Saturday, August 31, 2019

Food and beverage Management Essay

I have read and understood the London School of Business and Finance Regulations and Policies relating to academic misconduct. I declare that: This submission is entirely my own original piece of work. It has not been submitted for a previous assessment in LSBF or any other institution. Wherever published, unpublished, printed, electronic or other information sources have been used as a contribution or component of this work, these are explicitly, clearly and individually acknowledged by appropriate use of quotation marks, citations, references and statements in the text. I understand that penalties will be incurred for late submission of work. STUDENT SIGNATURE: Ahonou Rosalie DATE: 21/09/2014 NOTE – Please complete the details below Have you submitted any Reasonable Adjustment Requests? Yes / No Date of submission: TASK 1 Understand different food and beverage production and service systems LO1. 1. 1 The characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems INTRODUCTION Food production and food and beverage service systems is about an area where menu is planned, raw materials are purchased and received. It is also about Food service where Food and beverage are provided to the guests included a wide range of styles and cuisine types, all alcoholic and non- 1 / 3 alcoholic drinks. To make a successful Food and Beverage Service, you need to develop well interpersonal skills, product knowledge skills to buy raw material. Food and Beverage Production I am going to explain some methods: Traditional Partie Method: the majority of food is buying condiments or raw. It is easy to provide the receipt and store goods, the preparation, cooking, holding and service of food and there are dishwashing facilities as well. That method is good for the staff because the staff can move quickly from their place to the service counter (the distance is short). The communication link-up is necessary for the department and food flow is systematic. There is easy access to raw food materials from storage areas. Centralised Production Method: centralised production methods explain how the separation of the production and service components of the food flow system work or operate by place or time or both. So food that is centrally produced is distributed to the point of the point of service in batches or pre-portioned. It could be transported in a ready-to-eat box or in a ready-to-serve state, for example hot or frozen food. I give some advantages of centralised production methods â€Å"the introduction of a storage stage between production and service allows the production unit to work to maximum efficiency and with a better utilisation of staff and equipment† and â€Å"energy consumption can be reduced by careful scheduling and by a continuous run of single products†. Here is a disadvantage of centralised production method â€Å"hygiene problems or food contamination could have big repercussions than a problem in an individual kitchen. Cook-Freeze Production Methods: the word cook-freeze involves a catering system which is based on the whole cooking of food and followed by quick freezing. That food is stored in a controlled low temperature of -18 degree Celsius or less then is followed by subsequent complete reheating close to the consumer, prior to prompt consumption. The process involves raw food, food storage, pre- preparation, cooking, portioning, blast freezing, cold storage, distribution, regeneration. Cook-Chill Production Methods: it is the same process with Cook-Freeze production. The only different are that the cooking of food is stored in a controlled low temperature, but just above freezing point and then between 0 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius. Therefore it has a short shelf life compared to cook-freeze of up to five days including the day of production, distribution time and regeneration. The process involves raw food, cooking, portioning, blast chilling, chill storage, distribution, regeneration. The benefits of Cook-Chill and Cook-Freeze to the employers: there will have a portion control and a reduced waste, the production will be adjusted, the staff time will be fully utilised, no more weekend work and overtime. To the customers: the variety and selection of food will increased, the standards will be maintained with a quality improvement and the services can be maintained at all times even no staff. Sous vide methods: the sous vide system involves the preparation of quality raw foods, pre-cooking when necessary. You put or placed the raw foods into special plastic bags and you vacuum the air from the special plastic bags and then you seal properly the bags. After sealing you steam cooking to pasteurisation temperatures. From then the food product can be served direct to the customers at this stage or can be chilled quickly to +1 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius and stored between 0 degree Celsius to +3 degree Celsius for a maximum of twenty-one days. That method increases the potential shelf-life of normal coo-chill in three ways: when you remove the air from the plastic bags the growth of bacteria is restricted. Because the food is cooked at pasteurisation temperatures that helps the destruction of most microorganisms and finally because the food has been sealed within the bags is protected during storage any regeneration from any contamination. Different services of Food and Beverage systems Table d’hote menus: this type of menu contains the popular type dishes and is easier to control because the price has already been fixed for whatever the customer chooses, that setting depend on the main dish chosen. The characteristics of a table d’hote menu are being a restricted menu, offering a small number of courses (three or four), limited choice within each course, fixed selling 2 / 3 price and all the dishes are being ready at a set time. A la carte menus: a la carte menu is a larger menu than a table d’hote menu and offer a variety choice. The menus are listing under the course headings and then the establishment could prepare all the dishes. Those dishes will be prepared to order and each dish will also be priced separately. A la carte menu is more expensive than a table d’hote menu because it contains often the exotic and high cost seasonal foods. Table service: the customer enters in the restaurant and takes seat, he/her makes the order from the menu and the Staff brings it to him/her. After finish dinning the staff clears the table. Sectors where there are food service industry: Bistro, Brasserie, Coffee Shop, First Class Restaurants, Cafeteria, Fast-food outlets and Licensed Bars. For all those sectors, the main aim is to achieve customer satisfaction, for that everything you do should meet the customers’ needs physiologically, economically, socially, psychologically and convenience. The Staff should have knowledge or experience in Food and Beverage service. The restaurant should have service methods and necessary staff skills. They should have a higher level of cleanliness and hygiene; have an idea of value for money or price and also the atmosphere. The staff should know how to make the preparation for service (Mis-en-place), take customer food and beverage order, clean for hygiene, and make the bill. They should control the atmosphere in order to satisfy customers’ needs. 1. 2 The factors that affect recipes and menus for specific systems The restaurant should establish a clear list of menu to inform customers what is available to them. The Staff provides a general presentation of the menu on the course headings that should be attractive, clean, and easy to read for language, price, sales mix with accuracy, show the size and form, layout of the menu, nutritional content, health and eating, and special diets (inform people who are allergic, diabetic, have low cholesterol and low sodium). Also the cultural and religious dietary influences can affect recipes and menus as well. Example Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Roman Catholics, Vegetarians. 1. 3 Comparison of the coast and the staffing implications POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).         

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