the school for only the third time and it looked like a prison but I wasn't intimidated at all. It was a day when it was only year sevens in school and I was one of the biggest so I loved it nobody tried anything. As I walked into the tutor room I didn't know anybody so I just sat anywhere, I made friends quickly with Ricky, Nick and Dan. My first lesson was English and I didn't enjoy it at all. We had to write about ourselves, it was a lot harder than Primary school English lessons. At break I played football with the boys from my tutor group. I didn't score any but I managed to make a huge impression with my football skills. I took Jorel and Ryan out of the game by dirtying them up good. The rest of the day was really boring. This year I had just moved into my new house. We weren't allowed pets as we were renting. We had received a call the previous evening to say that the landlord Ahmed was coming over to fix the plugs, as a few of them were a bit dodgy. My Mum had recently bought my little sister Lauren a hamster called Hercules. Lauren would put Hercules in a pink jewellery box and call him Duchess. It was Saturday morning at around 10:00 am, everyone was up except Nick, the landlord was due at 10:30 am. My Mum had remembered the Hamster upstairs and proceeded to mutter to herself â€Å"Where am I going to hide the hamster.† I offered her a cup of tea to calm her and we then began to think of places to hide the hamster. First of all there was the cupboard under the stairs, but the landlord might hear him, then, my Mums' wardrobe, but there was the sound thing again. We were as dry as the desert for ideas, suddenly I came up with the shed. Perfect! Ahmed would never go out there. My Mum asked me to take the hamster out there while she hovered up. I unlocked the patio doors ran out into the garden, ducked the clothesline and put the hamster in the shed. I then ran back, ducked the clothesline and SMACK! When I got up I could see my sister in hysterics. I had run straight into the patio doors and knocked myself out. The Landlord never did find the hamster.

Facquier Gas Company Essay

The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 2 Facquier Gas Company. Read and study the case and complete the questions at the end of the study. Use the case study outline below to assist you with your analysis. Questions should be answered using case study format. Ensure that you adequately explain the problem, describe alternative solutions and justify your recommendation. This exercise should be able to be completed in approximately 3-6 doubled space pages. Attached completed Case Study #2 as a MS Word document in the assignment area of the classroom – Mr. Murphy, the manager of supply management is responsible for procurement for Fauquier Gas Company. Mr. Murphy specializes in the procurement of materials used in gas distribution such as pipe, meters, fittings, furniture systems and forms, stores management, and materials forecasting and control. A situation has occurred when it has come to the attention of Mr. Murphy that he has understood that Clive Byers, the construction project manager is working on adding an extra 3  ½ miles of new gas lines for the Fauquier Gas Company. Mr Murphy has a few concerns about the procedures and the pipe specification. Mr. Murphy is asking a â€Å"purchase request† from Byers to be sent in good time as the lead time can slow the project down, thus wasting money and time. This requires getting quotations, contacting suppliers and delivery times and it looks like Byers schedule does not give Mr. Murphy enough time to ensure the procedures are carried out correctly. The process also involved ensuring that the purchase request is approved by two units, the design engineer Pat Wilson for approval and the pipe specification Sam Law. Mr.  Murphy contacted Pat Wilson regarding the pipe specification of the standard wall thickness of â€Å"3/4 inches and 37 feet long had changed to 3/8 inches and 40 feet plus or minus 5 feet.† (Hood, J.) Murphy was concerned when Wilson stated that the project would be â€Å"governed by less stringent specifications if the wall thickness was 3/4 inches† and also that Wilson did not get the specifications for the wrappers to be applied to the pipe and stated that â€Å"Fauquier had used two types of wrappers—coal tar and pry-tech.† (Hood.) Murphy is the manager of supply management is responsible for procurement for Fauquier Gas Company and has every right to question Clive Byers actions. Mr. Murphy has identified that there is a problem with the pipe specifications, as â€Å"specifications and standardization play important roles in the search for the right quality and the right value.† (Burt.2009) Murphy is concerned that this deviation in in size and length of the gas pipe could potentially cause conflicts in â€Å"engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and supply management.† (Burt.2009) I can identify that there is a problem with communication, lack or procedures and Byers seems to working on his own instead of being part of a cross functional team. The process of building pipe lines requires several teams to approve piping specifications and design, Byers seems to be misunderstanding of the company’s procedures and standards and is not meeting the standard piping specifications and is lowering the standards of Fauquier by taking less stringent specifications for the new piping. The wall thickness is an issue and the length of pipe might cause problems in construction and Murphy’s role as a supply manager is important that all materials meet the â€Å"specifications and standards set by the company, they must be â€Å"functional, precise and complete.† (Burt.2009) If the pipe is substandard and an accident occurs, life and property could be at risk, this would definitely cause a dispute between â€Å"the purchaser and the supplier.† Mr Murphy would have have gone through the correct procurement procedures to seek a supplier and settle a contract. Mr Murphy’s job is to make sure the buying policies and practise I would recommend that Murphy contact Mr. Charlie Buck, the design superintendent of Fauquier in a timely manner to make sure that the change of specifications is acceptable and or to make the management aware that the piping standard is being reduced. Mr Buck needs to improve the communication and team work, this  could be sorted by more meetings regarding procedures or training. There is a time management issue by Clive Byers, as he clearly doesn’t understand that purchase request may have lengthy lead time which could potentially slow down the business processes. This needs to be addressed by upper management to make sure that Byers submits the purchase request in a timely manner, as he is now potential adding weeks to the project. I would recommend that Mr. Buck rejects the change of change of specifications, a management meeting would then be required to ensure that all upper / middle management understand that specifications and requesting a purchase order in a timely manner is essential to the success of Fauquier. Failing to comply with the piping specifications could cost the company millions of dollars in down time and could cause a potential danger and health hazard with a gas leak. The reputation of the company is at risk and Mr Murphy concerns are eligible to raise as a deviation from standard business practise.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

An Homage Of Pina Bausch

ï » ¿ Review: Pina This homage of Pina Bausch was a truly enticing spectacle. Wim Wenders assembled a cohesive tribute to the life and work of this spectacular choreographer, showcasing several astounding performances. Pina exemplified how dance is considered a great performance art, and her legacy is well represented in this documentary. While watching the performances, one of the most influential aspects of the production was the convergence of music and movement. It contributed to the overall mood and played a tremendous role in shaping the audience’s conception of the overall piece. I particularly enjoyed the ensemble of dancers and music in The Rite of Spring. In this dance, the music reinforced the drab, overworked, and distraught individuals. Each group, composed of males and females, moved to its own beat until the groups would converge and move as one. This dance displayed Pina’s pure creativity and genius. The most challenging aspect of the piece for me, had to be the intention and meaning behind the city dances. The dance was beautiful in the light of the background of mundane metropolis, but the dancer evoked a feeling of self-deprecating discontent. Her garments, emotions, and physicality screamed of utter misery. The only way I believe I could describe the dance would be to call the performance, an urban catastrophe. Not to contend that the performance was chaotic, but to suggest the oddity of the juxtaposition of the background and subject. Specifically, the dance on the train car did not make a bit of sense; cardboard ears, shrouded faces, and mechanical screeches became far too complex and downright confusing. I think that these performances offer a statement about the beauty of choreography and movement that can be experienced in any type of setting, yet it was difficult to follow. If I had the pleasure of interviewing the choreographer, I would ask about the inner motivations for her work. Much of what she has created had never been seen before i n the world of dance, so her ideas must stem from some diverse background. As I watched Contact Place, I was struck by the exhibition of beauty. This piece was much more vibrant than its predecessors, incorporating color to the set and costumes. The dancers modeled their hair, teeth, nails, hips, and outfits to display their conventionalized beauty. I wish to know where the ideas for this performance originated. I was very glad to be exposed to the collected works of Pina. Her contributions to the world of performance art are insurmountable, and her legacy will endure for many years to come. My hope is that her ideas displayed in the dances of this documentary will spark new motivations in choreographers worldwide to keep creativity at the heart of talented performance.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Sustainability Corporate Social Responsibility Report for a person who Assignment

Sustainability Corporate Social Responsibility Report for a person who wants to invest in a business - Assignment Example Large companies are dedicating real time and cash to programs geared towards environmental sustainability, alternative clean sources of energy and a variety of social welfare projects that benefit customers, employees and the community at large. The corporate social responsibility is a self-regulatory mechanism that has been incorporated in modern businesses. Critics suggest that corporate social responsibility diverts the attention of businesses from economic duty, while the proponents claim that companies benefit in terms of profit in the long run. However, research has indicated that corporate social responsibility has had a neutral effect on financial outcomes (Kao 2010). The management and coordination of social, environmental and financial obligations such that there is responsible, ethical and progressive success is referred to as corporate sustainability. Environmental, social and economic expectations are regarded as the major cornerstones of sustainability. Traditionally corporate cultures, social and environmental issues were considered to interfere with financial objectives. However, this has evolved over time and today there is harmony among the four. In order to invest wisely in a certain corporation, it is critical to analyze the corporate social responsibility and sustainability of the business (Kao 2010). Let us consider the case of a multi-national corporation known as Adidas. This corporation creates and produces sporting equipment’s like shoes and jerseys. It is the multinational for the Adidas Corporation and it is based in Bavaria, Germany. (Borowski 2013) By holding, it means the company owns other companies’ major stock and does not produce the goods or services, instead, its role is to own shares of other companies to form a group. The Adidas Group comprises of the following companies; Reebok sportswear, Adidas Golf that consists Ashworth, Rockport and a

Monday, August 12, 2019

Art and Morality Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art and Morality - Movie Review Example Artists are the ones who have to normally face the brunt of this censorship. Whether you consider the criminal obscenity charges against the rap group for the album 2 Live Crew in the 80s or the fatwa issued to kill Salman Rushdie for his book Satanic Verses – artists have always been persecuted for bringing out work which goes against ‘ethos’ of society. (Greenwood) This chant for censorship is not limited to Islamic countries or third world countries which are not considered ‘mature’ enough but extends to the self proclaimed champions of free speech – USA and the Western Europe. From the Comstock Law of 1873 to the 1996 Communications Decency Act; the developed world is full of laws which stifle artistic freedom. (Caso) The question which arises is this – should we allow censorship of controversial art which shows murder, explicit sexual scenes or offends religious sensibilities? The answer is a big NO. The reason is very simple. Censo rship is like a wild poisonous snake – you cannot control whom it will bite. Once power is given to the government to ban someone else; it may turn it head and ban something you like too. The most frequent target of censorship is sexually explicit art forms. Hundreds and thousands of books have been banned all across the world for their sexual content. Some books may be sexually explicit; however sexual content is usually an excuse for the ban. One example which comes to mind for such excuse is the ban of Grapes of Wrath. (Wartzman) Grapes of wrath is a much celebrated and controversial book which was releases in 1939. As a work of art; this book is exemplary which went on to win The National Book award, the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize in 1962.It is set during the Great depression and focuses’ on the hardships faced by families during the period. However the book was opposed vehemently by groups of big landowners who were opponents of organized labor. Explicit s exual content was used as an excuse to ban the book at that time from schools. The example of Grapes of Wrath is given here to show how sexuality can be used as an excuse to ban books whose main content is nowhere related to sexuality. Thus obscenity can easily be used as a vehicle by the government or powerful pressure groups to ban books or ideas to which they are opposed .Pornography and sexually explicit material is completely relative. What might be sexually offensive to one person may be normal for other person. We might find it amusing and childish that many Islamic countries ban films which show lip kissing but the same argument can be used for that art forms which majority of Americans find sexually explicit. These famous lines by Justice John Marshall sums up the futility of trying to define obscenity – â€Å"one man’s vulgarity is other’s lyrics!†Not only obscenity but even pornography has no legal definition. Some may consider a little skin sh ow as pornography where as others may consider it as the requirement of the film. In the absence of a formal definition we are left to the whims and fancies of certain individuals who are given the right to decide right and wrong. Laws are those which can be objectively applied, not something which requires subjective treatment. â€Å"Concerning the Gods I am not able to know either that they do exist or that they do not exist.†- The treaties of Protagoras. (Schiappa) Most of us this day will not find the above line offensive as atheists are now an acceptable part of the society. Some openly

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Human resource management practice A substitute for trade unions Dissertation

Human resource management practice A substitute for trade unions - Dissertation Example Introduction Human resource management is a complete philosophy suggesting management of all personnel related issues in the light of vision of the organization and integrated with the organization’s strategy and policy (Pieper 1990). Traditionally, staff management is mainly targeted on tasks such as staffing, work design and rewarding however now the concept has been broadened to include in it personnel development and strategy specific actions. With this broad change where we talk about realizing the real potential of people and managing them in a way that they produce efficient results (Venter & Van der Waldt 2007) is it suitable to say that modern human resource management practice has substituted trade unions which were common a few years back to make the voice of laborers heard and acted. This research study, therefore, seeks to explore if human resource management practice has substituted trade unions or not. 1.1 Project Aims and Objectives As mentioned above research question guiding this research study asks has contemporary human resource management practice substituted trade unions. Having developed this research question, this research study seeks to attain following aims and objectives. To explore the role of modern human resource management in personnel management and development. To critically evaluate the role of trade unions in modern human resource management practice. To identify factors contributing to decline in trade unions if it is not modern HRM practices. 1.2 Project Approach This research study is primarily focused on secondary data and hence is categorized as desk research; Armstrong (2006, p. 53) defined desk research as â€Å"the assembly, collation and analysis of marketing information which is...Truss et al (1997) explained that hard HRM focuses attention on theory X whereas soft HRM focuses on theory Y. Truss et al (1997) examined that due to wide differences in these two approaches is it possible for an organization to u se both these models in integration; from their research they found that no organizations clearly follows any one of these models and though organizations focuses on commitment and conceptually targets to treat employees as humans (soft HRM concept) in reality where policies and strategic control is in action it is practically hard to stick to soft HRM and hence hard RM elements also come into action (Truss et al 1997). This study also looks into soft and hard HRM concepts and tries to relate it to the need of trade unions and which of the HRM versions may result in increase or decline in the number of trade unions. 2.4 Trade Unions and their Purpose Deb (2009) defined trade union as a representative body where employees are at the receiving end. Shmoop (2010, p. 1) defined labor union as â€Å"an organization established by and for workers to pursue collective workplace goals, benefits, work rules and power†.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Job study report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Job study report - Essay Example This report focuses on oil drilling companies and the work of a mechanical engineer, the extraction of oil requires the presence of a mechanical engineer in order to facilitate the maintenance of the various machinery uses in the process. Many of the companies involved in the process of oil drilling need to have not only mechanical engineers but also civil engineers, exploration engineers and petroleum engineers. The main work in the oil drilling process includes installing and maintenance of machinery,1 therefore the main tasks in this oil company is to install machinery with the assistance from other engineers and also the maintenance of this machines. Being reliable and responsible - this involves taking responsibility for ones share of work and also for any mistake one commits. This means that a person should carefully attend to his or her share of work that has been assigned. Constructive and supportive attitude- workers should have a supportive attitude and also they should be interested in learning, they should treat their co workers and superiors with respect and understanding. Apart from the above mentioned personal qualities there is need to have good communication skills and this aids in enhancing communication within the organisation, there is also the need for one to be academically qualified from a recognised institution because the minimum requirements by most organisation is a bachelors

Friday, August 9, 2019

Argument and further work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Argument and further work - Essay Example To investigate further this hypothesis, this emerging area of research needs further work, where study of interaction of oxaliplatin with survivin may lead to more insight into this phenomenon (Ngan et al. 2008). Since survivin is an expressed protein, its detection would need specific procedure, and hence the question is whether selection of Western Blot test is an appropriate one for this purpose. In Western Blotting, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) is considered to be the standard tool of protein analysis. The survivin analysis involves reaction with an antibody, and from this perspective, sufficient information can be gathered by employing a staining technique employed for the proteins in the gel. From these two angles deployment of Western Blot analysis offers many advantages, which are improved accessibility to these proteins offering ease of handling and the advantage of storing the immobilized proteins for future analysis (Fowler, 1995). There are several instances in experimental literature on survivin expression in response to oxaliplatin that use Western Blot assay. Fujie et al. (2005) has used anti-survivin rabbit polyclonal antibody to detect survivin under-expression in oxaliplatin treated cancer cell lines with commendable success (Fujie et al. 2005). Wilson et al. (2008) also used Western Blot tests to detect markedly reduced expression of survivin in oxaliplatin treated cells (Wilson et al. (2008). Prewett et al. (2007) also demonstrated how Western Blot could be used to demonstrate oxaliplatin suppressed survivin expression (Prewett et al. 2007). The effect of oxaliplatin on the number of the cytosol can be investigated by immunohistochemistry method. In this method, some antibodies against cytosolic proteins have been used. This proposition is based on the idea that is apoptosis induced by oxaliplatin is partly contributed to by Cytochrome C mediated triggers, then the anticancer activity of oxaliplatin can be quantified by

High School Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

High School Experience - Essay Example Therefore, my expectations in the International school have been a little different from my prior exposure. I encounter a new set of challenges. First, I had a problem getting along with my colleagues who I could see they were taken aback by my presence. In several occasion, I had been frustrated because I was unwelcome to join the groups. Every time I did, they would abruptly stop talking and stare at me. This made me run over weeks without making even a single friend. For this reason, I have had a problem learning about the programs and activities of my new school. In my former high school, learning was easy, and I could get along with my teachers. However, in my new school I have had a problem understanding the teachers. Learning has been different, as I have been used to writing notes on the chalkboard. Here, the teachers teach as student writes their note. This made my learning so difficult at first, but I have come to understand, and now things are much better. I took the time getting to know my new teachers. The school has a huge population and getting an appointment is much difficult. This made learning a bit difficult in the beginning, as I could not seek help from most of the teachers. Moreover, my new school is among the best performing in the State, and this is the reason that made my parent seek transfer from my former school. Therefore, the expectation of teachers from the student has been higher compared to what I have been used. This got me in trouble, as I could not perform well compared to another student. I felt like in the wilderness alone for a long period until I improved my grades. It is through class work that I first made friends. Out of sheer frustration to get my class work done, I had to consult my classmate. However, with time my new friends introduced me to sports. I have been a football player, but I could not get it easy in my new school. I resulted in playing basketball. It was my first time playing

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Strategic Management and Leadership of General Motors Case Study

Strategic Management and Leadership of General Motors - Case Study Example GM, along with strategic partners manufactures automobiles and trucks in thirty-four nations, and trade and service these vehicles through its numerous brands.   Its biggest national market in the United States. China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, and Germany are the other nations which follow America in this context.   GM’s OnStar ancillary is one of the leading industries in vehicle safety, security and information facilities. On 10th July 2009,  General Motors Company obtained functions from General Motors Corporation. The General Motor Corporation established its place in the automobile manufacturing industry with the manufacturing of luxurious cars, which are classy at the same time superior from the other rival manufacturers of automobiles. Due to their high brand name and reputation in the market, the cost prices of cars from General Motors are generally very high and sometimes unreachable for general customers. (Global Operations, n.d.; General Mot ors, n.d) The General Motors Corporation held the first place as an automobile manufacturing company with respect to its sales for around 77 years until; Toyota took its place in the year 2008. The downfall of the company from the number one position is due to its negligence in terms of designing new innovative cars. There was a lack of creative innovations in terms of designs as they only have done some slight or minor changes in the designs to satisfy the customers. Some are of the view that the downfall is due to the poor strategic management of the company. The company faced difficulties in coming up with the internal and external pressures, like the accessibility of loans for the customers, the pressure from the Government and Labor Unions, crisis of oil, other competitive technologies such as electric cars, etc. (Global Operations, n.d.; General Motors, n.d) These difficulties clearly suggested that the company needs to re-strategize its  operations.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Child family relationships in Praise Essay Example for Free

Child family relationships in Praise Essay The connection between family members is bond as strong as Titanium and flexible as elastic, in fact many different poets represent their thoughts and emotions through their poems. Here, we are bestowed with two poems that are an accolade to the parents of two poets, by Grace Nichols, and Stephen Spender, with their poems Praise song for my mother and Childhood. The two poems contain a heavily nostalgic tone throughout the poems, through the use of this I have established that the poets are attempting to communicate their memories through the poems. Spender, though he titled the Poem My Parents has little obvious relation to the poem at face value other than the starting sentence of the first stanza My parents kept me from children who were rough where he almost has connotations of blaming them for separation from what they thought were lesser citizens, he tends to refer to the childhood he lived as a young boy who was bullied on his way to and from school. However when one delves deeper into the poem and attempts to read between the lines the reader can pick up a tone of blame, a tone of resentment and a tinge of sorrow! It would seem as though Spender, through his writing, is revealing his resentment towards his parents for isolating him from his peers, sheltering him from the real world and being overprotective! Maybe even snobbish as the poem also hints at the child being of a higher class than the rough children.  However in the poem Childhood the poet is not referring to his parents, but an Aunt of his own; it seems that Cornford is trying to portray the ignorance of his youth when he says in the opening line of the first stanza I used to think that grown-up people as grown-up is not a term used by one who is of middle age or in their teenage years. The poet doesnt seem to have that close a relationship with his great-aunt Etty by the way he described the elderly throughout the poem prior veins like small fat snakes . The poem also shows how the boy matures in time, by the end of the poem the reader can recognise that the poet now fully understands the process of age with the quote I knew that she was helplessly old. As I was helplessly young. My Parents, once you dig deep shows both how the parenting of middle class children could often lead to bullying as they planted the insinuation that the lower class children where not respectable or real people in a sense of dignity. The poet shows this through animal imagery ran in the street, feared more than tigers, they sprang out and finally Like dogs to bark at my world. It also shows that the author deep in his heart admired these boys for their carelessness and meshing with the world around them rather than himself who avoids such things, this is shown by the quote I longed to forgive them (which could also relate to his parents) but they never smiled:. Childhood is a lot more basic in its message, that being that the ignorance of youth often leads to their life being wasted on trivial things; what is quite surprising is how the author has used the flow of the poem to demonstrate the movement of time itself, by the time he has reached the end of the poem he had realised the facts of life, in that way he had matured from the childish ignorance that was portrayed in the initial stages of the poem. To state the obvious both poems have fewer similarities compared to other such poems, however both do relate to family and the young author or character attempting to get a grasp on the situation at hand whether it be why his parents are turning him into an apparent introvert to those at school which leads to bullying of him or the mystery of old age to a young child.