Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The after life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The after vitality history - Es assure ExampleThe pursual paper uses scholarly articles, e-books, and authoritative articles available online, to explain the concept of life after goal in the religion of Islam. It will also enlighten the reader about the factors that if performed in the world can lead to happier times in the life hereafter. many an(prenominal) people are scared to die perhaps because they are not aware of the fact that what will happen next. However, Islam is one religion that explains thoroughly as to what awaits an individual in life hereafter. It also lays down the principles that are of benefit in this life as well as the hereafter. Therefore, it is these principles or in the nonprofessional terms the deeds that will describe the quality of life beyond this tangible world. Nevertheless, before unfurling the concept of life after death it is important be familiar with the concept of Islam and its teachings in general. Islam As a Religion Islam is a religion based on the oneness of God named Allah and in the retrieve that Muhammad is his croak prophet. Muhammad was born in the Arab world which was back then lead an ignorant life. Rights were denied to females, female child was buried alive and there was law that could protect people. Thus, oracle Muhammad was sent as a mercy to the people of Arab and the entire humanity. It is believed that the prophet received revelations from God through angel Gibereal, the revelations were conserved on different mediums in the life of the prophet and after his demise the revelation were compiled in the form of a book which was called Quran. All the verses in the Quran are as authentic as they were revealed to the prophet Muhammad, i.e. not even a single word has been changed since then. The teachings of Islam stand erect on the five pillars and the 7 articles of faith that include the following Articles of Faith 1. Oneness of Allah (no one is worthy of worship except one God) 2. Predestination 3. In the angels of Allah 4. In the messengers of Allah (The Prophets) 5. In the day of Judgment 6. In life hereafter. Pillars of Islam 1. Witness (Islamic Creed) 2. 5 daily prayers 3. Fasting in the prescribed month 4. Alms giving (Zakat) 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj At least once in a life time) However, the Articles of Faith can be grouped in to three broader categories 1. Oneness of Allah 2. Prophet hood 3. The day of judgment A Muslim is required to believe in the above-mentioned categories. It is the category i.e. the Day of Judgment that sheds light upon the life after death. The evidence in the Holy book of Muslims, the Quran provides evidence in the following verse Did you not think that We had created you in play and that you would not be brought back to us? (Quran, chapter number 23, Verse number 115). And those who disbelieve say when we have become dust we and our fathers, shall we really be brought forth again? (Quran chapter number 27, Verse Number 67) The above-mention ed verses make it incumbent upon the Muslims to believe in life after death. In addition, in the Holy Quran Allah has promised a glorious life that will be for the believers alone. Moreover, it will be a get for those believers who spent their life in remembrance of God, fearing him, and following the teachings of his beloved prophet Muhammad who is also considered the seal of prophets (Egan 10-11). The

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