Friday, March 6, 2020
Protestant Reformation Essay Essay Example
Protestant Reformation Essay Essay Example Protestant Reformation Essay Essay Protestant Reformation Essay Essay In the 16th century the Catholic Church experienced one of the major challenges that changed the face of this church everlastingly. This development has been described as alone and of import since it brought transparence in the church and made it possible for the ordinary individual to entree the Gods land merely like Jesus Christ intended through the lacrimation of the drape into two pieces. This transmutation was called The Protestant Reformation ; it was ab initio aimed at reforming the establishment which is the church by offering the true redemption of God. The reformists wanted to convey alterations in the church utilizing the true word of God. They clearly understood that the Holy Bible was the lone authorization that was supposed to steer the church. Through this reform the Protestants were fundamentally rejecting the authorization of the Pope whom they described as holding misled the sheep through presenting some patterns which went contrary to the instructions in the Holy Book and philosophies of the early church. To the Protestants saneness had to be returned to the church and acquire rid of all the immoralities which had been introduced in the name of worship. Protestant Reformation was one of the most extremist spiritual transmutations to happen in the history of the church. The struggle that ensued led to a major division in the church where on one side there was the Catholic and on the other the Protestants. These reforms were as a consequence of the economical. spiritual societal and political alterations that were taking topographic point during this period. The impacts were so extended such that they have been described as great turning point for the universe and the church. There are assorted factors that have been pointed to hold played great function every bit far as Protestant Reformation is concerned. Cunningham and Reich ( 2005 ) argue that it is difficult to nail the exact factors or conditions which led to the Protestants Reformation but they continue to state that any account brought frontward has to take into the history the many elements which were coming up during this century. Rise in patriotism and bitterness in pontificate commanding attitude are some of the conditions which gave rise to this spiritual revolution. Other factors include the corruptness in the church. power and wealth battles. misdirection in the church. and find of authorship among other causes. The Roman Catholic Church had dominated the faith order in Europe for along period such that it controlled most facets of life in this part. The church was so powerful such that it controlled most of the political power in Western Europe. During this period the church was turning at a great velocity. There was a batch of enlargement traveling on where churches were being built. One of the worshipping centres that came up during this epoch was the saint Peter Basilica which was situated in Rome. All these developments were taking topographic point during the pontificate of Pope Leo. the ten percent. To finance the enlargement of the church he had to increase the gross. He used assorted methods to accomplish this. Some of these methods did non auger good with the instructions in the Gospel. They were corrupt and exploitatory in nature. This is the period when the church was riddled by immoralities beyond no step. Cunningham and Reich observe that the church was profoundly rooted with corruptness and misdirection â€Å"it was like a house cards waiting to be toppled†( p 80 ) The reforms in the church had been turning over clip where people were responding from the surpluss of the church which made the lives of many people so difficulty. Martin Luther one of the designers of this revolution yearned for alteration that will do the church serve the intent of Christ. He advocated for personal transition something that appealed to many people who further demanded for the rejection of the bad patterns of the Catholic Church. Invention of composing brought with itself some of the best things that helped in transmutation of faith. For so long faith has been a affair of following without oppugning. Followings believed everything that clergy said. they could non hold questioned since they did non hold anything to endorse their expostulations. with innovation of printing. people could read for themselves what the word contained. Martin Luther helped interpret the Bible in German. it subsequently spread to the other part. This gave many followings of the church a opportunity to acquire fast manus information written in the Bible. Peoples started to oppugn some of the things the clergy were affecting themselves in. They started inquiring for accounts. They could non understand why people would pay for their wickednesss to a priest who would forgive them. This became an oculus opener every bit far as religion is concerned. Martin Luther being one of the title-holders of the Protestant reforms brought much inspiration to the Protestants. There is a batch that was accomplished in this revolution. One there was interlingual rendition of the Bible into different linguistic communications. This served as a accelerator of the reforms and people came to cognize what is expected of them. Second Martin Luther helped in the publicity of the impression that it is merely the sanctum word that should be the usher every bit far as Christian life is concerned. The word remains the same and does non alter to accommodate the times. Changing the Holy word for selfish addition or to function one’s intent should be discouraged as it is equivalent to disobeying God. There was publicity of the construct where faithful were supposed to warrant themselves by the religion. Martin Luther helped on this terminal where Christian came to understand that it is merely through religion that one should warrant he or she is a truster. It is non through the part one makes to the church but by the religion in 1s bosom. Luther besides helped in the publicity of the construct of acquiring saved through the Grace. This was different from what believed in the yesteryear where indulgencies were adequate to do one sanctum. Reformation brought a new construct where faithful came to believe in the redemption through Christ. The church one time more became a lively topographic point to be where people worshipped God through singing. This was a major displacement from the patterns of the Catholic Church where everything revolved through recitation of philosophies which many of the followings could non even understand. Christian came to appreciate that they can near God straight without holding to travel through the reverends. by direct attack it meant that they could pray direct to God without necessary inquiring the Clergy to make it for them. By and large there was a renewed spirit among the Protestants where they approached issues otherwise and in an nonsubjective mode. Counter Reformation was fundamentally a reaction to the Protestants Reformation. Roman Catholic attempted to turn to some of the issues of concern. They tried to extinguish the church excesses that had been pinpointed by the reformists. When Pope Paul 3 took over the church was able to acquire the much needed leading. His purpose was to run into the challenges brought approximately by the Protestants. He approved some new orders which helped in some of the issues raised by the Protestants. This motion has been described as an activism which was keenly marked with evangelization of the new lands that had been discovered. particularly in America. Protestant Reformation wholly changed the affairs of religion. It awakened the sleeping giant which came to recognize that people can non be held in ransom for so long. It brought a new morning where people came to recognize that one does non necessitate to go through through any other individual to be able to speak to God. This revolution will ever be one of the sorts where humanity was redeemed from its ain ignorance.
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