Monday, June 10, 2019

Secure Computer System - Case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Secure Computer System - Studies - casing Study ExampleFire spying is very crucial therefore abscond detection appliances should detect the smallest indication of fire through sparks and temperature rise. Fire suppression equipment need to be installed and should suppress the fire without alter the server equipment. Water sprinklers are the most common fire suppression equipment. It would be better to consider other options like the use of deoxycytidine monophosphate dioxide fire extinguishers (Nash, 1997, pg 23). Heating, ventilating and air conditioning as well as climate control equipment should be kept separate from the rest of the room to avoid damaging the network equipment. I would not place the ventilation equipment overhead because it would risk the server. The switch for the equipment would be placed inside the room to prevent accidental switching. ripe power at the right quality should be regulated through the use of power protection equipment. By use of reliable powe r ply and surge protection equipment, the power will be kept at the desired quality. Power should be safe and reliable and should not fluctuate often. The set for the equipment should be adequate enough to allow for future expansion. ... Considerations for installing additional components and intrusion detection and prevention formation should be taken into consideration (Shirley, 2008, pg 34).Case Study Pg.432Case exercise header 1 page 432Based on the case study, what security awareness and training posters had an impact in this incident.Pg.432 Question 1In Amys incident, the following security awareness posters and training documents may have contributed to it posters requiring the immediate reporting of security problems, posters and documents requiring the practice of healthy computer security. instruction and security tips on posters and documents. Company security policy documents also contributed to this incident.The following topics may also have contributed to the inci dent, these arePassword usage and management this includes world of passwords, frequency of changing the password and methods used in protection. Security training plays a pivotal and important role in preventing attacks on computer system by viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other malicious code (Richardson, 2005, pg 2). More information that is needed in order to enhance information security is the creation of a policy poster indicatingimplications of noncompliance to information security implications of receiving unknown e-mail/attachments implications of people browsing certain prohibited websites during working hoursthose allowed to use the web go and those who are prohibited and also stipulating penalties for those found breaching these rules and regulationsData storage and backup data storage systems maybe centralized or decentralized. This information is placed on not only posters but also on, newsletters,

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