Thursday, September 12, 2019

Caring for Children and Adolescents Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Caring for Children and Adolescents - Assignment Example The idea that one of the best ways to combat the dangers associated with teen drinking is to step up enforcement is certainly a tempting one. Firstly, it comes from and invokes a great deal of time-honored tradition – the idea of using punishments for prescribed acts has been a fundamental part not just of many of the most important legal traditions in the world, but is also still heavily used in the parenting of children of a wide variety of ages. It simply makes sense that if the consequences for being caught drinking are significant, they will out-weigh Furthermore, there is a legitimate argument for the idea that having no or minimal enforcement for a law or policy, such as forbidding teen drinking, implicitly condones such actions, and that to demonstrate seriousness about fighting teen drinking, we must make the consequences of doing so severe. These arguments are especially valid when discussing one of the root enablers of underage drinking: adults willing to sell or pr ovide alcohol to minors. As drinking under the legal limit is (obviously) illegal, every time a teenager drinks there is always an adult who was willing to sell liquor to them or give it to them despite their young age, or who failed to do due diligence by guaranteeing identification was true and accurate. The adults who do this have been trusted by society because they are considered mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions, so if they are mature enough to by alcohol they should be mature enough to ensure it does not reach the hands of under-age drinkers; if they fail to do so then they should be prepared to face the consequences of their actions, even if they are serious. Finally, putting constraints on associated activities, like establishing a curfew, can give law enforcement justification for interrupting dangerous behavior and getting teenagers home safe. There are many reasons to consider enforcement improvements could reduce the harm from teenage drinkin g.

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